Lesson 53An interesting climate,The weather song,Whats the weather like today?Sun sun sunny day.Whats the weather like today?Rain rain rainy day.Whats the weather like today?Cloud cloud cloudy day.Whats the weather like today?Wind wind windy day.,review,mild mald 温和的,温暖的always lwez;-z 总是north n 北方east ist 东方west west 西方south sa 南方wet wet 潮湿的,mild,温和的,温暖的,always,总是,north,北方,south,南方,west,西方,east,东方,wet,潮湿的,Where be sb from?,He is from China,He is from Japan,Where are they from?,They,are,from,China,Where are they from?,They,from,China,They,are,from,Korea,are,Review,1.Where,come from?,I,England.,in your country?,Its,but its not always pleasant.,2.,do,you,come,from,climate,mild,come from=be from,Whats,the,like,north,south,west,east,up,down,left,right,north,south,west,east,The weathers often,cold,in the North.,in the north of.,and,windy,in the East,in the east of.,Its often,wet,in the West,in the west of.,and sometimes,warm,in the South,in the south of.,HANS:Where do you come from?JIM:I _ _ England.HANS:Whats the climate like _ your _?JIM:Its _,but its not always pleasant.JIM:The weathers often in the North and windy _ _ _.Its often _ in the West and sometimes in the South.,come from,country,in,mild,in the Eest,wet,cold,warm,NEW WORDS,rise raz 升起 set set 落下去 early l 早 late let 晚,迟interesting nt()rst 有趣的 subject sbdekt;话题 conversation knvse()n 谈话,season,siz()n,季节,best,best,最,night,夜晚,nat,Listen to the tape and answer the questions,1.which season does Jim like best?He likes spring and summer best.2.Does the sun rise early and sets late in summer?No,it doesnt.3.Whats the favourite subject of conversation?The climate.,HANS:Which seasons do you like best?JIM:I like spring and summer.The days are long and the nights are short.The sun rises early and sets late.,JIM:I dont like autumn and winter.The days are short and the nights are long.The sun rises late and sets early.Our climate is not very good,but its certainly interesting.Its our favourite subject of conversation.,HANS:Which _ do you like best?JIM:I like spring and summer.The days are long and the nights are short.The sun _ early and _ late.JIM:I dont like autumn and winter.The days are short and the nights are long.The sun rises late and set early.Our climate is not very good,but its certainly _.Its our favorite _ of conversation.,magic ears,seasons,rises,sets,interesting,subject,magic ears,Our is not very good,but its certainly Its our favourite of,climate,interesting.,subject,conversation.,Q3 which seasons does Jim like best?,season 季节 春秋是我最喜欢的季节。Spring and autumn are my favorite.best 最好的(good 的最高级)good better best秋季是旅游的最佳季节Autumn is the season for travel.我最喜欢这部电影I like this film best.,seasons,best,Q4 Why does Jim like spring and summer best?,The days are long and the nights are short.The sun rises early and sets late.,night at night 在夜里 all night 整夜 day and night 整日整夜 她日夜努力工作 She works hard day and night.late 晚,迟 be late for.做某事迟到 上学不要迟到。Dont be late for school.,Q5 why doesnt Jim like autumn and winter?The days are short and the nights are long.The sun rises late and sets early.rise 升起 起床太阳从东方升起。The sun rises in the east.set(太阳)落下去夏天太阳落得晚。In summer,the sun late.日出 sunrise日落 sunset,sets,Q7 Is the climate interesting?its certainly interesting.interesting 有趣的 有意思的 那是本有趣的书。That is an book.be interested in.对.感兴趣他对英语感兴趣。He English.我们对这本书感兴趣。We this book.,is,interested,in,are,interested,in,interesting,Q8 whats the favorite subject of conversation in England,subject 话题 题目 让我们改话题吧Lets change the.科目 课程我们一年要学习八门课程。We learn eight a year.,subject,subjects,Lesson 54,Where do they come from?,Australia Canada India,What nationality are they?,Australian Canadian Indian,Words,Canada kndCanadian kneidinAustralia:streiljAustralian:streiljnIndia indiIndian indin,加拿大加拿大人澳大利亚澳大利亚人印度印度人,Where do they come from?,Turkey Austria Poland Turkish Austrian Polish,Where do they come from?,Japan Korea ThailandJapanese Korean Thai,Where are they from?,Finland China NigeriaFinnish Chinese Nigerian,Finland finlndFinnish finiTurkey t:kiTurkish t:kiAustria:striAustrian:strin,芬兰芬兰人土耳其土耳其人奥地利奥地利人,Japan dpnKorea kri:Thailand tailndThai taiChina tainNigeria naidiriNigerian naidirinPoland pulndPolish puli,日本韩国泰国泰国人中国尼日利亚尼日利亚人波兰波兰人,