让深度学习在初中英语阅读教学中落地生根-以多维阅读14级 BossycousinKate为例,高青县第四中学 崔学莲,从改变开始,让深度学习在初中英语阅读教学中落地生根,走进“书”中,体验“读”的乐趣,所谓深度学习:是指在理解学习的基础上,学习者能够批判的学习新的思想和事实,并把它们融入原有的认知结构中,能在众多思想中进行联系,并能将已有的知识迁移到新的情景中去,并作出决策和解决问题的学习。,深度学习的特点:1.深度学习意味着理解和批判;2.深度学习意味着联系与构建;3.深度学习意味着迁移与应用;,初三阶段,课外泛读,提高阅读量课内点拨,培养评判、迁移能力学会梳理,积累写作素材,中考阅读理解测试一直以来都是毕业考试试卷中的重头戏,尽管试卷的题型不同但试卷中对知识的考查都是以一篇篇体裁丰富内容新颖的篇章为载体的,读不懂就会寸步难行,读得慢就会前功尽弃。且近年来阅读篇数,篇幅的字数,题目难度都有所增加,这表明中考英语对阅读有了更高的要求,我们必须加大课外阅读来涉猎更多的阅读内容。课外阅读的好处:一、课外英语阅读可以让英文变得活泼有趣。二、课外英语阅读可以与课堂教学形成良好的互动。三、课外英语阅读可以增强学生的自信心。四、课外英语阅读可以培养自主学习的能力。五、课外英语阅读可以养成良好的读书习惯。,在汉语教学中,有无数引人入胜的华丽篇章吸引着我们。同样的道理,在浩瀚如海的英文读物中,也有许多伟大的文化瑰宝。他们题材不一有人物传记、环保、科普、旅游等等。体裁也很丰富有记叙文、说明文、议论文、散文也有诗歌、小说、戏剧。丰富的课外阅读不仅能够让大家的英语素养在不知不觉间得到充实与提高,更为我们打开了一扇了解英美风土人情的人文之窗。,有很强的时代性、实用性,内容丰富多彩,能通过报刊了解语言变化的日新月异,了解当今世界政治、经济、文化等各方动态。,故事短小精悍、语言地道。,故事多选自文学经典,虽只是简写本,但故事有着强烈的可读性和趣味性,中文的辅助使得理解上不会出现偏差。,图文并茂,创设情境,减小了坡度,降低了难度。,知识丰富,信息量大,彩色插图,栩栩如生,知识和内容由浅入深,知识结构具有体系性,文体丰富可以很好地培养文体知识。语言表达地道、丰富。故事性、情节性强,学生易于看懂,乐于阅读。故事贴近中学生的生活和喜好,能产生共鸣。,没有一套阅读材料是完美的,能够完全适合自己的学生。每种阅读材料都有自己的闪光点,当然也有自己的不足。想要让自己的学生更好地开展起阅读,我们英语教师必然是身先士卒的领路人。同时这也是一个长期探索实践的过程,我们需要引导学生深度学习,让深度学习在英语阅读中落地生根.,Bossy Cousin Kate,多维阅读第14级,Activity 1:Look at the picture and imagine,Who is Kate?What relations are they?Whats the meaning of“bossy”?,Know something about the story,Who can you see?Where are they?What are they doing?How are they feeling?Do you have any questions?,Activity 2:Read the book based on the questions,The beginning of the story),What do you know about Kate?,Do you like Kate?Why?,The cause:,Why did we have to do what she said?2.What did Kate ask us to do first?,3.If you were Kates cousin,would you do the thing?,Learn to refuse and learn to say no,As long as people dont lose their direction,they wont lose themselves人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自我,Because we wanted to play the game.,She asked us to rake the leaves up.,The development:,Finish the blanks,1、What do you think of Kates behavior(行为)?,2、Do you want to have a cousin like Kate,why or why not?,Think,Be friendly and warmly to others.,Treat people as you hope they will treat you.,你想让别人怎样对你,你就怎样对待别人。,The ending:,1.Did we finish the two events well?2.How did Kate feel when her mother came out?How did we feel?,3.How did Kates mother feel when she knew the whole things?4.How did the mother deal with the situation?,She was really cross.,She asked Kate to work for the computer game and gave it to Kates cousins to take home.,Do you agree with her mother?Why?,What will happen next?,No,we didnt.,1.If you are Kates friend,what would you say to Kate?2.Do you want to help Kate?How?,Think,Get ample food and clothing by working with our own hands.自己动手,丰衣足食.,No pains,no gains.不劳无获。,Labor is the most glorious.Labor is a kind of happiness,only the labor to create everything.劳动做光荣。劳动是一种幸福,只有劳动才能创造一切。,Activity4:Work in groups and share the story.(Each student may choose one of the pictures in the story.),Complete the mind-map of the story.,Activity 4:Read for detailed information,Before Kates mother got home,After Kates mother got home,1.Which words,phrases and good sentences do you learn from the story?2.What is the most important lesson you learned from the story?,Activity 3:Discuss and share.,Do your own thing and try your bestto help your parents.,Be civilized,warm-hearted,friendly and helpful.,May all youth be treated warmly!愿所有青春,都被温暖对待.,英语阅读 路漫漫其修远,让我们从现在开始,走进“书”中,体验“读”的乐趣.,Thank you!,