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    状语从句 Adverbial Clause,什么是状语?,He speaks English very well.,You are very beautiful.,(动词),(形容词),(程度副词),主语,谓语,宾语,状语,I usually go to school by bike(方式状语)every day.(时间状语),用来修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分,叫做状语。adverbial modifier(adv.)用作状语的通常是副词,介词短语,不定式和从句等。,状语从句?,在复合句中表示的状语修饰主句中的谓语动词,形容词或副词等的从句叫状语从句。,状语从句 分类,1时间状语从句,9结果状语从句,6让步状语从句,8方式状语从句,7比较状语从句,2地点状语从句,3原因状语从句,4条件状语从句,5目的状语从句,When“当的时候”既可指时间段,也可指时间点 从句中既可用延续性动词,又可用非 延续性动词(终止性动词)动作既可和主句的动作同时发生,又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生,When while as,当他回到家的时候,我正在做饭,When he came home,I was cooking dinner.,I will call you when I get there.,我到了那边就给你打电话。,温馨提示,While“当的时候”只能表示一段时间引导的从句只能是延续性动词只能与主句中的谓语动词同时发生或存在。,注意:主句的动作发生在从句动作的进行过程中,主句的谓语动词通常是非延续性动词。,I met her while I was at school.,翻一翻,当Tom 正在看电视的时候,他妻子正在做饭。,While Tom was watching TV,his wife was cooking.,时间状语从句说明动作或状态发生、存在的时间。,时间状语从句可以由以下连词或词组引导,时间状语从句,1.I went to bed after the TV play was over.2.Could you look after her while were away?3.She has taught in this school since she came to this city in 1989.4.Wait until I come back.,原因状语从句,思考:引导原因状语从句的词都有哪些?,因为(3个),becausesinceas,原因状语从句,1.He sold the car because it was too small.2.Since you wont help me,I must do the job myself.3.As my mother is away at this moment,I have to look after my younger sister.,原因状语从句,注意:(1)for不用于句首,而用于主句之后,补充说明理由;主句表推测时,用for说明原因。例如:Ill follow his advice,for he is a doctor.我会听从他的劝告,因为他是医生。(2)because of也是表示原因状语,但后面只能跟短语。例如:I stayed at home because of the bad weather.因为天气不好我留在家里。,条件状语从句,思考:引导条件状语从句的词都有哪些?,如果除非只要,ifunlessas long as,条件状语从句,1.I shall go if he asks me.2.I shant go unless he asks me.3.Come with me if you have time.4.I want to watch a basketball match if Im well tonight.,条件状语从句,注意(1)在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如:Ill help you with your English if am free tomorrow.He wont be late unless he is ill.(2)“祈使句+and(or)+陈述句”在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。例如:Hurry up,or youll be late.=If you dont hurry up,youll be late.Study hard and you will pass the exam.=If you study hard,you will pass the exam.,练一练,1 We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.A.when B.while C.until D.before,“当我们正在湖里游泳的时候突然暴风雨开始了”,表示主句的动作处于从句的动作突然发生时应采用when(while不适合用于这样的语境),when表示“当的时候”受限制条件最少。,近几年试题1.-Its 9 oclock now.I must go.-Its raining outside.Dont leave _ it stops.A.when B.since C.while D.until2.Frank _ a film if hes free next Saturday.A.see B.saw C.has seen D.will see3.The children will climb the hill if it _ tomorrow.A.wont rain B.didnt rain C.doesnt rain D.isnt raining,D,D,C,连词,时态(状语从句),时态(状语从句),分析试题特点及做题思路:,题形(1)选择题:,考连词-做题思路:考时态-做题思路:,翻译-判断关系-选择正确的连词,翻译-判断语境提供的时态特点-选择正确的时态,练习:1.Ill write to you _ I get there.A.while B.before C.as soon as D.by2.He has lived in the city _ he came back from America.A.when B.before C.since D.after3.We wont leave here _ our teacher comes back.A.until B.since C.after D.as soon as4.I had to finish the picture _ my mother came back.A.until B.before C.after D.while5.John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music.A.after B.before C.while D.as soon as,中考题型,时间状语从句,Youll be late _ you dont get up early tomorrow morning.A.if B.when C.before D.untilIf he _ on time,we will go without himA.doesnt come B.dont comeC.didnt comeIf you _ him tomorrow,please ask him if he _ to work on the farm with us.A.see;goes B.will see;goes C.will see;will go D.see;will go,中考题型,总结:条件状语从句考的频率比较高,主要考查if 连词和if引导的从句与主句的时态(主将从现),条件状语从句,如果,是否,1.I didnt buy the dictionary yesterday _ my aunt would give me one.A.until B.because C.if D before2.-Why did you come to school late this morning?-_ I watched the football World Cup until 12 oclock last night.A.If B.Because C.Since D.Though,中考题型,总结:重点掌握because 的用法(注:because 和so 不能同时用在一个句子中),原因状语从句,根据中文意思完成句子,中考题型,完成句子题做题思路:,确定正确句型或连词 运用正确的时态 找出关键词汇,I will give the ticket to him _(我一见到他)The foreign friends have visited a lot of cities _(自从他们到中国以来)Mr Green wont go _.(直到你回来)I could ride a bike _.(当我10岁时)I began to do some drawing _(我完成作业后)He has to send his daughter to school _(他上班之前),as soon as I see him,since they came to China,until you come back,when I was 10 years old,after I finished my homework,before he goes to work,You wont be able to pass the exam _(如果你不努力)The students stopped making noises _(他们一看见他们 的老师),if you dont work hard,as soon as they saw their teacher,1.他一到家,我就告诉他这件事。I will tell him about it _2.我喜欢吃苹果,因为这对我的健康有好处。I like to eat apples _3.他和汤姆跑的一样快。He _ Tom.4.Jack太穷,他买不起这本书。_ couldnt buy the book.5.直到爸爸回来他才读完这本书。_ his father came back.,根据中文完成句子,He didnt finish reading the book until,because its good for my health.,runs as fast as,Jack was so poor that he,as soon as he gets home.,Strike while the iron is hot.,A friend is never known till a man has need.,趁热打铁,All things are difficult before they are ready.,万事开头难,需要之时方知友,我猜,我猜猜猜,作业:整理笔记并背熟,


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