Some interesting psychological test pictures,【How are you feeling now?】,If you are in a good mood,you will see a girls face.Otherwise,you will see a witchs(巫婆)face.,Pressure test,Pressure test1:If you see roaring waves(波涛汹涌),you are in great pressure.You should go on a vacation.2:If you see rippling wavelets(微波荡漾),you are with a teeny bit of pressure.You should have a rest.3:If you see a still picture,you dont have any pressure.Please continue to serve for the RMB.The same goes for another picture:the greater the black dot flashing,the higher the pressure,Attention,please!Stare at the white letters in the center of the picture.And then something magic will happen.,If you see the blue heart rotating,you are full of love.,【Are you a pure(纯正的)man or woman?Its said to be very accurate】,If it is a duck at the first sight,you are a person of more mans character.If it is a rabbit at the first sight,you are a person of more womans character.,Is your eyesight good or bad?,Only can be seen by people of high myopia(高度近视).If you have good eyesight,please squint your eyes to see it(眯起眼睛看).,【Can yawning be contagious?打哈欠真的会传染吗?】,If you see or hear someone else yawning,you want to yawn too,congratulations!Its more likely for you to be a listener in the circle of your friends.Youre more sensitive and sympathetic.You are of a stronger potential for language acquisition(语言习得).,If you see the dancer is rotating clockwise(顺时针旋转),it means that you are using your right brain;If it is rotating anticlockwise(逆时针旋转),it means you are using your left brain.And its said that 14%of Americans can see both of the directions.,【Are you using your left brain or your right brain?】,From a five years research of Yale University,【Are you an angel or a devil potentially?】,【Visual portrait 视觉遗像】look at the four black spots for 30 seconds,and then close your eyes for two seconds,look up at the ceiling.If you are religious enough,you will see a magic picture.,【你喜欢哪张脸?】选择左边的,你的喜好和广大男人们的喜好是一致的。这两张脸都是合成的,左边一张是由8个小脚女人的脸合并而成;右边这个是8个大脚女人的脸合成的。通常,小脚女人有着更为漂亮的脸蛋。这一结论是纽约奥尔巴尼大学进化心理学家Jeremy Atkinson引导的实验中得出的.,【你认为A和B所在方格颜色相同吗?】据说全世界只有0.003%的人和photoshop能看出它们的颜色是相同的。,【眼力大考验,你能看见男人的脸吗】,