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    7B Unit 7 Reading 1,A brave young man!,Lead-in:,What can we use it for?,What can we use it for in our lives?,Fire!Help!Fire!Help!,If there is a fire,what should we do?,Call 119 for help.,Run out of the fire.,shout for help,Pour water over the door.,Put a wet blanket over the body.,What happened to him?,What a brave young man,Pre-reading:,Who,What,Why,Prediction(预测)based on the title,Where,What did the young man do?He saved his neighbour from a fire.,Lets enjoy the flash and answer the questions,What a brave young man!Lin Tao is 20 years old.He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.On 10 May.Lin Tao was at home alone.Suddenly,he heard someone shouting“Fire!Fire!Help!”He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door.He went in and found his neighbour,the 79-year-old Mrs Sun,in the kitchen.Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out.,A A brave young man,Lin Tao quickly ran to Mrs Suns bathroom.He poured water over his clothes to protect himself.Then he rushed into the kitchen.There was heavy smoke and the fire was very hot.Hc put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun and helped her out.Later some firemen came and put out the fire.The fire burnt Lin Taos arms,neck and face.He was in hospital for two weeks.Many people visited him and gave him flowers and presents.“How brave you are!”they said.“Were you afraid at that moment?”,“Yes,a little,”Lin Tao nodded,“but I didnt have time to think about it.Mrs Sun needed my help.”“Fire is very dangerous.We should be careful with it,”he also said.,Ask and answer,1.Whos the brave young man?2.Did the fire burn the young man?,Lin Tao.,Yes,it did.,Scan the story,try to tell T/F.,1.Lin Tao stayed at home with Mrs Sun on 10th May.2.Mrs Sun was in her bedroom when the fire started.3.Lin Tao put out the fire with a blanket.4.Lin Tao was in hospital because the fire burned his legs.5.Many people visited Lin Tao and gave him money,alone,kitchen,arms,neck and face.,flowers and presents.,Detailed reading:Read it carefully and answer them below,1.When did the fire happen?On 10th May.2.Was there a lot of smoke?Yes,there was.3.Why couldnt his neighbour Mrs Sun get out?She couldnt get out because she hurt her leg.4.How long was he in hospital?He was in hospital for two weeks.5.What did many people say to Lin Tao?How brave you are!,B Helping people,B1 Daniel did not understand some of the words in the article.Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.Write the correct letters in the blanks.,1 brave(line 1)_a run quickly2 alone(line3)_b just then3 rush(line8)_c hurt someone with fire4 put out(line 10)_ d not afraid5 burn(line 11)_ e without any other people6 at that moment _ f stop something from burning(line 13),d,e,a,f,c,b,Reporter:Youre a brave young man,Lin Tao.How old are you?Lin Tao:Im twenty.Reporter:Can you tell us about the fire?Lin Tao:Sure.First,I heard someone calling for help,and then I saw a lot of(1)_ from next door.Reporter:How did you save your(2)_Mrs Sun?,B2 A radio reporter interviewed Lin Tao.Complete the conversation between Lin Tao and the reporter.,afraid hospital neighbour protect smoke wet,smoke,neighbour,Lin Tao:I rushed into Mrs Suns kitchen,put a(3)_blanket over her and helped her out.Reporter:That sounds dangerous.Did you do anything to(4)_ yourself?Lin Tao:Yes,I did.I poured water over my clothes.Reporter:Were you(5)_ at that moment?Lin Tao:Yes,a little.Reporter:How long did you stay in(6)_ after the fire?Lin Tao:For two weeks.,wet,protect,afraid,hospital,Simon:Did you hear the news about Lin Tao?Daniel:Yes,I read about it in the newspaper.He saved an old lady from a fire.Simon:What did he do?Daniel:First,he found out that his neighbours bathroom was on fire.Then he poured water over his trousers and helped her out.,B3 Daniel told Simon about Lin Tao,but he made five mistakes.Help him correct them.Underline the mistakes and write the correct word above each mistake.,kitchen,clothes,Simon:How clever!Daniel:But the fire burnt his legs,neck and face.He was in hospital for two months.Simon:How brave he is!Is he getting better now?Daniel:Yes,Many visitors gave him flowers and cards.Simon:Thats nice.Daniel:Im very happy that hes well now.Simon:Me too.,arms,weeks,presents,C How to be careful with fire,Daniel wants to learn more about how to be careful with fire.Help him match the four pieces of advice with the pictures.Write the correct letters in the boxes.,a Be careful with fireworks.b Do not play with matches.c Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.d Keep your hair away from fire.,a,b,c,d,Read the text again and fill in the blankets.,Lin Tao is a b_young man.He s_his neigbour Mrs.Sun from a f_.On 10th May,he was at home a_.Suddenly he heard someone s_Fire!Fire!he saw a lot of s_ from n_ _.He p_ water over his clothes to protect himself.Then he r_ into his neighbours kitchen and put a wet b_over her.He helped her out.But the fire b_ him.He was _ _ for two weeks.Many visitors g_ him some flowers and Lin Tao said that fire can be very d_.It is i_ to be _ with fire.,rave,aved,ire,lone,houting,moke,ext door,ushed,lanket,in hospital,urnt,angerous,mportant,careful,oured,ave,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,Play a game:Choose the letter and then tell right or wrong:,How to be careful with fire,I,We cant play with matches.We should be careful with matches.,Wrong,1,Right,When there is a fire,we should call 119 at once.,2,Wrong,We cant put anything hot into the rubbish bin.,3,Wrong,We cant leave the stove(炉子)on when we are not at home.,4,Right,When there is a fire,we should use the stairs instead of a lift.,5,Wrong,We should keep long hair away from fire.,6,Wrong,We cant smoke in bed.,7,Right,When there is a fire,we should cover our bodies with wet blankets and rush out of the flat quickly.,8,Wrong,We cant jump down from the building.Jumping may be more dangerous than the fire.,9,What can we learn from Lin Tao?,Fire is useful,but it is also dangerous.It is important to be careful with fire.And we should help each other.,Proverb(谚语),To help others is to help ourselves!帮助别人就是帮助自己!,Disscusion:,1.Read aloud the article and underlined the difficult parts.2.Remember the new words in the lesson.,Good-bye!,


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