Warm-up,Parents love is everywhere,even among animals,so we should learn to understand our parents.父母对我们的爱无处不在,即使在动物界。所以说我们应该学会理解的父母。,lettuce,cabbage,potato,tomato,either,truth,tell,chicken,mince,steak,peach,lamb,reaction,beef,meat,butcher,lettuce,pea,bean,pear,grape,Lets review:,1.西红柿 2.土豆 3.卷心菜,4.莴苣 5.豌豆 6.豆角,7.梨 8.葡萄 9.桃,Lets review:,1.卖肉的 2.肉 3.肉馅,4.牛肉5.鸡 6.告诉,7.羔羊肉 8.实情9.丈夫10.牛排11.也(否定句),BUTCHER:Do you want any meat today,Mrs.Bird?MRS.BIRD:Yes,please.BUTCHER:Do you want beef or lamb?MRS.BIRD:Beef,please.BUTCHER:This lambs very good.MRS.BIRD:I like lamb,but my husband doesnt.BUTCHER:What about some steak?This is a nice piece.MRS.BIRD:Give me that piece,please.MRS.BIRD:And a pound of mince,too.BUTCHER:Do you want a chicken,Mrs.Bird?They re very nice.MRS.BIRD:No,thank you.MRS.BIRD:My husband likes steak,but he doesnt like chicken.BUTCHER:To tell you the truth,Mrs.Bird,I dont like chicken either!,1/13/2023,Lucky or unlucky?,your turn,Your turn,Your turn,lucky,Lucky you,Lucky,Your turn,Your turn,your turn,Translate some sentences,你要买点肉吗?你想要牛肉还是羔羊肉?你要买只鸡吗?我丈夫喜欢牛排,但他不喜欢鸡。跟你说句实话吧,我也不喜欢鸡肉。,Lesson 51,A Pleasant Climate,New Concept English,rain雨;下雨,Hows the weather?/,Its rainy./Its raining.,Whats the weather like?,sun太阳,Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?,Its sunny.,cloud云,Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?,Its cloudy.,Snow雪;下雪,Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?,Its snowy./Its snowing.,wind风,Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?,Its windy.,Its foggy.,fog雾,Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?,cloudy,raining,snowing,windy,sunny,A:Hows the weather?,Whats the weather like?,B:Its,1,2,3,4,5,Listen to the tape and answer these questions:,1.Where and what do they talk about?2.How many months are there in spring?What are they?,I _ Greece.Whats _like in your country?Its very _.,come from,the climate,pleasant,springIts often windy in _.Its always warm in _ and _,but it rains sometimes.,March,April,May,summerIts always hot in _,_and_.The sun shines every day.,June,July,August,autumnIts always warm in _ and _.Its often cold in _ and it rains sometimes.,September,October,November,winterIts often cold in_,_and _.It snows sometimes.,December,January,February,汉 斯:你是哪国人?迪米特里:我是希腊人。汉 斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样?迪米特里:气候非常宜人。汉 斯:春季的天气怎么样?迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。汉 斯:夏季的天气如何呢?迪米特里:6月、7月和8月的天气总是炎热的 每天都出太阳。汉 斯:秋季的天气是冷还是暖呢?迪米特里:9月和10月总是很暖和,11月常常就冷了,而且有时下雨。汉 斯:冬季的天气很冷吗?迪米特里:12月、1月和2月常常很冷,有时还下雪。,windywarmrain sometimes,hotshine every day,warmcoldrain sometimes,coldsnow sometimes,MarchApril May,June July August,September OctomberNovember,December JanuaryFebruary,语,法,热,身,1.客观事实或真理,2.对现在事实的描述,4.经常、习惯、反复做的事,I am Dora.The moon goes round the earth.,He is a student.You study at Best Education school.,I wash the dishes every day.You sometimes take a bus home.They usually have lunch at 11:30.She often helps others.He always gets up early.Nick visits museums at weekends.She is often late for school.,一般现在时的三种用法,3.主语所具备的能力。He can swim.I can speak English.,:一般现在时,表示经常、反复、习惯性的状态或者动作时,常与always,(总是)usually,(通常)often,(经常)sometimes,(有时候)seldom(很少)never(从不)every day(每天)等连用。,Present simple tense,1.我们每天都喝牛奶。2.我们总在下午上英语课。,Every day we drink milk.,We always have English classes in the afternoon.,3.她通常下课后打篮球。,She usually plays basketball after school.,4.他经常坐公共汽车上学。,He often goes to school by bus.,5.我们有时做家务活。,Sometimes we do housework.,7.她很少9点以后吃晚饭。,She seldom has supper after 9:00pm.,8.他上学从不迟到。,He is never late for school.,频率副词位于:be动词之后,实义动词之前。sometimes 除外,可位于句首、句中或句末。1.我经常跟我的朋友Mike去看电影。I often go to movies with my friend,Mike.2.这个男孩通常骑自行车去上学。The boy usually goes to school by bike.3.那个老人总是在晚饭以后散步。The old man always takes a walk after supper.,Lesson 52 What nationality are they?Where do they come from?,Teachers Day Womens Day Thanksgiving Day National Day Labors Day April Fools Day Christmas Day New Years Festival Childrens Day,September,March,November,October,May,April,December,January,June,Homework,1.听录音30分钟并跟读,3次一周。2.51课单词、笔记5+1+2,并背诵。3.背诵课文。4.做完练习册。,It is hard to please all.众口难调.,