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    ,Conceptual Blending,Outlines:Part 1:Introduction of Conceptual BlengingPart 2:Vital Relations and CompressionPart 3:A Taxonomy of Integration Networks,Multiple Blending and Constraining Blending TheoryPart 4:Comparing Blending Theory with Conceptual MetaphorPart 5:Applications of Conceptual BlendingPart 6:Drawbacks and Conclusion,1.1 The origins of Blending Theory,1.3 Three component processes concerning emergent structure,1.2 The elements of conceptual blending,1.4 Constitutive processes of Blending Theory,1.1 The origins of Blending Theory,Conceptual Blending Theory was brought to prominence by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner.It derives from two traditions within cognitive semantics:Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Spaces Theory.In their studies,both observed that in many cases meaning construction appears to derive from structure that is apparently unavailable in linguistic or conceptual structure that functions as the input to the meaning construction process.Blending Theory thus emerged from their attempts to account for this observation.,心理空间理论(Mental Spaces Theory),Fauconnier于1985年最早提出“心智空间”这一术语,并将其描写为“小概念包(Small Conceptual Packet)”,是指人们进行交谈和思考时为了达到当下的理解与行动的目的而构建的,是通过框架和认知模型所形成的结构。(Fauconnier&Turner 1996:113)心智空间是人们阅读、思考、写作时建构的概念包,是人的体验、知识、社会存在体中的产物。概念包是局部的理解和行为。每个心智空间拥有它的范畴成员,范畴成员在同一心智空间内是互相关联的,这些成员和关系组成了概念包。不同空间里的成员和关系之间也可以建立映射。,Fauconnier and Turners definition of conceptual blending,Conceptual blending is a basic mental operation that leads to new meaning,global insight,and conceptual compressions useful for memory and manipulation of otherwise diffuse ranges of meaning.,Len believes that the girl with blue eyes has green eyes.,(Fauconnier&Turner 2002:46),1.2 The elements of conceptual blending,输入空间(Input Space):由独立认知域的信息所构成的空间。类属空间(Generic Space):抽象反映出输入空间共同的、常见的组织和结构。合成空间(Blended Space):对输入空间里的概念进行整合操作。合成空间从两个输入空间中提取部分结构,形成新创结构(Emergent Structure)。,The surgeon is a butcher.,How does the negative assessment of incompetence arise?,Analysis from Conceptual Metaphor Theory,(Evans&Green 2006:402),1.3 Three component processes concerning emergent structure,1、组合(composition)是将两个或两个以上的输入空间的内容投射到合成空间。并在输入空间之间形成以前不存在的新关系。2、完善(completion)是指当来自输入空间的投射结构与长时记忆中的信息结构相匹配时,在合成空间中被激活的模式就会借助背景图式知识、认知和文化模式而不断完善。3、扩展(elaboration)是指合成空间中的结构可以根据它自身的层创逻辑在合成空间中进行认知运作,运用人们的想象力可以根据层创结构对细节进行无限的扩展。,1.4 Constitutive processes of Blending Theory,(Evans&Green 2006:404),2.Vital Relations and Compression 2.1 Compression 2.2 A taxonomy of vital relations and their compressions,2.1 Compression,An important function of blending is the provision of global insight.According to Fauconnier&Turner,conceptual blending achieves this by reducing complexity to human scalethe scope of human experience.Compression is a familiar conception to people,such as compressed files,compressed food and compressor.Compression is an important conception that people cant live without it,whereas what people know about compression is only related to objects.The terms conceptual compression and relation compression are completely new to people.,Fauconnier&Turner(2002:311)indicate that a relation can be compressed into the strict form of this relation.Also one or more relations can be compressed into another relation.At the beginning of blending,a new relation is created.“Their viewpoint tells us that compression in conceptual blending is a vital instrument for realizing integration.可以把一种关系压缩成这种关系的严密形式,也可以把一种关系或者多种关系压缩进入另一种关系。在整合中,从一开始就创造了新关系。,Overarching goal of blending-achieve human scaleNotable subgoals of blending-Compress what I s diffuse-Obtain global insight-Strengthen vital relations-Come up with a story-Go from many to one,压缩,Actually,the essence of conceptual blending is the relation blending,because information input spaces are connected with each other by relations.According to Fauconnier&Turner,input spaces are not connected at random but connected through vital relations.Thus they put forward a set of vital relations.,概念整合的本质是关系的整合,因为信息输入空间与空间之间的连通靠的是关系,而且关系是必不可少的,关系将空间与空间连通起来才形成了认知网络。空间与空间之间的连通关系主要表现为:因果关系(cause-effect relation)时间关系、空间关系(time,space relation)身份连通关系(identity relation)部分与整体关系(part-whole relation)特征、范畴、意图关系,心智空间连通的本质是概念关系的连通,一定的概念关系被压缩进心智空间,而且被压缩进心智空间的关系都是极重要的不可缺少的关系(vital relation).小树一天一天长大。总理和我都是公民。只有读书人才懂。让我们举起拳头!,范畴关系,部分与整体,身份关系,时空关系,2.2 A taxonomy of vital relations and their compressions,2.2.1 Change and Compress,Change:It is a general vital relation which connects the elements to another and sets of elements to other sets.It also has something with time and cultural elements.在整合中,关系变化(change)是最常见的不可缺少的,变化能将一个成员与另一个成员连接起来,将一个成员组同另一个成员组连接起来。,幼儿,青年,There is no change where there is no connection.Where there is no connection there is no conceptual blending.,没有变化就没有连通,没有连通也就没有单体与单体、集与集之间的概念集合。从这个意义上说,概念与概念整合受空间与空间之间变化这一关系的制约,所以,概念整合过程是心智活动的动态过程。,女人,妻子,妈妈,婆婆,男人,空间、时间概念变化是与外部空间身份(identity)联系的相关性(correlation)概念连通。,变化连通的核心是两个概念空间的相关性。概念空间之间有很多显义或隐义的连通点,变化连通无唯一性,而且变化可以激活默认值(default value)。概念整合是不能自动进行的,“change”这种不可缺少的概念空间之间的关系被压缩进入整合中唯一的前提是概念之间有身份的相关性。概念的生成和理解不仅仅是单体的整合,而且是知识网络的整体整合。她的账单一年比一年高。大片大片的森林向车尾奔去。,2.2.2 Cause and Effect Relation,Cause-Effect:The cause-effect relation is the most important relation in compression,because to enter the blending space through compressing cause-effect relation is the most general base of conceptual blending.,浇水,幼树,大树,发怒,砸家具,碎片,原因,行为,结果,变化时间因果,2.2.3 Time and Space Relation,Time and Space:there are two vital relations involved in memory,change,continuity,simultaneity,non-simultaneity and understanding of causality.Information is not separately input at the same time,so it needs mental blending to compress these different time into a whole.时间涉及人的记忆、变化、继续、同时性、非同时性及对因果关系的理解,信息从输入空间输入的时间是分开的,但整合是将这些分开的时间作为一体的。My life has consisted of a few notable events:I was born,I fell in love in 1983 and was briefly happy,in 1990 I met my future husband.We got married a year later.As I look back the time since seems to have disappeared in housework and drudgery.每次劳动回来都累得像死狗一样,拖着身子蹲在水沟边草草一吃,吃几口饭倒头便睡,早晨醒来头边全是雪。,2.2.4 Identity Relation,Identity:we connect the mental spaces that have the baby,the child,the adolescent and the adult with relations of personal identity.Identity connectors across temporally separate spaces lead to some phenomena like referential opacity.世界上物体、事体、人群的单体或集体都有其固有的身份性(identity),身份性是社会不可缺少的关系。门当户对跨域身份连通是一种条件连通,具有相似性、类推性身份的连通在概念整合理解中是明了的,而跨域身份概念的连通是复杂的,它涉及参照模糊(referential opacity)。,In France,the president is elected for a term of seven years,while in the US he is elected for a term of four years.唐太祖的功劳在藏汉联姻,汉武帝的功劳在于单于和好。,2.2.5 Part-whole Relation,Part-Whole:This relation is a vital cognitive mechanism.It represents a part-whole metonymy.The parts and the whole are fused in the blending so that causation for the parts is causation for the whole.It is a general human understanding manner to use the parts to replace the whole.The reason is that human establish a network in which the unit mapped by salient parts stand for the whole.In the blending operations,the part is projected from one input space while the whole is projected from another input space.以部分概念代替整体概念是人类对事物的理解方式,其原因是人类构建了一个网络,突显部分映射的个体代表了整体。在整合中,“部分”被一个空间信息投射,而“整体”从另一个空间投射。,眼泪(部分)悲哀(整体)登山(部分)勇敢(整体)将部分(A)和部分(B)整合在一起时,整合后的概念大于部分之和的概念CXAB生活是一条船。,新创意义Emergent meaning,2.2.6特征、范畴、意图关系,特征最突出的特点是整合概念内部空间的不可缺少的关系。概念整合通常将整合的事物、物体的外部空间的某种不可缺少的特征关系压缩进入整合特征的内部空间关系。超音速战机绿杯子电子商务,范畴是性质的边界,是空间不可缺少的关系,整合空间可以将诸如像类推外空间不可缺少的关系压缩进入一定的范畴。,生物病毒,计算机程序,计算机程序染上了病毒,意图:Fauconnier&Turner的概念整合理论包括hope,desire,fear,believe,memory及其他心智态度及支配意图倾向不可缺失的关系。A队击败了B队。B队输给了 A队。,Summary:All these vital relations are indispensable elements in conceptual blending.Conceptual blending is an unrivaled tool for compressions across vital relations of cause-effect,space,time,change,analogy,part-whole,role-value,and etc.Such compressions perform a rich and colorful meaningful world and weave numerous dramatic conceptual networks.These elements are not only essential terms for linguistic study but also important elements for thinking in analyzing our daily life,scientific work,management and so on.,1.A taxonomy of integration networks,2.Multiple blending,3.Constraining Blending Theory,1.A taxonomy of integration networks,There are a great number of different kinds of integration networks.They constitute a continuum.Here,we briefly focus on four distinct types of integration networks.,1.1 Simplex networks,两个输入空间,一个提供框架和角色元素,另一个提供价值元素,以填充框架。John is the son of Mary.,(Evans&Green 2006:427),我从老王那买了些东西。,我从老王那买了东西,此处有两个输入空间,一个提供商业买卖框架和角色元素,顾客与店主,另一个提供价值元素,我与老王。经过映射后,在合成空间内生成了两个输入空间内均不存在的新的内容,即我从老王那买了东西。关键点:一个提供组织框架,另一个提供填充元素。,5.2 Mirror networks,It is a network in which there exists a common frame shared by all the spaces in the network.One example of mirror networks is the BOAT RACE blend.合成网内诸空间共享一个框架,As we went to press,Rich Wilson and Bill Biewenga were barely maintaining a 4.5 day lead over the ghost of the clipper Northern Light.,(Evans&Green 2006:412),读书是和作者对话。,此处,各空间均共享交流框架,此交流框架是在合成空间中由组合,完善,和扩展而运演出来,又为诸空间所共享。关键点:共享框架,5.3 Single-scope networks,In the single-scope network,both inputs contain distinct frames,and only one of input frames structures and organizes the blend.,关键点:各输入空间均有相异之框架,然仅有其一参与组织合成。,Microsoft has finally delivered the knock-out punch to its rival Netscape,(Evans&Green 2006:428),Attention:in this case,onl the BOXING frame serves to organize the blend.,5.4 Double-scope network,It is an integration network in which both inputs contain distinct frames,and the blend is organized by structure taken from each frame.,关键点:均有不同框架且均参与组织合成,That surgeon is a butcher.,(Evans&Green 2006:406),电脑病毒,事物属性产生影响采取对策,传染快损坏健康需要治疗,自我复制影响电脑功能需要清除,恶意程序具有生物病毒的特点,两个输入空间均含有不同的框架,一个是生物病毒框架,另一个是恶意程序框架,共同参与组织合成之后,形成新的意义恶意程序具有病毒属性。,Contrast,(Evans&Green 2006:431),6.Multiple blending,It is common that blends function as inputs for further blending and reblending.We will illustrate this point with a classic example proposed by Fauconnier and Turner.一次合成之结果可作为再次合成之输入,The Grim Reaper,(Evans&Green 2006:432),The Grim Reaper指的是穿着黑色斗篷且持着镰刀的收割者。这一形象是由收割者reaper,杀手killer,剥夺生命者death三个输入空间所合成的。其中的剥夺生命者death这一输入空间本身是由人类的死亡和施事者这两个输入空间所合成的,是死亡的拟人化的结果。总结:一次合成之结果可作为再次合成之输入,循环往复,以至无穷。使人类的思维过程和思维的结果具有连续性和无限扩展性。,7.Constraining Blending Theory,It concerns how is selective projection constrained so that we can make sure the proper structure will be projected from inputs to the blend.In other words,not all the structure from inputs will be projected to the blend,but only the matched information,which is required for purposes of local understanding.In order to address this issue,Fauconnier and Turner(2002)propose a number of governing principles,also known as optimality principles.,(Evans&Green 2006:433),概念合成的优化原则,结构原则:合成空间内诸要素关系须与原输入空间内诸元素关系保持一致。完善原则:调动已有的背景框架知识结构,以促成合成空间内的诸元素合成。整合原则:合成空间作为一个独立运演的单位,其意义必须是完整的。压缩原则:压缩关系,使合成空间内关系最简化。网络原则:合成空间内诸元素和输入空间内诸元素紧密相联。解包原则:合成空间可以促使整个合成网络的重构。相关原则:合成空间内诸元素应是相关的。,As we went to press,Rich Wilson and Bill Biewenga were barely maintaining a 4.5 day lead over the ghost of the clipper Northern Light.,总结,优化原则是理想化的原则,是制约着整合,使整合达到最优化的限制性原则,从而使意义构建过程得以成功运行。这些优化原则在概念整合过程中相互竞争,从而使得每个合成在不同程度上满足各项优化原则。,Conceptual Blending Theory VSConceptual Metaphor Theory,VS,1.A throwback at their central concerns,2.Contrasts,2.1 Spaces vs domains,2.2 Mappings,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,Outlines,3.Conclusion,2.4 Emergent structure,A throwback at conceptual blending theory,According to Evans,the crucial insight of conceptual blending theory is that meaning construction typically involves integration of structure that gives rise to more than the sum of its parts.概念合成理论所要研究的主要内容是动态意义的构建,这种构建基于心理空间的整合。人们通过运用百科知识对概念进行分析和过滤从而整合出新的意义,而这些新的结构是任何一个输入空间都不具备的。因此,可以用来分析隐喻理论不能分析的复杂隐喻。,概念合成过程图示;,A throwback at conceptual metaphor theory,The crucial insight of conceptual metaphor theory is that metaphor refers to the process of systematic mappings from the source domain to target domain,from the specific to the abstract,from the known to the unknown and from the easy to the difficult.概念隐喻的图示,2.Contrasts,2.2 Mappings,2.1 Spaces vs domains,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,2.4 Emergent structure,Blending theory and conceptual metaphor theory are complementary rather than competing theories,as explicitly argued by Grady,Oakley and Coulson(1999).As well as providing complementary perspectives,each theory addresses certain phenomena not accounted for by the other theory.这两种理论在许多方面有可比性。它们都认为隐喻是认知现象而不是纯粹的语言现象;它们都在解释隐喻的工作机制、隐喻意义的理解和生成机制;它们都论及概念范围之间语言意象的系统投射和推论结构;它们都面临同样的问题:如何用实证研究证明人们确实以这种方式思维的。当然,这两种理论的不同之处要多过相同之处。,2.1 Spaces vs domains,SpacesConceptual Blending Theory makes use of mental spaces.Mental spaces are dynamic and temporary conceptual packets constructed on-line during discourse.在概念合成理论中,认知结构的基本单位是心理空间。心理空间是一个在人们思考、行动和交际时进行在线处理的动态的、暂时的概念包。该理论中,隐喻的概念合成涉及四个心理空间,分别是两个输入空间,一个类属空间和一个合成空间。在隐喻意义的构建过程中,两个输入空间 都为即将产生的新的合成空间(隐喻意义)提供“输入”。类属空间则抽象出两个输入空间上位概念结构。合成空间通过层创结构的运作产生新的意义。例如,That surgeon is a butcher.,E.g.That surgeon is a butcher.,2.1 Spaces vs domains,DomainsConceptual metaphors feature mappings(and domains)stored in long-term memory.These mappings hold between domains which are relatively stable pre-existing knowledge structures.隐喻涉及的是两个心理表象,即源域和目的域两个认知域。这两个域是储存于人类长期记忆中的、高度稳定的、约定俗成的知识域。而隐喻就是这两个认知域之间的一种固定的、系统的关系。例如,“Life is a journey.,E.g.Life is a journey.,始源域 目标域旅程 人生旅行者 人起点 出生障碍 困难目的地 人生目标终点 死亡这是根隐喻。它的喻体是“journey,本体是“life”,分别代表了源域和目的域。这两个域中包含的就是一些显著的,稳定的,约定俗成的概念知识和结构特征。,2.1 Spaces vs domains,小结:概念合成理论中,心理空间是认知结构的基本单位。心理空间是一个动态的、临时的概念包。该理论中,至少涉及四个心理空间:两个输入空间,一个类属空间和一个合成空间。概念隐喻理论中,两个概念域是认知结构的基本单位,即源域和目的域。这两个域是储存于人类长期记忆中的、高度稳定的、约定俗成的知识域。,2.2 Mappings,Conceptual Blending Theory involves selective projection of structure from inputs to the blended space rather than unidirectional cross-domain mappings.In addition,structure from the blend can be projected back to the input spaces.概念合成理论认为人的思维模式不是源域和目的域直接、单向和绝对地映射,而是以共享心理图式为类属空间,由源域和目的域两个输入空间双向映射到合成空间的动态整合过程。在这个过程中,首先进行跨空间映射,即两个输入空间之间存在部分映射关系;然后,两个输入空间的元素向类属空间映射并形成共同的抽象结构,再分别映射回两个输入空间,从而规定了输入空间之间核心的跨空间映射;接着,两个输入空间的元素有选择地映射到合成空间。合成空间中的层创结构通过组合、完善、发展来自每一个输入空间的部分成分结构整合在一起产生新的结构。例如,“That surgeon is a butcher.,E.g.That surgeon is a butcher.,2.2 Mappings,Conceptual metaphor Theory makes unidirectional cross-domainmappings.The mappings between the two domains are fixed and systematic.概念隐喻理论认为,人的思维是单向映射。因此,隐喻可以理解为源域和目的域这两个认知域之间的一种单向的映射关系,映射过程具有固定的“方向性”和“系统性”,即按照从源域到目的域的方向进行映射。同时,源域的结构也会系统地映射到目的域中。目的域中最终形成的结构继承了源域原有的结构,所以源域决定了目的域的意义。例如,“Life is a journey。,2.2 Mappings,小结:概念合成理论认为,人的思维模式不是源域和目的域直接、单向和绝对地映射,而是以共享心理图式为类属空间,由源域和目的域两个输入空间双向映射到合成空间的动态整合过程。概念隐喻理论认为,隐喻可以理解为源域和目的域这两个认知域之间的一种单向的映射关系,映射过程具有固定的“方向性”和“系统性”,即按照从源域到目的域的方向进行映射。,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,Dynamic:Conceptual Blending Theory emphasises the dynamic and mutable aspects of blending and its role in meaning construction.It has been more concerned with investigating the contribution of conceptual integration to ongoing meaning construction.概念合成理论中概念合成的构建和操作都具有创造性。因此,该理论不仅能解释固定的概念隐喻,更擅长解释创新的隐喻。人们日常的交流和理解过程就是具有创造力的即时在线映射及整合过程。如“He is not


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