话题十八 世界与环境(The world and the environment),重 点 单 词,国家与民族(Countries and nationalities)1.国家country 2.亚洲Asia 3.欧洲Europe4.美洲America 5.非洲Africa 6.中国China7.英格兰England 8.英国the UK,9.美国America/the USA/the US 10.法国France11.德国Germany 12.俄国Russia 13.加拿大Canada14.澳大利亚Australia 15.日本Japan 16.印度India17.泰国Thailand 18.首都capital 19.民族nationality,环境保护(Environmental protection)1.世界world 2.地球globe/earth 3.环境environment4.自然nature 5.水water 6.煤coal7.石油oil 8.烟雾smoke,9.雾霾smog10.噪音noise 11.垃圾garbage/rubbish/litter/trash/waste12.污染pollute(v.)/pollution(n.)13.污染物pollutant14.保护protect(v.)/protection(n.)15.倾倒pour,16.循环recycle 17.再利用reuse 18.减少 reduce19.浪费;废物waste 20.节约save 21.有害的harmful22.干净的;清洁的clean 23.整洁的tidy,24.肮脏的dirty 25.不洁净的unclean 26.濒临灭绝的endangered 27.严重的serious 28.嘈杂的noisy 29.安静的quiet 30.污染的polluted31.清晰的clear人口(Population)1.(人口)多的large 2.(人口)少的small,常 用 词 组,1.地球村global village 2.拯救地球save the earth 3.环境保护environmental protection4.环境污染environmental pollution 5.保护环境protect the environment 6.环保的environmentally friendly,7.世界环境日World Environment Day 8.清洁的能源 clean energy 9.塑料袋plastic bag10.自然资源natural resources 11.太阳能solar power 12.天然气 natural gas13.尾气 tail gas,14.用光;耗尽use up/run out of 15.打扫clean up16.停止做stop doing 17.节约用水 save water 18.空气中 in the air19.其余任何一个any other 20.野生动物wild animal,21.温室效应greenhouse effect22.全球变暖global warming 23.减少污染 reduce pollution 24.空气污染 air pollution25.水污染 water pollution 26.噪音污染 noise pollution,27.越来越多more and more28.越来越少fewer and fewer/less and less 29.越来越大/多 larger and larger,典 型 句 子,1.当今,环境污染问题变得越来越严重。The environmental pollution is more and more serious today.2.保护环境是我们的责任。It is our duty to protect the environment.3.不要乱扔垃圾。Dont throw rubbish here and there./Dont litter everywhere.,4.我们应该帮助清洁城市公园。We should help clean up the city parks.5.为了保护环境,我们应该停止使用塑料袋。To protect the environment,we should stop using the plastic bags.6.我们只有一个地球,爱护地球意味着爱护我们自己。We have only one earth.Loving the earth means loving ourselves.,7.空气中有越来越多脏的烟雾。There is more and more dirty smog in the air.8.未来污染会减少吗?Will there be less pollution in the future?9.世界人口变得越来越多。The population of the world is becoming larger and larger.10.世界上中国的人口最多。China has the largest population in the world.,书面表达“地球一小时”是世界自然基金会(WWF)应对全球气候变化所发起的一项全球性节能活动,倡议世界各城市在特定的时间熄灯一小时,以显示对环保行动的支持。请你以“Earth Hour”为题为校园“英语学科园地”撰稿,宣传这一备受全球瞩目的环保活动。内容包括(见下表):,作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2.必须包括上表中的所有提示信息,词数80个左右。作文的标题已经给出,不计入总词数。,Earth Hour_,Over 100 countries took part in Earth Hour.And the Earth Hour came to China eight years ago.The activity aims to save energy and improve climate.There are different ways to spend the dark hour,such as having dinner with our family in the candlelight and sharing stories with our friends.In my opinion,we can also have parties or take a walk in the parks.Come on!Join us in Earth Hour!,