,A brief introduction of Luoyang,A brief introduction of Luoyang,相传卢舍那大佛按照武则天的相貌雕凿,所以佛像威严中有几分女性癿圆润,想来,一代女皇定是绝代佳人。,It was said that the tallest Buddha was designed for Empress Wu Zetian.,当年,白马驮载着佛经和佛像来到这里,如今白马已成石马,而驮经的艰辛依然被缅怀。,There are two horses in front of the Bai ma Temple.,当你看到埋葬关羽首级的关时,“温酒斩华雄”、“兵败走麦城”的故事总让人忍不住为一代豪杰感叹。,Guan Yu was born in Shan Xi,but he was buried in Luoyang.,武则天癿一念之差,成就了牡丹在洛阳的归属,去牡丹园尽情观赏怒放的牡丹吧。,Peony usually bloom in April and May.,洛阳老城区还保留着原始的历史风貌,漫步老街,找寻旧日的时光,感受历史的温情。,There are lots of old buildings in Luoyang city.,定都洛阳的十三个朝代:夏 西晋 商 北魏 西周 隋唐 西汉 唐 东汉 后唐 曹魏 后晋 后梁,A short video about Luoyang,Wecome you to come to Luoyang.,