Australian Education System,Queensland Education System,&Special Education澳洲與昆士蘭州政府的教育制度及特殊教育現況,ByMr Roger Sheehan&Ms Elaine Cassar,Australian Education System,Presentation Overview Part AAustralian&Queensland Government Education SystemsAustralian Government Department of Education,Employment&Workplace RelationsAustralian Government Education ReformsAustralian Curriculum,Assessment&Reporting AuthorityNational Curriculum,簡報大綱 A 部分澳洲與昆士蘭官方教育系統體制澳洲政府 澳洲教育部澳洲教育改革澳洲課程評估暨報告局國定課程,Presentation Overview Part A,Queensland Government Education System&StructureInternational EducationFinancial AssistanceQueensland Government Education ReformEducation&Training for the Future(ETRF)Information&Communication TechnologiesSupporting Students with Special Needs,昆士蘭政府教育制度與架構國際教育教育財政補助昆士蘭教育改革未來教育訓練(ETRF)資訊溝通科技協助特教生,Queensland Government Educatio,Presentation Overview Part BSupporting Students with Special NeedsSupport for Students with Special NeedsAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)Learning DisordersWhole School Approach to Supporting Students with Special Needs(Response Intervention)ConclusionQuestions,簡報大綱 B 部分特殊需求學生之協助協助特教生注意力缺陷過動症(ADHD)學習障礙在學校體制中給予特教生必要的協助(介入反應效果模式)結論問題討論,Presentation Overview Part B,Australian Government,Australias future depends on a high quality and dynamic school education system to provide students with foundation skills,values,knowledge and understanding necessary for lifelong learning,employment and full participation in society.The education system is of the highest standard and enjoys international renown.,澳洲政府,澳洲未來發展將立基於高水準與活力充沛的教育制度上,學校應提供學生終身受用的基本技能、價值與知識,並且協助就業與社會化。教育制度必須達成至善之標準並且享譽國際。,Australian GovernmentAustralia,Schooling in Australia starts with a kindergarten or preparatory year followed by 12 years of primary and secondary school.In the final year of secondary school,Year 12,you can study for a government-endorsed certificate that is recognised by all Australian universities and vocational education and training institutions.This Senior Secondary Certificate of Education is also recognised by many international universities.,澳洲學校制度從幼稚園或學齡前教育接續到12年制的小學與中等教育。在中等教育最後一學年,可以取得政府認定,並且被澳洲大學與職業訓練機構所採納的畢業證書。許多國際大學機構也都能採納這份證書(Senior Secondary Certificate of Education)。,Schooling in Australia starts,This cooperation is underpinned by the National Declaration on the Goals for Schooling for all students,updated by Ministerial Council on Education,Employment,Training and Youth Affairs(MCEECDYA)in 2008.The declaration focuses on the learning outcomes of students,and sets out a vision for the education of young Australians over the next decade and replaces the 1999 Adelaide Declaration-National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Century.,這樣的合作制度建立在國家學校教育目標宣言(National Declaration on the Goals for Schooling)下,並且於2008年在澳洲教育訓練與青年事務部(MCEECDYA)修正通過。這份宣言於1999年通過並取代原有的阿德雷德宣言(Adelaide Declaration-National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Century)主要著眼在學生的學習成效,過去十年來試圖為澳洲青年學子建立一個有遠見的目標。,This cooperation is underpinne,The Australian Qualifications Framework(AQF)is a system of national qualifications in education and training.Primary and Secondary SchoolingStates and territories have the primary responsibility for funding state government schools.They also provide supplementary assistance to non-government schools.The Australian Government is the primary source of public funding for non-government schools,while also providing supplementary assistance to government schools.Most non-government schools have some religious affiliation,with approximately two-thirds of non-government school students enrolled in Catholic schools.,澳洲學力資格架構-Australian Qualifications Framework(AQF)是一套澳洲所通用的國家教育與職訓認證系統。初等與中等教育州政府與省政府有義務資援公立學校並且協助其他非公立之學校。澳洲政府除了提供公立學校資源之外,同時也負責替非公立學校提供基金。大部分之非公立學校為宗教學校,而就讀非公立學校之學生有三分之二選擇天主教學校。,The Australian Qualifications,Education Reform Agenda,To improve the quality of schooling nationally,the Australian Government is working with states,territories and non-government education providers as part of a shared commitment to achieve results.Driving this commitment is a belief that all children deserve an education that meets their needs regardless of what school they go to or where they live.,教育改革進程,為了提升國家教育品質,國家政府與州、省政府以及私立學校提供者相互承諾協力且密切合作。這份承諾致力讓不同學校、地區裡的每個澳洲學生都有權力接受最好、符合學生個人需求的教育活動。,Education Reform AgendaTo imp,The Education Revolution is being implemented through increased funding to government and non-government schools,an unprecedented investment in school infrastructure and a wide ranging reform agenda.The Government is investing a record$63.5 billion in Australian schools from 2009-2012.This almost doubles the previous$33.5 billion commitment to funding and infrastructure and represents an 87 per cent increase over the previous four-year period.,透過提高私立學校之補助為主軸架構一套無前例之學校基礎建設與大規模改革之進展歷程。2009至2012年間,澳洲政府預計投入635億預算,將近是2005至2008間所承諾投入335億之兩倍,預算提高87%。,The Education Revolution is be,Ensuring that the needs of all students are catered for means providing world-class enabling infrastructure through initiatives such as the$2.2 billion Digital Education Revolution,the$2.5 billion Trade Training Centres Program and the$16.2 billion Building the Education Revolution.Quality education means starting with foundation skills such as literacy and numeracy,being taught by high-quality teachers,and supporting disadvantaged students.These three areas are being addressed through the three Smarter Schools National Partnerships.,加強學生在校之基本硬體設施,具體率先作為如投入22億之數位學習改革(Digital Education Revolution)、25億之貿易訓練中心計畫(Trade Training Centres Program)以及162億之架構教改計畫(Building the Education Revolution)以確保每位學生需求獲得滿足。品質教育從識字與數理開始,以高優質教師為媒介,並且照顧每一位弱勢學生。相關領域之訴求在三大聰明學校-國家夥伴計畫中提及(Smarter Schools National Partnerships)。,Ensuring that the needs of all,Students,schools and parents are being further supported by transparency in school performance data,reporting and assessment,and the development of world-class national curriculum.The Australian Government is supporting the transition from school through a range of Youth Attainment and Transitions initiatives.The Australian Government is also working to close the gap between the educational outcomes of Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians.See Indigenous Education.,透過學校表現透明化資料、報告與評鑑活動以及國家課程中之世界化教室計畫協助學生、學校與學生家長掌握學校教育活動。澳洲政府透過青年成就與轉移方案(Youth Attainment and Transitions)協助學生在學校間之移轉澳洲政府也正努力弭平澳洲本地學子與非本地學子間之學習落差,參見Indigenous Education。,Students,schools and parents,Australian Curriculum,Assessment&Reporting Authority,The Australian Government has established the Australian Curriculum,Assessment and Reporting Authority(ACARA),which brings together for the first time,the management of curriculum,assessment and reporting at a national level.ACARA reports to federal,state and territory education ministers through the Ministerial Council for Education,Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs.ACARA is led by a 13-member Board,made up of experts nominated by each of the state and territory governments as well as the Catholic and Independent school sectors and the Commonwealth.,澳洲課程評估暨報告局,澳洲政府設立澳洲課程評估暨報告局(ACARA),以提供國家層級的第一手國內課程管理與評估相關資訊ACARA負責透過教育議會兒童早期發展暨青年事務部提供報告給聯邦、各州以及各省政府教育部會ACARA由13名理事會委員領導,由各省與各州政府指派專家委員,天主教教會以及獨立學校也推派代表參加。,Australian Curriculum,Assessm,The functions of ACARA are to:develop and administer a national school curriculum,including content of the curriculum and achievement standardsdevelop and administer national assessmentscollect,manage and analyse student assessment data and other data relating to schools and comparative school performancefacilitate information sharing arrangements between Australian government bodies in relation to the collection,management and analysis of school datapublish information relating to school education,including information relating to comparative school performanceprovide school curriculum resource services,educational research services and other related services,andprovide information,resources,support and guidance to the teaching profession.,ACARA之任務:發展並管理國定課程,訂定課程細節與課程之目標標準發展必管理國家教育評估蒐集、管理並分析學生以及學校相關表現評估報告並加以比較擔任國內各政府部會間教育相關統計資料之管理、分析與共享媒介出版教育上訴相關資訊之學報提供校園課程開發、教育研究與其他相關資源提供教師相關專業資訊、資源以及職能指引,The functions of ACARA are to:,The Australian Curriculum will provide clear and explicit agreement on the curriculum essentials(the content and achievement standards)that all young Australians should have access to,regardless of their circumstances or the location of their school.The Australian Curriculum will also provide parents and teachers with a clear understanding of what needs to be covered in each subject at each year level.It will seek to equip young Australians with the skills,knowledge and capabilities that will enable them to effectively engage with and prosper in society,compete in a globalised world and thrive in the information-rich workplaces of the future.The Australian Curriculum in the first four key learning areas will be developed by 2010 and implemented by the states and territories from 2011.,澳洲國定課程將提供一套完整清晰的課程大綱,序寫一套為澳洲青少年所設計,需要達到之基本教育內容與學習成果目標,均一實施無論學生所就讀的學校環境。澳洲國定課程將提供給教師與家長,學生每一學年必須修讀完成的課程主題。澳洲國定課程旨在教導澳洲青年基本技能、知識以及進入社會所需要之有效能力,並培養國際競爭力且確保學生在未來也得以妥善生存於資訊社會中。澳洲國定課程將再2010年開發出四大關鍵學習領域,並且於2011年於各州各省開始實施。,The Australian Curriculum will,Australian Curriculum,The Australian Curriculum,Assessment and Reporting Authority(ACARA)is overseeing the development of an Australian Curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 12,beginning with English,mathematics,science and history.A second phase of work will involve the development of an Australian Curriculum in languages,geography and the arts.,澳洲國定課程,ACARA 負責指引幼稚園到中等教育結束之12年國定課程發展,並以英語、數學、理科以及歷史為四大主軸。次階段的任務主要在於開發國定課程中之語言、地理以及藝術課程。,Australian CurriculumThe Austr,ACARA is also advising education ministers on the approach to development of anAustralian Curriculum in the learning areas of health and physical education,economics,business,information and communications technology,design and technology,and civics and citizenship.,ACARA 也負責提供教育部官員在開發國定課程中,針對有關健體教育、經濟、商業、資訊溝通科技、設計以及公民教育等學習領域之開發提供諮詢與建議。,ACARA is also advising educati,ACARA has consulted extensively with the education community,including parents,teachers,principals and professional organisations.ACARA is also considering local and international examples of best practice in its development of the national curriculum.,ACARA 與教育社群相關之團體有緊密的諮商,包含學生家長、教師、校長、首長以及專業組織等。ACARA 也於國定課程開發過程中在在關切地方與國際間相當成功之範例為參考對象。,ACARA has consulted extensivel,Queensland Education System,Education Queensland delivers high quality and accessible public education to around 70 per cent of all Queensland school students through the state schooling system.The Department is responsible for 1250 schools staffed by more than 36 000 teachers and attended by almost 480 000 students.The school year usually runs from late January to mid December.It is divided into two semesters,with two terms in each and vacation breaks for Easter,winter,spring and summer.,昆士蘭政府教育制度,昆士蘭教育部提供高品質且大眾化的公教育制度,昆士蘭境內有70%的學生就讀於公立學校系統。昆士蘭教育部負責管轄1,250學校,含36,000名以上之教師、以及約480,000名學生。學校學年度從當年1月下旬到12月中旬為主,分為上、下兩學期,兩學期中在細分為二,穿插復活節假期、寒假、春假以及暑假。,Queensland Education SystemEdu,Structure of System,Preparatory YearPrimary SchoolSecondary School(High School)Prep Year 10 SchoolsPrep Year 12 SchoolsAcademiesSpecial SchoolsHospital SchoolsSchools of Distance EducationOutdoor&Environmental Education Centres,教育制度架構,學齡前初等學校中等學校(高中)學齡前至高一之學校學齡前至高三之學校學院特殊學校醫院學校空中學校戶外與環境教育中心,Structure of SystemPreparatory,Preparatory Year,A non-compulsory,full-time Preparatory Year of education prior to Year 1 is available in all state schools.The Preparatory Year helps children develop the skills and knowledge to better prepare them for school.,學齡前,非義務性、全時的初等學齡前教育,在各州立學校皆有設立。學齡前教育協助學生開發相關技能與知識以提早適應接下來的學校學習與生活。,Preparatory YearA non-compuls,Primary School,Primary schools provide students with seven years of compulsory learning in a common,yet broad,curriculum that teachers adapt to suit local and individual needs.Students develop skills and knowledge relevant to their present and future needs and gain a greater understanding of other cultures and technology.,初等學校,初等學校為7年制之義務教育,教師以開放但合乎地方與個別需求之教育活動服務學生。學生將在初等教育階段習得基本生活並且可以適用於未來學習之技能與知識,更寄望學生能夠獲取與自身文化、科技相關且更深的認知。,Primary SchoolPrimary schools,Secondary Schools(High Schools),Secondary schools provide educational programs to students of compulsory school age and provide a further two years of senior education for those wishing to continue formalised learning in school as their compulsory participation option.Students are offered a broad range of academic and vocational subjects enabling them to pursue a course of study that will further their educational and career goals.,中等學校(高中),昆士蘭中學提供義務教階段教育,並且有額外延伸的兩年教育供學生選擇,此階段教育包含廣泛的知識與技職科目讓學生朝欲精進的方向邁進,以助未來的升學以及就業。,Secondary Schools(High School,PrepYear 10&PrepYear 12 Schools,P10/12 schools provide education to students from Prep to Year 10 or Year 12 depending on the schools location.Traditionally,P10 schools have developed in more rural and remote locations but more recently P12 schools have been established in other locations.Generally,P10/12 schools provide students with a seamless transition across the phases of learning,and many are very innovative in the way they offer the curriculum.,學齡前至高一之學校;學齡前至高三之學校(P10/12),P10/12 學校依照地點提供學生學齡前至高一或者高三的完整階段教育。傳統上,P-10學校以偏鄉地區為主,其他地區則以P-12型的學校為多數。這類型的學校提供學生無接縫的各階段連結教育,而且在課程的編排上相當的有活力與創意。,PrepYear 10&PrepYear 12 Sc,Academies,The Queensland Academies aim to accelerate learning opportunities for Queenslands best and brightest students in Years 10,11 and 12.The Queensland Academy for Creative Industries at Kelvin Grove operates in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology(QUT).The Queensland Academy for Science,Mathematics and Technology at Toowong operates in partnership with the University of Queensland.,學院,昆士蘭學院主要提供高一到高三階段的教育,通常進入學院就讀的學生皆是在各專長面表現優良且有亮眼成就者。位於Kelvin Grove的昆士蘭創意產業學院更與昆士蘭科技大學(QUT)合作。而位在Toowong的昆士蘭科學、數學與科技學院則是與昆士蘭大學合作。,AcademiesThe Queensland Academ,Academies cont.,In 2008,the new Queensland Academy for Health Sciences opened on the Gold Coast in partnership with Griffith University.The educational program offered by the academies is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.This program is a world-recognised pre-university qualification and characterised by accelerated studies,extension and enrichment work with universities,industry experience and personal and social development.For more information on Queensland Academies visit www.qldacademies.eq.edu.au,學院,於2008年,新的昆士蘭健康科學學院在黃金海岸開設,並與葛里菲斯大學合作。昆士蘭各學院所提供的教育課程皆有國際文憑大學預科課程認定。這是一個為許多國際大學所採用的畢業文憑,提供許多業界與社會學習經驗。如果欲了解更多昆士蘭學院訊息,請上:www.qldacademies.eq.edu.au,Academies cont.In 2008,the ne,Special Schools,Special schools provide highly specialised and individual programs in many locations for students with significant support needs,and who have an intellectual impairment.A range of staff is employed including teachers,speech-language pathologists,occupational therapists,physiotherapists and registered nurses.Educational programs for students with d