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    Lesson 7,Too late,Its never too late to learn 活到老,学到老,Its too late!,复习检查,翻译下列短语:1、向某人索要某物2、作为报答3、倒立4、拜访、光顾(某地)5、一块奶酪6、打昏某人,ask sb.for sth.,in return for this,stand on ones head,call at,a piece of cheese,knock out,Dream,New words and expressions,detective ditektiv n.airport p:t n.expect ikspektv.valuable vljubl adj.parcel p:sl n.diamond daimnd n.steal sti:l v.main meinadj.airfield fi:ld n.guard:d n.precious pres adj.stone stun n.sand snd n.,侦探机场期待,等待贵重的包裹钻石偷主要的飞机起落的场地警戒,守卫珍贵的石子沙子,detective n.侦探airport n.机场expect v.期待,等待valuable adj.贵重的parcel n.包裹diamond n.钻石steal v.偷main adj.主要的airfield n.飞机起落的场地guard n.警戒,守卫precious adj.珍贵的stone n.石子sand n.沙子,Listen to the radio and answer the questions,1.How long were detectives waiting at the airport?They were waiting at the airport all morning.2.What were they expecting from South Africa?They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.,3.Where did two men take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.4.What was the parcel full of?The precious parcel was full of stones and sand!,Guess?+=Sherlock Holmes夏洛克福尔摩斯detective侦探,detective n.侦探Eg.当我还是小女孩的时候,我就梦想成为一名侦探.When I was a little girl,I dreamt to be a detective.侦探小说 detective story侦探小说家:阿瑟柯南道尔:Arthur Conan Doyle a private detective私家侦探拓:detect v.侦查、探测,Who is he?,柯南!,He is a detective.,He is a famous detective.,He is Henry Chang-Yu Lee.,airport n.机场 port 港口;固短:at the airport 在机场airfield n.飞机起落的场地,停机坪field 田野;固短:on the airfield 在停机坪上,n.机场,airport,n.飞机起落的场地,airfield,(在路上)You must check-in(办理登记手续)at least one hour before.,(机场内)登机第一步:check-inID card身份证 boarding card登机牌,(机场内)登机第二步:security安检the Customs House海关,(机场内)登机第三步:departure lounge候机室departure gate登机口,(飞机上)注意事项:mobile phonelap-top,(飞机上)也有令人愉悦的:可以享用的饮料和飞机餐:water,tea,coffeecoke,orange juice,Spriterice or noodlepork,beef,chicken or fish,(下飞机后)luggage claim行李领取处,expect v.期待,等待 vt.&vi.预计,预料Eg.正如Jim的老师预料的那样,他数学考试没及格。Jim failed in mathematics,as his teacher expected.,vt.盼望,期待,等待(心理上的等待)expect表示的等待一般暗含根据某些信息或规律而作出相应反应的意思。wait for主要表示“等待”这个动作本身。固短:expect sth.Eg.我期待(等着)吉米的来信 I expect a letter from Jimmy.固短:expect sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事我期待妈妈回来早点。I expect my mother to come back early.固短:wait for sth./sb.动作上的等待我在等我妈妈I am waiting for my mother.,vt.认为,猜想(一般用于口语)固短:expect(that)Eg.我想你已经听到这个消息了 I expect youve heard the news.我希望如此口语 I think so.I expect so.4)adj.expectable,precious adj.珍贵的(带有一定感情色彩,一般不用金钱衡量的)Eg.宝贵的爱情 precious love 珍贵的话 precious words 你在浪费珍贵的时间 Youre wasting precious time!固短:宝石 precious stone,valuable adj.贵重的Eg.贵重的珠宝 valuable jewels 有价值的信息。valuable information反:valueless(less为形容词后缀)不值钱的worthless 无价值的(无用,不用金钱衡量的)Eg.a worthless action 毫无价值的行动Priceless 无价的,价值连城的Eg.a priceless painting,Eg.钻石是很有价值的。The diamond is valuable.The diamond has great value.,diamond n.钻石钻石戒指/项链diamond ring/necklace,precious stone 宝石,crystal 水晶,jade 玉,翡翠,拓展:你了解结婚周年纪念日的英文表达吗?钻石婚(60/75年)diamond wedding金婚(50年)golden wedding银婚(25年)silver wedding纸婚(1年)paper wedding,steal(stole,stolen)vt.&vi.偷盗,行窃宾语是物,用steal;宾语是人或跟地点相连,用rob(抢劫)Eg.我的钱包被偷了 My wallet was stolen.(from swh)rob sb.抢(某人)of sthEg.我被抢了 I was robbed.,vt.巧妙地占用,偷偷地弄到手Eg.他已赢得玛丽的芳心。He has stolen Marys heart.,拓:警察抓小偷。Police catches thieves.,thiefthieves,格言:Once a thief,always a thief.江山易改,本性难移。,One thief will not rob another.盗亦有道。,guard n.警戒,守卫life guard 救生员body guard 保镖keep guard守卫securitysikjuriti guard 保安prison guard 看守stand guard 站岗,放哨,Parcel(包裹),bag(袋子),packet(小包),bar,a _ of _a bag of rice一袋大米 a parcel of diamonds一包钻石 a packet of crisps一小包薯片 a bar of chocolates,a chocolate一条巧克力,Stone(可),Sand(不可),这是一座石头建筑物。This is a stone building.拓:Sands 沙漠 Woods 树林,林地 Papers 证件,考卷 Works 作品,课文讲解,The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!,The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.,all 一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词短语all day,all night,all week,all winter,all year但不说all hour。固短:一直all the time,late,later,latter,latest,lately的区别及用法1late adj.&adv.迟,迟的,晚的,晚期,他上学从不迟到。He is never late for school.火车晚点十分钟。The train was 10 minutes late.改过不为晚。Its never too late to mend.迟做总比不做好。(Its)Better late than never.,请记住以下几种搭配:in the late afternoon 傍晚,在下午较晚的时候 in the late 1990s/1990s 在二十世纪九十年代末 work late 工作至深夜 late in autumn 深秋,另外,late 用作形容词还可用来表示“已故的,去世不久的;前任的,不久前卸任的”。如:the late government 前任(上一届)政府,2.later adj.&adv.为late比较级,意指较迟,较晚一些。如:two hours later,the ship sank.两小时后,轮船沉没了。See you later!再见!要记住以下几个固定搭配:sooner or later 迟早(early or late)no later than不迟于 later on以后,后来,这个问题迟早会得到解决。The problem will be solved sooner or later.让我们以后再讨论这个问题吧。Lets discuss the question later on.他最迟不过晚上十点赶到。He is going to arrive at no later than 10 p.m.,3latter adj.(两者中)后者的,后者 反义词是former,(两者中)前者。注意,不要把latter与late的比较级later混淆。如:Of the two the latter is far better than the former.两者中后者远比前者好。Ofthetwochoices,Ipreferthelatter在这两个选择中,我更喜欢后者。,4latest adj.&adv.为late的最高级。“最新、最近或最迟”。如:他的外套是最新款式。Hiscoatisthelateststyle,5lately adv.(=recently)最近,近来,通常用于现在完成时态,如:最近我没给她写信。IhaventwrittentoherlatelyHave you seen him lately?你最近见到过他吗?,They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.,South Africa 南非,The map of the world,North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Australia,the Arctic,北极地区,the Antarctic,Africa(非洲),Asia(亚洲),Singapore,China,India(印度),Russia,North America(北美洲),America,Canada,Australia(大洋洲),Australia,New Zealand,Europe(欧洲),Russia,Italy,France,Germany,Britain,Seven Continents,North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaAfricaAustraliaAntarctica,North America,North America is cold in the north and warm in the southPeople in North America came here from many other continentsThe USA,Mexico,and Canada are the three biggest countries in North America,South America,South America is a warm continentPeople there speak mostly SpanishThe biggest country is Brazil,where people love to play soccerThe Amazon rainforest is in South America,Europe,There are 47 countries in EuropePeople in Europe speak over 50 languages!The weather in Europe is similar to North America cold in the north and warm in the south,Asia,Asia is the biggest continent,and it has the most people it is very crowded in some parts of Asia!China is one very big country in AsiaGiant Pandas live in China and eat bambooA cool place to visit in Asia is the Great Wall of China it is the largest structure ever built by man,Africa,Africa is a very hot continent because the equator runs through the middle of itLions live in AfricaMost people in Africa have dark skin and hairThe Egyptian pyramids are in Africa,Australia,Australia is an island continentOther people in Australia are related to criminals sent from Europe long agoKangaroos,koalas,and platypuses live in AustraliaThe Great Barrier Reef is in Australia,Antarctica,Antarctica is the coldest continentNo people live in Antarctica,but some scientists visit to study the weather or animals thereMany kinds of penguins live in Antarctica,What have you learned?Get ready to take a quiz!,1.How many continents are there?,FourSixEightSeven,2.What continent do we live on?,South AmericaNorth AmericaAfricaUSA,3.Which is the largest continent?,North AmericaAustraliaChinaAsia,4.Which continent would you visit if you wanted to see the Amazon rainforest?,AsiaSouth AmericaAfricaAntarctica,5.Why are there no people living in Antarctica?,It is too hotIt is too far awayIt is too coldIt is a boring place,6.How much of the earth is covered in water?,Half Less than halfNoneMore than half,7.Why are there so many different languages spoken in Europe?,People there dont like each otherThere are almost 50 countries and many have their own languageEveryone there speaks EnglishPeople in Europe learn to speak Spanish in school,8.Which of these animals comes from Australia?,KangarooBuffaloLionPenguin,9.What are the three biggest countries in North America?,Canada,China,USACanada,Mexico,USAUSA,Spain,ChinaAsia,North America,Africa,10.Why is Africa the hottest continent?,It is near FloridaIt is coldThe equator goes through itThe continent is on fire,Great job!,非洲,北极,亚洲,欧洲,南美洲,南极洲,北美洲,A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.,1.几个小时以前a few hours earlier=a few hours before=a few hours ago2.would+do 过去将来时站在过去看未来,When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.,代词others常常和some连用,表示“有些(人),也有些(人)”或“有的,其余的”一些学生很努力,其他学生不努力。Some students are very hard-working,others are not.others=other+名词复数,main adj.主要的主要建筑main building主要街道main street注意:main不能与人连用,Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.,固短:take sth.off=take sth.away from帮我取下这个把手。Help me to take this handle off脱掉外衣坐下吧。Take your coat off and sit down,take off常用的三个意思:1)(上文)拿出来2)He took off his clothes.脱掉3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m.起飞,While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.,To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!,固短:to ones surprise 让某人惊讶的是 eg让我惊讶的是,老师竟然迟到了To my surprise,the teacher was late.to ones excitement 令某人兴奋的是让我们兴奋的是,我们队赢了。To our excitement,our team wins.,固短:be full of.装满我的包里装满了书My bag was full of books.杯里装满了水The cup is full of water.拓:be filled with,Check yourself,The plane was late and _were waiting at the _all morning.They were expecting a _ _of _ from South Africa.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that _would try to _the diamonds.When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.,detectives,airport,valuable parcel,diamonds,thieves,steal,Two men _the parcel_ the plane and carried it into the Custom House.While two detectives were _ _at the door,two others opened the parcel._ _ _,the _parcel _ _ _stones and sand!,took,off,keeping guard,To their surprise,precious,was full of,arrived,Main building,when,and,while,and,while,Two others,that,The past continuous tense,过去进行时,What is the boy doing?,He is sleeping.,现在进行时:,is/are/am+doing,They were answering the questions.,What were they doing?,It was getting darker.The rain was beating on the windows.The wind was rising.A wood fire was burning on the hearth,and a cat was sleeping in front of it.A girl was playing the piano and was singing softly to herself.Suddenly there was a knock on the door,现在,将来,过去,(一)过去进行时 的构成:,动词,was/were现在分词,1.昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。,I was doing my homework at that time yesterday.,2.昨晚我一直在看电视。,I watched TV last night.,1.过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作。,过去某一时刻,过去某一阶段内,(二):过去进行时的用法:,I was watching TV last night.,强调过程,强调过去的事实,I was reading a book at 5 p.m.yesterday.What were they doing just now?My mother was washing clothes at 9 last night.What was he researching all day last Sunday?,Mary read now.,(at this time yesterday),Mary read at this time yesterday.,is,was,ing,ing,(at four yesterday afternoon),They play football now.,are,ing,They play football at four yesterday afternoon.,were,ing,What was the bird doing when you saw it?,It was singing when I saw it.,S1:What were you doing while Li Jie was getting ready to go out?S2:I was sleeping while Li Jie was getting ready to go out.,用法二:表示在过去的某个时间,前后两个动作是同时进行的。,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时,Practice,用法三:描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle.It was raining when they left the station.,短,短,长,长,过去进行时常与when,while连用,意思是当之时。while后面一般跟延续性动词,常用进行时;When后面既可跟延续性动词,也可跟瞬间动词,常用过去式。,the uses:was/were+doing+过去某一具体时刻过去进行时+while+过去进行时 过去进行时+when+一般过去时一般过去时+when/while+过去进行时,I was walking past the car when it exploded.The car exploded when I was walking past it.The car exploded while I was walking past it.不能说I was walking past the car while it exploded.,注意:这些句子中的主从句位置是可以变化的。如果从句放在后面,则不需要用逗号隔开。I was driving when my car broke down.,用法四:如果表示两个短动作或事件同时发生,常用as或just as,也可用when。,Just as he catching the ball,there was a tearing sound 当他抓住球的时候,有一种撕裂的声音。,用法5:过去进行时常与always连用,表示埋怨,责怪,表扬,喜爱等感情色彩。如:My father was always smoking when he was young.,(三)与过去进行时连用的时间状语有:,1.at this(that)time+过去时间2.at ten oclock+过去时间3.from 6 to 9+过去时间4.those days 5.由when和while和(as)引导的一般过去时的句子,填入以下单词的正确形式。1 It was warm,so I _(take)off my coat.2 Jane _(wait)for me when I _(arrive).3 Sue wasnt hungry,so she _(eat)anything.4 My brother came into the bedroom while I _(dance).5 _ he _(lie)on the ground at nine yesterday evening?,took,was waiting,arrived,ate,was dancing,Was lying,Exercise:,6 What _ Jim _(write)when the teacher came in?7 Mike and I _(play)basketball at that time yesterday afternoon.8 My brother _(fall)while he _(ride)his bicycle and hurt himself.9 I first met Lisa three years ago.She _(work)at a radio shop at the time.10.When I arrived at his office,he _ on the phone.(speak),was writing,were playing,fell,was riding,was speaking,Exercise:,was working,根据汉语提示完成句子。1 他们那时不在打排球。They _ _ volleyball at that time.2 当你回来时,他在看电视吗?_ he _ TV when you came back?3 昨天中午他在哪里等你?_ _ he _ for you at noon yesterday?4 当我离开时,他正在做家庭作业。He _ _ his homework when I left.5 正当他们扫地的时候,老师进来了。While they_ _ the floor,the teacher came in.,were playing,Was watching,Where was waiting,was doing,were sweeping,Exercise:,(1)I _ a shower at that time.A.haveB.had C.am having D.was having(2)As she _ the newspaper,Granny _ asleep.A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell(3)Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger.A.made B.is making C.was making D.makes,Exercises,D,B,C,Exercise,I.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.We _(play)football when it began to rain heavily.2.You should tell what you _(do)at eight yesterday.3.They _(talk)loudly when the teacher came in.4.Last night we _(do)our lessons,when the light suddenly _(go)out.,was playing,were doing,were talking,were doing,went,II.完成句子。1.昨晚我在看电视,我的父亲在看书。Last night I _ _ TV while my dad _ _ a book.2.我们正在下棋,突然电话响了。We _ _ chess _ the phone _.,was,reading,was,watching,playing,was,rang,when,过去进行时与一般过去时的区别,过去进行时表示的动作在过去某个时间正在进行,可能完成,也可能没完成。,一般过去时表示动作或状态已经结束。,Mary _ a letter last night.玛丽昨晚整晚都在写信。Mary _ a letter last night.玛丽昨晚写了封信。,was writing,wrote,Exercises,1.He _(not work)at that time.2.When the teacher _(come)in,they _(talk)loudly.3.What _ you _(read)last night?,wasnt working,came,were talking,were reading,did read,4.His mother _(return)while he _(do)his homework.5.My father _(watch)TV while my mother _(cook).,returned,was doing,was watching,was cooking,用动词的适当形式填空(一般现在时、过去时、将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时)1.She _(do)her homework this time yesterday.2.The teacher _(help)his students with their lessons now.3.He _(make)progress every day.4.She _(rea


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