New Concept English Book OneLesson 59&60 贾艳春Jenny,1,New Concept English Book One,Teaching objectives(教学目标),2,Do you have any?你有吗?,I want我想要,contents,Teaching objectives(教学目标)2Do,Teaching procedure(教学过程),3,复习,课文讲解,课堂练习,步骤,Teaching procedure(教学过程)3复习,早晨,孩子们通常去上学.In the morning,the children usually go to school.但是今天早晨,他们在花园里玩.But this morning,they are playing in the garden.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,4,早晨,孩子们通常去上学.一般现在时与现在进行时的切换4,上午,他们常常在家吃午饭.In the morning,they usually have lunch at home.但是今天,他们在饭店里吃的午饭.(restaurant)But today,they are having lunch at the restaurant.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,5,上午,他们常常在家吃午饭.一般现在时与现在进行时的切换5,下午,爸爸有时会游泳.In the afternoon,father sometimes swims.但是今天下午,爸爸打篮球.But this afternoon,father is playing basketball.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,6,下午,爸爸有时会游泳.一般现在时与现在进行时的切换6,晚上,妈妈常常做饭.In the evening,mom often cooks.但是今天晚上,妈妈在看电视.But this evening,mom is watching TV.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,7,晚上,妈妈常常做饭.一般现在时与现在进行时的切换7,早晨,爷爷总是在花园里跑步.In the morning,grandpa always runs in the garden.但是今天早晨,爷爷沿着小河散步.But this morning,grandpa is walking along the river.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,8,早晨,爷爷总是在花园里跑步.一般现在时与现在进行时的切换8,哥哥每天都去上班,他每天回家都很晚.Brother goes to work every day.He arrives home very late.但哥哥今天下班回家很早.But today brother is coming home from work very early.But today brother is arriving home very early.,一般现在时与现在进行时的切换,9,哥哥每天都去上班,他每天回家都很晚.一般现在时与现在进行,Listen to the tape and answer the question:Does the lady buy any chalk?059&060Is That All.mp3,课文讲解,10,Listen to the tape and answer,EnvelopeWriting paperShop assistantSizePadGlueChalkchange,New words,11,EnvelopeNew words11,请给我拿几个信封.您要大号的还是小号的?请拿大号的.,翻译练习,12,请给我拿几个信封.翻译练习12,您有信纸吗?有.我没有小本的信纸,只有大本的.您要一本吗?好,请拿一本.,翻译练习,13,您有信纸吗?翻译练习13,我还要些胶水.我还要一大盒粉笔.就这些吗?就这些,谢谢.,翻译练习,14,我还要些胶水.翻译练习14,Do you have any writing paper?Do you have?你有什么吗?您有肥皂卖吗?Do you have any soap?您有咖啡吗?Do you have any coffee?,句型:Do you have?,15,Do you have any writing paper?,Do you have any bread?Do you have any butter?区分:Is there any milk on the table?Is there any water in the glass?Are there any bars of chocolate on the table?,句型:Do you have?,16,Do you have any bread?句型:Do y,回答:Yes,I do.Yes,we do.No,I dont.No,we dont.,句型:Do you have?,17,回答:句型:Do you have?17,I want some envelopes,please.I want some glue.I want a large box of chalk,too.我想要两条面包.I want two loaves of bread.我想要一磅牛奶.I want a pound of milk.,I want我想要,18,I want some envelopes,please.,I want two loaves of bread.I want a pound of milk.Two loaves of bread,please.A pound of milk,please.Give me two loaves of bread,please.Give me a pound of milk,please.,I want我想要,19,I want two loaves of bread.I w,I want some glue.Do you want any glue?Yes,I do.I dont want any glue.,I want我想要句型的疑问和否定,20,I want some glue.I want我想要句,你想要一些牛排吗?Do you want any steak?不.我不想要牛排.No,I dont want any steak.我想要半磅肉馅.I want half a pound of mince.,I want我想要句型的疑问和否定,21,你想要一些牛排吗?I want我想要句型的疑问和否定21,你想要一些黄油吗?Do you want any butter?不.我不想要黄油.No,I dont want any butter.我想要几片奶酪.I want some pieces of cheese.,I want我想要句型的疑问和否定,22,你想要一些黄油吗?I want我想要句型的疑问和否定22,23,Do you have any beef?No,we dont.we only have some lamb.,23Do you have any beef?,24,Do you have any chicken?No,we dont.We only have some pork.,24Do you have any chicken?,25,Do you have any choice apples?No,we dont.We only have some choice pears.,25Do you have any choice apple,26,Do you have any tomatoes?No,we dont.We only have some potatoes.,26Do you have any tomatoes?,27,Do you have any cabbages?No,we dont.We only have some lettuces.,27Do you have any cabbages?,28,Do you have any ripe bananas?No,we dont.We only have some sweet oranges.,看报纸 做家务,28Do you have any ripe bananas,29,Do you have any grapes?No,we dont.We only have some peaches.,29Do you have any grapes?,30,Do you have any butter?No,we dont.We only have some pure honey.,30Do you have any butter?,31,Do you have any red wine?No,we dont.We only have some bottles of beer.,31Do you have any red wine?,32,Do you have any biscuits?No,we dont.We only have some pieces of bread./some loaves of bread.,32Do you have any biscuits?,33,Do you have any bottles of jam?No,we dont.We only have some bottles of honey.,33Do you have any bottles of j,34,Do you have any tins of tobacco?No,we dont.We only have some bars of soap.,34Do you have any tins of toba,35,请模仿课文进行情景表演.Do you have?Do you want?I wantIs that all?Thats all,thank you.,35请模仿课文进行情景表演.,复习 review,36,daily expression,there be,they are,Do you have?,Do you want?,复习 review36 daily expression t,37,Thank You!,37Thank You!,