The Industrial Machinery Division (IMD)工业机械分会ELECTRIC CURRENT ABROAD电流委员会1997 Edition (Revised*) CONTENTS Introduction Key To Terms Used所用术语 Plugs in Domestic and Commercial Use (Figure)家用和商用插座 Types of Plugs Used Abroad (Table)国外插座类型 Characteristics of Electric Current Abroad (Table)国外电网特征INTRODUCTIONTo assist U.S. manufacturers, exporters and individuals living or traveling abroad, this publication lists the characteristics of electric current available and the type of attachment plugs used in most countries. It is an update of a similar handbook published in 1991. The tables indicate the type of current (alternating or direct current), number of phases, frequency (hertz), and voltage, as well as the stability of the frequency and the number of wires to a commercial or residential installation. This information pertains to domestic and commercial service only. It does not apply to special commercial installations involving relatively high voltage requirements or to industrial installations.为帮助美国制造商、出口商和旅居国外人士,本文列出了大多数国家所用插座及电网的特征,是对1991年版的相似手册的更新,本表列出了家用电器或商用电器的电流类型(交流或直流),相数,频率(赫兹),电压,频率的稳定性,线数。这些信息只用于商用电器和家用电器,不适用于有高压要求的特别的商用电器或工业设备。For most countries listed here, two nominal voltages are given. The lower voltages are used primarily for lighting and smaller appliances, while the higher voltages are used primarily for air conditioners, heating, and other large appliances. Travelers planning to use or ship appliances abroad should acquaint themselves with the characteristics of the electric supply available in the area in which the appliance is to be used. In some cases, a transformer may be used to correct the voltage. However, if the appliance requires exact timing or speed and if the frequency of the foreign electricity supply differs from the one the appliance was designed for, it is advisable to use an appliance designed for the foreign frequency since auxiliary equipment to change frequency is bulky and expensive. Some foreign hotels have circuits providing approximately 120 volts which allow guests touse electric shavers and other low-wattage U.S. appliances.对于这里列出的多数国家给出了两个额定电压,低的用于照明及小型电器,高的用于空调、加热炉和其他大型电器,旅居者要在国外使用电器,需要熟悉所在地的电网特征,某些情况下可以用变压器来获得所需要的电压,然而当所用电器要求精确的计时或速度,或者电源频率与这个电器设计所需的频率不同时,就需要使用与电源频率相同的电器,因为能改变频率的辅助设备不仅笨重还很昂贵,某些国外的旅馆提供约120伏的电压,以使客人能用电动剃须刀及其他美国产的低压电器。The information presented here was compiled over a period of months from a large number of sources. Consequently, there is some possibility of errors or omissions for which the Department of Commerce cannot assume responsibility. In addition, this information should not be taken as final in the case of industrial or highly specialized commercial installations. It would be impossible for the Department to maintain complete data on every foreign industrial installation. For special equipment for commercial use or heavy equipment for industrial use, the current characteristics for the area of installation should be obtained from the end user.本文所用的信息来源于大量的长期资料汇编而成,因而可能会有错误或者疏漏,对此商务部无法负责,另外,对于工业设备或较为专业的商业设备本文的信息不应视为最终版本,对商务部来说,要想获得每一个国家的工业设备的全套完整的数据资料是不可能的。对于专业的商业设备或重型工业设备,要从最终用户那里了解所在地区的电网特征。The 1997 edition was prepared by the Trade Development unit in the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The information was compiled by John J. Bodson, industry specialist in the Office of Energy, Infrastructure, and Machinery. Editing, desktop publishing, and production were done by the Trade Information Division of the Office of Trade and Economic Analysis.1997版由美国商务部国际贸易管理局贸易发展处筹划,由能源机械办公室的工业专家约翰伯绅整理,贸易与经济分析办公室贸易信息处编辑出版。The cooperation of various government and private agencies in providing data is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks go to the Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State.在此对各个政府和民间机构提供数据资料等合作深表感谢,特别感谢美国商务部商务服务处和国务院外务处。KEY TO TERMSType of current-a.c. indicates alternating current and d.c., direct current.电源类型ac 交流电dc直流电Frequency-Shown in number of hertz (cycles per second). Note that even if voltages are similar, a 60-hertz U.S. clock or tape recorder will not function properly on 50 hertz current.频率赫兹数(每秒周期数)注意:即便电压相同,60赫兹的美国时钟或录音机是不能在50赫兹的电源下正常工作。Number of phases-1 and 3 are the conventional phases which may be available.相数1和3是常规的相数Nominal voltages-The term nominal voltage is used to denote the reported voltage in use in the majority of residential and commercial establishments in the country or city. Direct current nominal voltages are 110/220 and 120/240. The lower voltage is always 1/2 of the higher voltage. On a direct current installation, the lower voltage requires two wires while the higher voltage requires three wires.额定电压额定电压用于注明所称电压在某国家或城市的家用或商用设备中是主要主流。直流额定电压是110/220和120/240。低电压是高电压的1/2。对于直流设备,低压要求两线,而高压要求三线。Alternating current is normally distributed either through 3 phase wye ("star") or delta ("triangle"), 4-wire secondary distribution systems. In the wye or star distribution system the nominal voltage examples are 120/208, 127/220, 220/380, and 230/400. The higher voltage is 1.732 (the square root of 3) times the lower voltage. In a delta or triangle system, 110/220 and 230/460 are examples of nominal voltages. The higher voltage is always double the lower voltage. The higher voltage is obtained by using 2 or 3 phase wires and the neutral wire while the lower voltage is the voltage between the neutral wire and one phase wire. The higher voltage may be single or 3 phase while the lower voltage is always single phase and used primarily for lighting and for small appliances.交流电通常是三相wye(星形)或delta(三角形)副边四线电网。对于wye或星形系统额定电压为:120/208,220/380,230/400。高压是低压的1.732(根号3)倍。在三角形系统中额定电压为:110/220,230/460。高压是低压的两倍,高压是2或3相的线电压,而低压为相电压。高压为单相或三相,而低压通常为单相,主要用于照明和小电器。Type of attachment plug in use-Attachment plugs used throughout the world come in various forms, dimensions and configurations too numerous to describe in this report. This report does, however, attempt to point out the basic and most commonly used types of plugs by country. Adapters may be purchased to change from the American type to other types.所用插座类型插座在世界各地都广为使用,有着各种不同的形状尺寸和规格,数量巨大无法在本文中详述。但本文试图列举出各国所用的最通用的基本的插座。可以购买转接座来转接美国型插座和其他型插座。Number of wires to the consumer-The number of wires which may be used by the consumer is shown. Normally, a single phase, 220/380 volt system or 127/220 system will have two wires if only the lower voltage is available (one phase wire and the neutral). It will have three wires if both the higher and lower voltages are available (two phase wires and the neutral) and where three phase motors will be used, four wires will be available for the higher voltage (the three phase wires and the neutral wire).到用户端的线数表明用户可能用到的线数,通常,只有低压的单相220/380或127/220系统只要两线(一相线和中线),既需高压又需低压则要三线(两相线和中线),可以使用三相电机,对于更高电压就需要四线(三相线和中线)。Frequency stability-"Yes" indicates that the frequency stability is stable and that service interruptions are rare.频率稳定性“Yes”表示频率稳定性是持久的,电网的中断很罕见。TYPES OF PLUGS IN DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL USE家用和商用插座类型 Type A Flat blade attachment plug Type B Flat blade with round grounding pin Type C Round pin attachment plug Type D Round pins with ground Type E Round pin plug and recepticle Type F "Schuko" plug and recepticle with male grounding pin with side grounding contacts Type G Rectangular blade plug Type H Oblique flat blades with ground Type I Oblique flat blade with ground Type J Round pins with ground Type K Round pins with ground Type L Round pins with ground TYPES OF PLUGS USED ABROAD国外插座类型- 国家Country 插座类型Plug Type-阿富汗Afghanistan D阿尔巴尼亚Albania C阿尔及利亚Algeria C, F安哥拉Angola C阿根廷Argentina C, I澳大利亚Australia I奥地利Austria C巴哈马Bahamas A, B巴林Bahrain G孟加拉国Bangladesh A, C, D巴巴多斯Barbados A, B, F, H白俄罗斯Belarus C比利时Belgium A, C, E伯里兹Belize A, B, H贝宁Benin D百慕大Bermuda A, B玻利维亚Bolivia A, C博茨瓦纳Botswana C, D, H巴西Brazil A, B, C文莱Brunei G保加利亚Bulgaria F布吉纳发索Burkina Faso B, E缅甸Burma C, D, F布隆迪Burundi C, E喀麦隆Cameroon C, E加拿大Canada B加拿利群岛Canary Islands C, E佛得角Cape Verde, Rep. of C, F开曼群岛Cayman Islands A, B中非Central African Republic. C, E乍得Chad E智利Chile C, F, L中国China, Peoples Rep. of C, D, G, H哥伦比亚Colombia A, B刚果Congo, Dem. Rep of (form. Zaire) E刚果Congo, Peoples Rep. of C, E哥斯达黎加Costa Rica A, B塞普路斯Cyprus G捷克(Czech R.)Czech Republic E丹麦(Denmark)Denmark C, K吉布提Djibouti, Rep. of C, E多米尼加Dominican Republic A厄瓜多尔Ecuador A, B, C, D埃及Egypt C萨尔瓦多,El Salvador A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, L英格兰England C, G赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea C, E厄立特里亚,Eritrea C埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia C斐济Fiji I芬兰Finland C, F法国France E加蓬Gabon D, E冈比亚Gambia, The G德国Germany, Fed. Rep. of F加纳Ghana D, G直布罗驼Gibraltar C, G希腊Greece C, F格陵兰岛Greenland C, K格林纳达Grenada G危地马拉Guatemala A, B, G, H, I几内亚Guinea C, F, K几内亚比索,几内亚比绍,Guinea-Bissau C圭亚那Guyana A, H海地Haiti A, B, H洪都拉斯Honduras A香港Hong Kong H匈牙利Hungary C, F冰岛Iceland B印度India C, D, G印度尼西亚Indonesia C, E, F爱尔兰Ireland C, G以色列Israel C, H意大利Italy L象牙海岸Ivory Coast C, E牙买加Jamaica A, B, C, D日本Japan A, B, I约旦Jordan C, F, G, L哈萨克斯坦Kazakstan C, G, H肯尼亚Kenya G韩国Korea C科威特Kuwait C, G老挝Laos A, B, C, E, F黎巴嫩Lebanon A, B, C, D, G莱索托Lesotho D利比里亚,利比亚Liberia A, B卢森堡Luxembourg F马其顿Macedonia C, F马达加斯加Madagascar C, D, E, J, K马拉维Malawi G马来群岛Malaysia G马里Mali, Rep. of C, E马耳他Malta G毛里塔尼亚Mauritania C毛里求斯Mauritius G墨西哥Mexico A, B摩纳哥Monaco C, D, E, F摩洛哥Morocco C, E莫桑比克Mozambique C, D, F纳米比亚Namibia C尼泊尔Nepal C, D荷兰Netherlands F新西兰New Zealand H尼加拉瓜Nicaragua A尼日尔Niger A, C, E尼日利亚Nigeria C, D, H北爱尔兰Northern Ireland A, C, H挪威Norway C, F阿曼Oman H巴基斯坦Pakistan B, C, D帕劳Palau A, B巴拿马Panama A, B, I巴拉圭Paraguay C秘鲁Peru A, C菲律宾Philippines A, B, C波兰Poland C, E葡萄牙Portugal C, F卡塔尔Qatar D, G罗马尼亚Romania C, F俄罗斯Russia C卢旺达Rwanda C, J沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia A, B, G苏格兰Scotland C, G塞内加尔Senegal C, D, E, K塞比亚蒙特尼罗Serbia-Montenegro F塞舌尔Seychelles D,塞拉里昂Sierra Leone D, G新加坡Singapore B, H斯洛伐克Slovak Republic E索马里Somalia C南非South Africa D西班牙Spain C, F斯里兰卡Sri Lanka D苏丹Sudan C, D苏里南Suriname C, F斯威士兰Swaziland D瑞典Sweden C, F瑞士Switzerland C, E, J叙利亚Syria C斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan C, I塔希提岛Tahiti A台湾Taiwan A, B坦桑尼亚Tanzania D, G泰国Thailand A, B, C, D, E, G, J, K多哥Togo C特利尼达多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago A, B突尼斯Tunisia C, E土耳其(Turkey)Turkey C, F土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan B, F乌干达Uganda G乌克兰(Ukraine)Ukraine C阿联酋United Ar