人教版pep 四年级英语第二单元复习ppt课件.pptx
,C,B,D,E,A,A,B,C,D,library,playground,This is the/my computer room.,That is the teachers office.,time时间,clock钟表,oclock 点钟,What time is it?现在是几点钟了?,Its seven.七点了。=Its seven oclock.,time,oclock,What time is it now?,Its oclock.,5,What time is it now?,Its oclock.,8,8:00,6:00,12:30,1:00,6:30,11:30,Its.,结束了,回家,School is over.,放学了,Class is over.,下课了,Game over.,游戏结束,孩子们,该回家了。,Read and guess the meanings of the underlined words.,说说划线部分的意思,Hi!School is over.Lets go to the playground.,OK.,What time is it now?,Its 5 oclock.,Time to go home,kids.,What time is it?,Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner.,Oh!Lets go.,School is over,What time,What time is it,for,Hi!放学了,让我们一起去操场吧!,OK.,现在几点钟了?,5点了,孩子们,改回家了,现在几点钟了?,6点钟了。该到时间吃晚饭了。,oh,走吧!,Hi!School is over.Lets go to the playground.,OK.,What time is it now?,Its 5 oclock.,Time to go home,kids.,What time is it?,Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner.,Oh!Lets go.,2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,Ex.,-_-Its 2 oclock.A.What time is it?B.What colour is it?2.Its 8 _.Its time for school.A.a.m.B.p.m.3.Its 10 p.m.Its time to _.A.go to bed B.get up,Call your friend who is an exchange student in another county.,你朋友作为交换生去国外上学了,你给Ta打个电话吧,点此超链接,Call your friend who is an exchange student in another county.,你朋友作为交换生去国外上学了,你给Ta打个电话吧,Where are you?,What time is it there?,Its time to.,/for,Its time for breakfast.,breakfast,7:00,Its time for lunch.,lunch,Its time for dinner.,dinner,Its time for English class.,English class,9:00,Its time for music class.,music class,2:00,Its time for PE class.,PE class,3:00,-ir,-ur,girl,bird,nurse,hamburger,Lets spell:-ir:girl、bird、dirt(污垢)、birth(出世)、first、third、shirt、skirt、thirty、sir(先生)-ur:nurse、hamburger、hurt purple、turn、turkey(火鸡),1,3,2,4,A,B,C,D,C,b,d,A,D,e,E,a,B,c,1,3,2,4,5,6,6:00,A,D,C,B,E,1,3,2,4,5,6,ir,ir,ur,ur,ir,ir,er,er,ur,er,Homework,完成一起作业(会有15,16页单词的听写,请先复习好了再去完成)Bye,PEP 四下英语第二单元What time is it?第一课时重点,1.school is over.放学啦!over 是结束的意思2.问时间:What time is it?=Whats the time?简短回答:回答数字加oclock,例如6 oclock标准回答:Its+数字+oclock,例如Its 6 oclock3.Time to go home 该回家咯。4.Its time for dinner.该到时间吃晚餐了。补充该到时间做什么了有两种表达方式:Its time for something.=Its time to do something.举例:Its time for dinner./Its time to eat dinner.,认识几个城市,London 伦敦,英国首都Cario 开罗,埃及首都Sydney 悉尼,澳大利亚的著名城市New York 纽约,美国著名城市Brasilia 巴西利亚,巴西首都,_ get up_ go to school_ go home_ go to bed,Mikes day,Its _.Its time to _.,get up,go to school,go home,go to bed,Oh!Its 6:30.Its time to get up.,Breakfast is ready.,Hurry up!Its time to go to school!,OK.,What time is it?,Its 8 oclock.Its time for English class.,Im ready.,Fill in the blanks 填空,to,Breakfastis ready.,What time,for,Hurry up,_!Its time to go to school.,1.Its _.Its time _.,2._.,3._.,6:30,to get up,Its 7:30.Its time to go to school,Its 8:00.Its time for English class,breakfast,go to school,music class,go home,go to bed,Chinese class,Amys day,I get up at 6:35.,At 6:35,I get up.,Its 7:30,its time to go to school.,Hello,My name is Amy.I am a lovely girl.This is my day.I get up at 6:35.Then,I eat breakfast.Its 7:30,its time to go to school,so I carry my bag.I have a music class at 10 oclock.I like music class.I can sing and dance.Its 2 oclock,its time to have Chinese class.Its 4oclock,its time for home.I am happy.I go to bed at 9 oclock.This is my day.I love it.,请11-15号课后私信我今天我们总共讲了谁和谁的一天呢?,unit2单词,breakfast 早饭lunch 午饭dinner晚饭English class英语课music class音乐课PE class体育课,get up起床go to school去上学go home 回家go to bed 睡觉,Its time for Its time to,PEP 四下英语第二单元What time is it?第二课时重点,名词 可搭配的动词词组music class 音乐课 PE class 体育课 have.class 上.课English class 英语课lunch 午餐 dinner 晚餐 have/eat 吃.breakfast早餐,选词填空,to for,1.Its time _ go to school.,2.Its time _ lunch.,3.Its time _ English class.,4.Its time _ breakfast.,5.Its time _ get up.,to,for,to,for,for,4、Its time to go to bed.for bed.该睡觉了。5、Time to go home,kids./Time for lunch.该回家了,孩子们。/吃饭的时间到了。,PEP 四下英语第二单元What time is it?第四课时重点,1.时间的表示方法 a.m.表示上午 p.m.表示下午。例如7:00 a.m.表示上午7点钟。1:30p.m.表示下午一点半。2.句型:Its time to get up.该起床了。Its time to go to school该上学去了。3.催别人快一点怎么说:Hurry up!4.准备好了。Im ready.,时间表示方式1.最直观表达方式,直接念数字,是24小时计时法,hour 小时,minute分钟,时间表示方式2.利用a.m.上午 p.m.下午,是12小时计时法,早上8点,晚上8点,24小时计时法切换到12小时计时法要记得减12.,时间表示方法,past和to 的用法分针还没过6的时候,一般用past,表示几点过了几分。,11点过了5分钟,4点过了25分钟,分针过6的时候,一般用to,表示几点缺了几分。要在真实时间+1,7:558点少五分钟,10:5011点少十分钟,quarter(15分钟)and half(30分钟),7点过了15分钟,11点过了30分钟,6:457点缺15分钟,试着念一念吧,C,A,B,B,D,A,C,A,d,C,a,B,b,D,c,B,A,A,B,B,1,3,2,4,C,E,D,B,F,A,nine,What time,six oclock,Homework,完成最后一题,立即上传课堂作业本Finish“一起作业”app里会有17页,19页背诵。18页单词听写。请先准备好了再写哦。,请11-15号课后私信我今天我们总共讲了谁和谁的一天呢?,昨天一起作业表扬:三班(满分的是)刘珂毓,赖世柯,於诗婷,陈宸寒,尹浩铭陈雅妍,罗皓,倪艺心,梁贝妮,戴宏轩,陈曼妮,池梓毓,罗渝乔,金宇森。四班(满分的是)章艺涵,徐子淇,曹高炫薛瑞哲,郭梦涵,黄奕盛,叶嘉豪,罗云梓,卓夕语,