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    中考英语复习之动词 ppt课件.ppt

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    中考英语复习之动词 ppt课件.ppt

    中考英语语法复习,动 词,动词的考点,一.动词的分类,三.动词的语态,二.动词的时态,四.非谓语动词,一、动词的分类,实义动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词,二、动词时态,一般现在时,主+V 原/V-(e)s,1.经常性或习惯性的动作时间标志:,every;always;often;sometimes;at;neveron Sundays;once a week usually;,2.客观真理,客观存在,科学事实,主将从现,单数第三人称:肯定句:主语+动词s/es否定句:主语+doesnt+动词原形疑问句:Does+主语+动词原形,其他人称:肯定句:主语+动词原形否定句:主语+dont+动词原形疑问句:Dont+主语+动词原形,第三人称单数的构成,规则变化,-s,s,s,-es,es,es,es,es,es,变y 为i 再加-es,ies,ies,肯定:否定:疑问:,她经常在回家前完成作业.,She often finishes her homework before she goes home,She doesnt finish her homework before she goes home,Does she often finish her homework before she goes home?,谓语是行为动词时,否定和疑问句要借助助动词do或does,原来的行为动词要用原形.,1.A:How often_ she exercise?B:Twice a week.A.do B.does C.doing2.I _ like to drink milk.A.not B.doesnt C.dont3.Good food and exercise _ me to study better.A.help B.helps C.helping4.I will let you know about it as soon as I _ the news.A.will get B.gets C.get,5.He always_ school early and_ home late.A.go to;comes back to B.goes to;come back C.goes to;comes back6._she_ eating mooncakes?A.Is;like B.Do;like C.Does;like7.“Does Wang Li_ English well?”A.speak B.speaks C.say,一般过去时,主+V-ed,tried our best,表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,时间标志:,yesterday;the day before yesterday;last;ago 等表示过去时间的词语,肯定句:主语+过去式动词否定句:主语+didnt+动词原形疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形,动词过去式的构成,规则变化,不规则变化见BOOK 3,ed,d,变y 为i 再加 ed,双写尾词加 ed,ed,ed,d,d,ped,ped,肯定:否定:疑问:,Tom 刚才打了电话给她.,Tom rang her just now.,Tom didnt ring her just now.,Did Tom ring her just now?,谓语是行为动词时,否定和疑问句要借助助动词did,原来的行为动词要用原形.,1.It was too dark.So he _ the lights and began to read books.A.turned off B.turns on C.turned on2.The children _ at their uncles last night.A.are B.were C.was3.I am sorry that you have missed the train.It _ ten minutes ago.A.left B.leaves C.will leave,4.These farmers have been to the United States.Really?When _ there?A.will they go B.did they go C.do they go5.Jim is not coming tonight.But he _!A.promises B.promised C.will promise,一般将来时,主+is/am/are going to+V 原,主+will+V 原,1.表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态.,2.时间、条件状语从句的主句部分(主将从现),1.Do you know when the World Cup _ next week?Next Friday.When it _,Ill ring you.A.begins;begins B.begins;will begin C.will begin;begins2.Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.Really?Where _ he _?A.does;go B.will;go C.did;go3.Shall we go to the Sand Lake tomorrow?Yes.Well go unless it _ heavily.A.will rain B.rained C.rains,现在进行时,主+is/am/are+V-ing,are getting ready for,表示说话者说话时正在发生的动作,表示目前一段时间内正在进行的动作.(说话时动作不一定正在进行),现在分词的构成,-ing,ing,ing,去掉e-ing,先双写最后一个辅音字母-ing,ting,ing,ing,1.Where is James?He _ with his brother.A.runs B.will run C.is running2.Who _ in the next room?Mary is.A.is singing B.is sing C.sings 3.Jimmy _ for a holiday tomorrow.A.is leaving B.leaves C.left4.Look at the children over thereWhat _?A is he doing Bare they doing Cthey are doing,5.Look!The boy students are _ football while the girls are _.A.playing,dance B.playing,dancing C.play,dancing 6.Mr.Smith _ short stories,but he _ a TV play these days.A.is writing,is writing B.is writing,writes C.writes,is writing 7.I _ to the cinema.I _ there every Sunday.A.go.go B.am going,go C.go.am going,过去进行时,was doing,主+was/were+V-ing,表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作.,1.The last time I _ Jane she _ cotton in the fields.A.see,was picking B.saw,picked C.saw,was picking 2.I don t think Jim saw me;he _ into space.A.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared 3.I first met Lisa three years ago.She _ at a radio shop at the time.A.has worked B.was working C.had been working,4.-Hey,watch the flowers!-Oh,I m terribly sorry._.A.I m not noticing B.I wasn t noticing C.I don t notice 5.The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A.was traveling B.traveled C.was to travel 6.I _ my breakfast when the morning post came.A.had B.was having C.have been having,现在完成时,主+have/has+PP,has lived in,1.I _ Enghish in this school since 1999.A.taught B.have taught C.would teach2.Lilei _ the pen for five years A.has had B.boughtC have bought3.He _ finished his homework yet A.doesnt B.havent C.hasnt4.Peter lost his bike yesterday._ he _ it yet?A.Has;looked for B.Does;find C.Has;found,5.Who is he?I _ before.A.havent heard of B.didnt hear of C.havent heard from6.Have you ever been to Guangzhou?No,Ive _ been there.A.never B.ever C.already7.We havent finished our homework_.A.already B.ever C.yet8.Have you_learned English?Yes,Ive _ learned a lot.A.already;ever B.ever;neve C.ever;already,9.I _ him these days.A.havent hear from B.didnt hear of C.havent heard from10.I have _ 5,000 words so far.A.learnt B.learn C.learning11.The old man _ China several times in the past 10 years.A.has been to B.wen to C.goes to,just 刚刚already 已经 before 之前ever 曾经never 从来没有so far 到目前为止yet 还(没有)否定句these days 这些天in the past years/months在过去的年/月里,for 时段since 时点,现在完成时的标志词,for+时段since+时段+agosince+时点Its/It has been+时段+since+一般过去时句子,1.Its ten years since she.A.has left B.has been away C.left2.I have been here _ 4 years.A.since B.for C.from3.We have learnt English _ six years ago.A.since B.for C.from,4._ has been 5 years since we came here.A.There B.It C.That5.Its three years since he the army.A.has joined B.has been in C.joined6.How many years is it _ you graduated from junior high school?A.since B.for C.from,短暂性动词和延续性动词,不与时间段连用,可与时间段连用,be(in)here/there,be a member of,be dead,be on,have,be away,keep,be over,be open(adj.),be closed,be married,1.How long can I _ this book?Two weeks A.borrow B.keep C.lend2.Her father_in 1990 and her husband_for more than five years.A.has died,has died B.has died,dead C.died,has been dead3.I have_ this nice watch for two years.A.had B.bought C.borrowed 4.He_his home for ten years.A.has left B.was away from C.has been away from,5.He_a League member for three years.A.is B.has been C.has became 6.Lihuas brother has_for two years.A.joined the army B.been in the army C.became a soldier 7.He hasnt_from Guangzhou ever since he left school A.left B.been away C.been left8.Betty _ here for two hours.She _ here at 8:00 this morning.A.has been;came B.has been;has come C.was;came,8.The film _ for five minutes.A.began B.has been on C.has begun 6.You are too late.The shop _ for many hours.A.closed B.has been closed C.has closed 7.Mary _ Tom in 2000.They _ for 8 years.A.married;have been married B.married;have married C.marries;have been married,短语辨析,He has been to Shanghai three times.,He has been in Shanghai for ten years.,He has gone to Shanghai and havent come back yet.,在某地(多长时间)现在仍在那里。常与时段连用。,曾去过某地(次)现在已不在那里。可与just,ever,never等连用,,去了还没有回来,1.May I speak to Ken?Sorry,he is out.He _ see his teacher,A.goes to B.has been to C.has gone to2.Our teacher _ here since 2004.A.has been in B.has been to C.has been3.Have you ever _ Huang shan?Yes,Ive been there twice.A.been to B.been in C.gone to 4.Wheres Daming?He _ the teachers office.A.has been to B.have gone to C.has gone to,现在完成时与一般过去时的区别,lost,have lost,表示动作发生的时间在过去没有说明现在的情况,表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下去,或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,1.I have seen the film“Titanic”already.When _ you _ it?The day before yesterday.A.have;seen B.will;see C.did;see2.Mr Black _ in China since five years ago.A.lived B.has lived C.lives 3.We _ trees last Sunday.So far we _ over 3,000 trees there.A.planted;planted B.planted;have planted C.have planted;planted,过去完成时,主+had+PP,had started,had learnt,by the end of,1IlostthebookI Ahavebought Bhadbought Chadbeen bought 2.ThebushadgonewhenI_thebusstop Ahavearrived Barrived Chadarrived3Tomofvisitinghisgrandmother,butthebadweathermadehimchangehismind Ahasthought Bthought Chadthought,4DidyoumeetTomattheairport?No,hebythetimeIthere Ahasleft;got Bhadleft;arrived Cleft;arrived5ItocometohelpyouButyoudidnt come Ahavemeant Bhadmeant Cmeant 6FinallyMarywasadmittedbyBeijing University forwhichshefivetimes Ahadtried Bwastrying Chastried,时态总结,三、动词的语态,be+动词的过去分词,动作谁做的不知道;The watch is made in China.2.说出谁做的没必要;More trees must be planted.3.动作承受者很重要。Chinese is spoken by many people.,主动语态和被动语态的转换,We asked him to sing a song.He was asked to sing a song(by us).2.She gave me a book.I was given a book(by her).A book was given to me(by her).,考点一,主动语态和被动语态的转换,4.He makes the girl stay at home.The girl is made to stay at home by him.(省略的to要还原),3.We should speak to old men politely.Old man should be spoken to politely.(介词不可省略),考点二,考点三,不使用被动语态的情况,系动词用主动结构表被动意义。Moon cakes taste delicious.2.write,read,sell等词作不及物动词 时,他们的主语为物,可用主动语 态表被动意义。The pen writes smoothly.The shirt sells well.3.My bike needs mending.My bike needs to be mended.,考点四,考点五,考点六,They wont be back until the work _.,A.doB.doesC.is doneD.will do,2.More than one answer _ to the question.,A.have givenB.had givenC.were givenD.has been given,3.-How do you like the material(材料)?-Very much.It _ soft.,A.feelsB.is feltC.is feelingD.felt,4.Mr Green is very angry with you.He says you _ away if youre late again.,A.are sendingB.has been sentC.are going to sendD.will be sent,5.The old should _ in our country.,A.take good care ofB.be taken good care ofC.are take good care ofD.be take good care of,6.The guide said that much attention must _ these details.,A.payB.be paidC.pay toD.be paid to,7.Did you go to the concert yesterday?-No,I _.,A.didnt inviteB.havent invitedC.wasnt invitedD.am not invited,8.How many cakes can I have,Mum?-None,dear.They _ for your father.,A.prepareB.preparedC.have preparedD.were prepared,9.Its said that the Olympic Torch Relay will _ in July in Baotou.,A.holdB.be heldC.holdingD.to hold,10.Things should _ here before you enter the Great Museum.,A.keepsB.keepC.be keptD.are kept,11.How clean the window is!-Yes.It _ just now.,A.has been cleanedB.was cleanedC.is cleanedD.will be cleaned,12.Its said in the newspaper that 215 more new schools _ in Zhengzhou by 2020.,A.are buildingB.were builtC.have builtD.will be built,13.Do you often clean your classroom?-Yes,our classroom _ every day.,A.cleanB.cleanedC.Is cleanedD.cleans,14.David,turn off the TV _ no one is watching it.-But it _ off already!The music is from the radio.,A.so that,has been turnedB.when;has turnedC.if;has been turnedD.because;has turned,15.When you leave the room,make sure the door _.,A.was lockedB.is lockedC.will be lockedD.should be locked,四、非谓语动词,动词不定式,动名词,分词,to do,doing,doingdone,名词形容词副词,名词,形容词副词,To see is to believe.He likes to play.He asked me to go.I have a lot to do.Im here to meet you.,Seeing is believing.I like playing.,an interesting booka broken cupThey came in,singing.Seeing from the hill,our school looks nice.,不定式和动名词作宾语,通常加不定式作宾语 want to go2.“磕破头死了也要爱父母啊”keep,practice,suggest,enjoy,finish,mind,avoid+doing3.+to do(doing)remember,forget,stop,go on,不定式和动名词作宾语补足语,通常加不定式作宾补 want him to go2.使役动词 let,make,have(sb.do)have sb.do have sb.doing have sth.done3.感官动词“五看两听一感觉”look(at),see,watch,notice,observe,listen(to),hear,feel(sb.do/doing)4.keep,find(sb.doing),1.Dont let him _ out alone at night.He is young and will be frightened.A.go B.goes C.to go D.going,2.My father is not good at cooking.He often asks my mother _.A.to help him B.to be helped C.not to help him D.how to help him,3.In order to win the first place in the contest,he practiced _ the English song,but he found it difficult _ the lyrics.A.to sing;to remember B.to sing;remembering C.singing;to remember D.singing;remembering,4.Mr Green asked us to stop _.So we stopped _ to him at once.A.talking;listening B.to talk;listening C.talking;to listen D.to talk;to listen,5.What should we do to fight H1N1 flu?-We should wash hands often,avoid _ to crowded places and so on.A.go B.going C.gone D.to go,6.John,my computer doesnt work.-Why not ask Mr Liu _ it?A.to buy B.not to buy C.to check D.not to check,7.Whats your plan for the summer holidays?-Ive no idea,but Ive decided _ at home and have a good rest first.A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying,8.We are going for a picnic tomorrow.Ill call Wendy to make sure _.A.why to start B.when to start C.what to start D.which to start,9.My brothers ill in hospital.-Im sorry _ that.A.hear B.hearing C.heard D.to hear,10.She spends much time _ English every day.A.read B.reading C.to read D.have read,11.Would you mind me _?-_.Do it as you like,please.A.to play the piano;Good idea B.playing the piano;Of course not C.playing the piano;Of course D.play the piano;All right,12.Oh,terrible!I forgot _ the window.Its windy.-Really?Lets go back home quickly.A.closing B.to close C.closed D.close,13.After the discussion,the students asked their teacher _ next.A.which to do B.what to do C.how to do D.why to do,14.On her way home Lucy saw a thief _ in a shop.She stopped _110 at once.A.steal;call B.to steal;call C.stealing;to call D.stealing;calling,15.Youd better _ too much time playing computer games.A.dont pay B.not to pay C.to not spend D.not spend,16.Do you know Armstrong?-Yes.He is the first man _ on the moon.A.walk B.walks C.to walk D.walked,17.Is Jack in the library?-Maybe.I saw him _ out with some books just now.A.going B.go C.to go D.went,18.Dad,why should I stop _ computer games?-For your health,my boy,Im afraid you _.A.to play;must B.playing;have to C.to play;can D.playing;may,19.How about _ in the river with us?-Sorry,I cant.My parents often tell me _ that.A.swim;dont do B.swim;to do C.swimming;not do D.swimming;not to do,20.Im tired these days because of studying for physics.-Why not _ music?It can make you _.A.listen to;to relax B.listen to;relax C.listening to;relax D.listening to;to relax,21.Why did you buy a radio?-_English.A.Learn B.Learning C.To learn D.Be learning,22.Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself?A.ask;write B.to ask;writing C.ask;writing D.asking;write,23.If people _ cutting down the forest,they will have no place _.A.keep;to live in B.will keep;to live in C.keep;to live D.will keep;to live,24.Would you mind _ the TV?Your father is working now.A.turning up B.turning down C.to turn up D.to turn down,25.Its very nice _ pictures for me.A.of you to draw B.for you to draw C.for you drawing D.of you drawing,Thanks!Bye-bye!,


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