Period 4,Talk timeStudy skills,Module 2 Ideas and viewpoints,Oxford English,Unit 3,Family life,Talk time,1,Read the conversation below.,refusing help,accepting help,offering help,Offering,accepting and refusing help,Read the conversation after the recording.,A1 Joyce is doing some housework at home.Tony offers to help.Practise their conversation in pairs.,busy,I can do to,Come on.Let me give you a hand.,you want,I could wash,Hello Joyce,you look busy.Anything I can do to help?,Thanks,but Im all right.,Come on.Let me give you a hand.,No,thanks.I can manage.,If you want,I could wash the dishes.,Wash the dishes?Oh,that would be good.Thanks a lot.,A2 Answer these questions.,1 Tony offered to help Joyce three times.What did he say to offer help?Joyce refused Tonys offers twice.What did she say to refuse his offers?Joyce accepted Tonys third offer.What did she say to accept his offer?,Anything I can do to help?Let me give you a hand.If you want,I could wash the dishes.,Thanks,but Im all right.No,thanks.I can manage.,Oh,that would be good.Thanks a lot.,When we offer help,we can also use,Is there anything I can do(for you)?Is there anything you want/need?Shall I help you?,When we accept help,we can also use,Oh yes,that would be nice/lovely/helpful.Well,if you wouldnt mind Well,now that you ask,you could,When we refuse help,we can also use,No,theres no need.No.Everythings OK.Thanks for asking,but everythings under control.No,dont worry.,Ann visits Jenny when she is doing housework,and Ann wants to help.Complete their conversation below.,Ann:Hello,Jenny.You look busy._ _Jenny:Thank you very much,_.Ann:Come on._Jenny:No,thanks._Ann:If you want,I could _.Jenny:_,Anything I can do to help?/What can I do for you?/Do you need any help?,but I can manage,Let me give you a hand./Let me do something for you.,Im OK.,sweep the floor/clean the windows,Oh,that would be good./Thanks a lot,but I can do it.,Study skills,2,Do your parents make rules for you at home?Give some examples.Where else do we have rules and regulations?,Discuss and answer the questions below.,Making rules and regulations,We have rules and regulations everywhere,e.g.at home,at school,in the library and at the underground station.,We can express the rules as dos(positive rules)and donts(negative rules).For example:,A Jerrys parents have set some rules for him.Read what Jerrys mother says and complete the rules.,Come back home by 5 p.m.,Help wash the dishes after dinner.,Finish your homework and then go to bed before nine.,Dont watch TV when youre eating dinner.,Dont play computer games for more than 30 minutes at a time at the weekend.,We can also express the rules by using No+a gerund.For example:,No smoking.,No cycling.,No playing in the fountains.,No sleeping on the benches.,No begging.,*B Mr Li is the manager of Central Garden Shopping Centre.He wants to put some rules on the centres notice board.Read his words and complete the rules.,C Work in groups to make five rules on one of the following topics.,For the familyto make family life more pleasant For using public transportto make travelling safer For the environmentto make the Earth a better place,H,Homework,模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读Talk time部分的对话。,