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    B11M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai,By bruce2014.12.15,B11M9U2 I want to go to Shangh,Where do you want to go?I want to go to.,the Great Wall,the park,the zoo,the museum,Where do you want to g,Guess,Guess,Its a great building in China.Its very long.Its very old.,I want to go to.,the Great Wall,I want to go to.the Great Wa,The Great Wall is more than _ li long.,lt is more than _years old.,forty thousand,two thousand,The Great Wall is more than _,Its in New York.There were Chinese people everywhere.The people say Chinese and English,I want to go to.,Chinatown.,I want to go to.Chinatown.,I_Chinatown in New York yesterday.,We saw_in the street.,went to,a lion dance,I_Chinatown in New York,Its in China.It is very long.You can drink it.,I want to visit_,the Changjiang River.,Its in China.I want to vis,Where does the bird want to visit?,It wants to visit_and _,P53(1)look and listen,the Chang jiang River,the Huangshan Mountain.,It wants to go to_,Where does the bird want to vi,Do you want to visit_?,the Changjiang River,Huangshan Mountain,Yes,I do.No,I dont.I want to go to_,Do you want to visit_?the Ch,I want to go to Huangshan.,I want to visit_.,I want to go to Huangshan.I wa,Where do they want to go?,They want to go to Shanghai,kunming and Guilin.,Where do they want to go?They,Who wants to go to this place?,Sam,Dad,Amy,Kunming,Guilin,Shanghai,_ wants to go to_.,Who wants to go to this place?,Sam wants to go to Shanghai.Shanghai is_.,There are lots of beautiful places to go in China.,big,famous,beautiful.,Sam wants to go to Shanghai.S,Shanghai is famous.,famousplace lake _is famous.,Shanghai is famous.famous,Kunming is a beautiful _.It is in the _ of China.Its got a beautiful_.,place,south,lake,滇池,Dianchi Lake,Kunming is a beautiful _,Gunlin is a beautiful _.It is in the _ of China.There are lots of _ in Guilin.,place,south,mountains and lakes,广西桂林,桂林山水甲天下Guilins scenery is the best in the world.,Gunlin is a beautiful _.,Sam thinks they should go to _ places.,all these,Ms Smart:Thats a _.,good idea,Sam thinks they should go to,They want to go to _,Shanghai is_.,very big and famous.,Kunming is a beautiful _.It is in the _ of China.Its got a beautiful_.,place,south,lake,There are lots of _ in Guilin.,mountains and lakes,Shanghai,Kunming,Guilin,They want to go to _Sha,Kunming is a beautiful palce.Its in the south of China,and it has got a beautiful lake.,Shanghai is very big and very famous.,There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin.,Kunming is a beautiful palce.,Do you want to go to the park?,No,I dont.I want to go to the museum.,P54(3)look and write.,Do you want to go to the park?,listen and say.Then chant,P54(4),listen and say.Then chantP54(4,P55(5)Ask and answer,I want to go to the park.,2.go to the shop 3.play football4.eat an ice-cream 5.go to the zoo6.visit the Great Wall 7.go swimming,P55(5)Ask and answerI want to,3.My mother wants to go to Harbin.4.She wants to see ice lanterns.5.I want to visit the UN building.6.Because its a very important building in New York.7.Many countries are in the UN.8.We will be happy.,P55(6)Do a survey and write.,Holiday plan 假期计划,3.My mother wants to go to Ha,Homework,December 17th Wednesday Sunny1.听读50-55(3,名)2.同步P56-593.M9过关,HomeworkDecember 17th Wednesda,


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