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    新概念第一册69 70课ppt课件.pptx

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    新概念第一册69 70课ppt课件.pptx

    Lesson 69,The car race,本课内容,单词学习用介词at和in的时间短语课文讲解练习日常用语口语练习作业,单词学习,year n.年race n.比赛(强调竞技性强、激烈的)town n.城填crowd n.人群stand v.站立exciting adj.使人激动的just adv.正好,恰好finish n.结尾,结束winner n.获胜者behind prep.在之后way n.路途(抽象),race n.&v.比赛a car race 赛车win/lose a race 跑赢/输run a race with/against 跟赛a race for a train 赶火车a race against time 与时间赛跑His race is nearly run.他的寿命将尽,town 城镇,市区 我喜欢都市甚于乡下 I prefer the town to the country.in town 在城里out of town 下乡,到乡下come to town 进城 妈妈去城里买东西了。Mother has gone to town to do some shopping.,crowd n.人群;v.挤上去in the crowd 在人群中 你能在人群中看到我们。You can see us in the crowd.crowd into 拥护,挤进 get on the bus 上公共汽车 crowd into the bus 挤公共汽车 我每天早上七点起床,然后要挤公交车。I get up at 7 oclock every morning.Then I crowd into the bus.,Stand v.站立,矗立,站住 火车上非常拥挤,我不得不一路站到伦敦 The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to London.没有座位,所以他们只好站着。They stood because there were no seats.这里曾经有一棵大树。A tall tree once stood here.The chair will not stand on three legs.三条腿的椅子站不住。,exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的(修饰物)excited 兴奋的,激动的(修饰人)他听到那激动人心的消息很激动 He was excited to hear the exciting news.类似的单词还有:Interesting,interested我对那本有趣的书很感兴趣。Im interested in that interesting book.,finish n.结束;最后阶段(或部分)an exciting finish比赛的结尾非常令人激动。The finish of the race was very exciting.v.完成finish sth/doing sth.你吃完早饭了吗?Have you finished your breakfast?我上周读完了那本书 I finished reading that book last week.,winner n.获胜者 win v.获胜,赢得 behind prep.在之后 in front of 在之前 我把雨伞放在了门后面。I put the umbrella behind the door.他家门口有一棵树。There stands a tree in front of his home.,way n.路途(抽象)on ones/the way home/to schoolroad:路,城市与乡间的路,国道,指具体的路 3 ring road 三环路street:街道path:路径,林间小路route:路线highway:高速路By the way=BTW 顺便说一下This way,please!请这边走in this way 用这种方法,用介词at和in的时间短语,1、用介词at的时间短语通常表示:确切的时间(at 10 oclock)用餐时间(at lunchtime)其他时刻(at noon/night)节日(at Spring Festival【没有day的】)年龄(at the age of 27)介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前。at the butchers;at the office,2、用介词in的时间短语:一天中的某段时间(in the evening)月份(in March)年份(in 1997)季节(in spring)世纪(in the 20th century)节日(in Easter week【时间长的】)时期(in the holidays),总结,【in】是“大姐”,因为后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。【on】是“二姐”,后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体时间、纪念日等)。【at】是“小妹”,因为接在后面的时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。,课文讲解,1、hundreds of 数以百计的 用来表示不确定的数量。类似的结构还有:thousands of 数以千计的 millions of 数以百万计的当表示具体的数字的时候hundred用单数:我有235本书。I have two hundred and thirty five books.,2、at the race 在赛场上 in the race 在比赛中3、on the way home,在回家的途中 on the way to 在的途中4、car number fifteen,第15号车。在表示编了号的东西时,可以用基数词表示顺序:Bus No.332 第332路公共汽车Question 10 第10个问题,练习,回答以下问题:1.In which year did the big race happen?2.How many people were at the race?3.Where are they in the picture?4.Who is the winner?5.How many cars were behind the winner?6.What did the writers wife say to him?做70课书面练习A,日常用语表扬,(一)典型句型Youve done a great job!=Well done/good job!=Youre doing great!你做的太棒了!*Your work has been pretty good,but I think you can do it better.,2.Im very satisfied with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。*be satisfied with sth 对满意3.Thank you so much for the efforts youve put into this project.=Thank you so much for the efforts to this project.非常感谢你对这个项目付出的努力。*Thank you for your hard work.Thank you for working overtime to finish the job*thank sb for sth 因为表示感谢 put effort into 为付出努力,4.Keep up the good work!=Keep going!继续好好干!*Just a little harder.=You can do it better.=Give it your best.再加把劲。5.The only thing I want to say is“Thank you”.Id also like to thank you for your kind help.6.I wont let you down.*let sb down 让某人失望,7.The boss thinks highly of Jim.老板对Jim评价很高。8.Youre a go-getter.你很有才干。,(二)典型对话,A:Tom,youve done a great job!B:Thanks for your praise.Ill keep going.A:Maybe Ill let you get a raise.B:Thats great!*praise 表扬 get a raise 加薪,A:I finished the plan.Did you get a chance to review it?B:Ive already reviewed it.Im satisfied with your work.A:Since it was my first plan,I was wondering if I can get some feedback.B:Well,you finished it on time.And seeing how it was your first plan,you did very well.A:Thanks.Ill work harder.*get a chance to do sth 有机会做某事 review 检查 feedback 反馈 seeing how 考虑到,A:Tom,we finished the quota ahead of schedule this year.Thank you so much for your efforts.B:Its the result of out hard work together.A:Keep up the good work!B:I wont let you down.*quota 指标 ahead of schedule/time in advance 提前,A:Did you hear that?B:What?A:The boss is very bullish on Jim and thinks highly of him.B:He did really well.A:It seems we need to keep going.B:Youre right.*Be bullish on sb 看好,口语练习,作业,背诵专业词汇表第五页中的所有单词,并使用其中的一些词汇造10个句子,每个句子不得少于5个单词。背诵本课课文,以及日常用语中的所有例句。两人一组,根据日常用语的例句,进行练习,并模拟场景,下一堂课进行表演,要求与工作有关,并脱稿。,


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