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    The use of since and for,in the present perfect tense,The Grammar Class,relatives and their jobs(7B,Unit 3),By Kelly Shen,Guess names of these jobs!,WEB DESIGNS,cook,teacher,engineer and architect,policeman,I have been a teacher for one year.,She has been a teacher since 1997.She has been a teacher for quite a few years.He has been a policeman for twelve years.She has been an architect for ten years.My father has been an engineer since 2004.He has been an engineer for several years.,Scan the text,relatives and their jobs,andunderline sentences similar to this sentence.,CompareConclude,She has been a teacher since 1997.She has been a teacher for quite a few years.He has been a policeman for twelve years.She has been an architect for ten years.My father has been an engineer since 2004.He has been an engineer for several years.,Pay attention to the time adverbials after“since”and“for”.,Since:(自以来)since+a time point in the past(过去某个时间点)For:(长达)for+a period of time(一段时间),Left carrots,five years ago,I came here,Since+,A period of time+agoA clause in simple past tense,Since:(自以来)since+a time point in the past(过去某个时间点)since+a period of time+agosince+a clause in simple past tense For:(长达)for+a period of time(一段时间),A Bomb-disposal Expert,Practice,Since,For,5 hours ago,a long time,1997,I left home.,5 hours ago,5 hours,5 hours,several minutes,a long time,2015,CompareConclude,She has been a teacher since 1997.She has been a teacher for quite a few years.He has been an engineer for several years.He has been married for six years.She has lived in Shanghai since five years ago.He has worked in a hospital since he came to Shanghai.,Find the similar specialty in these sentences.Pay attention to the verbs they use.,Rough Conclusion:When we use“since”and“for”in present perfect tense,the verb in that sentence should be durative.,Durative verbs,change instant verbs to durative verbs,in present perfect sentences with since or for,come to,have/has been in,get married,have/has been married,buy,have/has had,leave,have/has been away,borrow,have/has kept,begin,have/has been on,finish,have/has been over,Exceptions?,Rough Conclusion:When we use“since”and“for”in present perfect tense,the verb in that sentence should be durative.,CompareConclude,He has been an engineer for several years.He has been married for six years.She has lived in Shanghai since five years ago.He has worked in a hospital since he came to Shanghai.He hasnt come here for one year.I havent heard any noise since I slept.,Compare the rough conclusion we made before and the sentences shown in the right side.Find the exception.Pay attention to the verbs they use.,Rough Conclusion:When we use“since”and“for”in present perfect tense,the verb in that sentence should be durative.,Conclusion:When we use“since”and“for”in present perfect tense,the verb in a positive sentence must be durative.When we use“since”and“for”in present perfect tense,the verb in a negative sentence can be either durative or instant.,PPT模板下载:行业PPT模板:节日PPT模板:PPT素材下载:PPT图表下载:优秀PPT下载:PPT教程:Word教程:Excel教程:资料下载:PPT课件下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛:,True or False,She has bought the computer for two years.,He has got married since five months ago.,How long has he come to Shanghai?,I havent left my hometown for six years.,Correct false sentences.,This film has begun for one hour.,This film hasnt begun since we arrived.,I have kept this book for seven years.,been married,been on,been in,had,An investigation,on working experiences,of XXXs family,Role Play,Announcer:The policeman wants to make an investigation on the working experience of XXXs family members in order to fulfill the citizens information.What to do:a pair workThe policeman:ask questions,write down the key information,and make an oral report about introducing working experiences of XXXs family.XXX(the interviewee):answer the questions.Then,make the role reversal,so both of them should make an oral report on his or her desk mate.,the policeman may ask:What do your relatives(father)do?How long has he been a?What have he done in this job?How long hasnt you see your aunt because she is doing?,XXX may answer:My father has been a for.She has.,Summary,HOMEWORK,Write down your report on the working experience of your interviewees relatives based on what you have interviewed in the class at the least of 30 words.,Asurvey:Interview some relatives or neighbors and find out what their jobs are,what they do,and how long they have worked for the oral report next lesson.,THANK YOU!,By Kelly Shen,Practice:A Collecting-Carrots Game,2015,five years ago,six months,7:30,May 2,seven years,I came here,two decades,a time point in the past,a period of time,


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