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    七年级(上)Units 14(含Starter),七年级(上)1单词关2短语关3句式关4教材语篇关,单词关,名词1.color(n.)颜色_(adj.)颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的2.friend(n.)朋友_(adj.)友好的_(n.)友谊;友情 _ 和某人交朋友 _ 对某人友好_ 成为某人的朋友,colorful,friendship,make friends with sb.,教材与课标共有,7 次,friendly,22 次,be friendly to sb.,be friends with sb.,单词关名词colorfulfriendshipmake fr,3.China(n.)中国_(n.&adj.)语文;汉语;汉语的;中国的4.day(n.)一天;一日;白天_(adj.)每日的;日常的_ 玩得开心_ 在我们的日常生活中,Chinese,have a good day,in our daily life,21 次,daily,47 次,3.China(n.)中国Chinesehave a go,5.photo(n.)_(pl.)照片_ 照相(2014.26)_ 一张的照片_ 全家福6.dictionary(n.)_(pl.)字典7.library(n.)_(pl.)图书馆_ 校图书馆,photos,a photo of.,family photo,12 次,take photos,7 次,dictionaries,libraries,school library,5.photo(n.)_(pl.)照片,动词8.spell(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)用字母拼;拼写_ 拼写单词_拼写错误9.see(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)理解;明白;看见_ 看见某人正在做某事_ 看到做某事的全过程,spelled/spelt,spell words,spelling mistakes,saw,seen,see sb.doing sth.,see sb.do sth.,53次,42次,动词 spelled/speltspell wordsspe,10.say(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)说;讲_(n.)谚语;格言;警句11.meet(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)遇见;相逢_(n.)会议;集会;会面_ 和某人相遇_在某地和某人见面 _ 开会,said,saying,met,meeting,meet sb.,meet sb.at sp.,21次,have a meeting,35次,saidsayingmetmeetingmeet sb.,12.have(v.)_(第三人称单数)_(过去式/过去分词)经受;经历;有_ 不得不_ 使某物被做_ 关于;与有关系,has,had,have to,have sth.done,have to do with,65次,12.have(v.)hashadhave tohave,13.thank(v.)感谢;谢谢_(adj.)感谢的;欣慰的_ 对某人心存感激_ 对某事心存感激(2015.30)_ 感谢某人做某事_ 由于;多亏14.find(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)找到;发现_(反义词)丢失_ 查明;弄清(2016.39),thankful,be thankful to sb.,be thankful for sth.,thank sb.for doing sth.,found,lose,thanks to,find out,25次,32次,thankfulbe thankful to sb.be t,e(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)来;来到_ 走过来_ 出来_ 提出;想出;赶上_ 来自;出生于_ 实现,came,come,come over,come out,come up with,31次,come from,come true,e(v.)camecomecome over,16.think(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)认为;想;思考_(n.)想法;主意_ 思考;思索_ 认为;想起_ 深思熟虑_ 三思;慎重考虑,thought,thought,think about,think of,think over,38次,think twice,16.think(v.)thoughtthoughtthi,17.know(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)知道;了解_ 知道,了解 _ 众所周知 _ 据我所知 _ 作为而出名(2017.35)_ 以而出名_ 为所熟知,knew,known,know about,as we all know,as far as I know,32次,be known as,be known for,be known to,17.know(v.)knewknownknow abou,形容词18.good(adj.)好的_(adv.)好地_(比较级)更好的(地)_(最高级)最好的(地)_ 有益于;对有好处(2012.30)_ 擅长于 _ 善于应付的;对有办法,well,better,best,be good for,be good at/do well in,be good with,44次,形容词wellbetterbestbe good for,19.tidy(adj.)整洁的;井井有条的_(比较级)更整洁的_(最高级)最整洁的_(反义词)不整洁的;凌乱的,tidier,tidiest,untidy,19.tidy(adj.)整洁的;井井有条的tidiert,数词20.one(num.)好的一_(序数词)第一_(adv.)一次;曾经_首先_ 起先;首先;最初 _ 第一次;首次21.two(num.)二_(序数词)第二_(adv.)两次;两倍_ 一周两次,first,once,first of all,at first,for the first time,second,57次,twice,twice a week,46次,20次,19次,数词firstoncefirst of allat fir,22.three(num.)三_(序数词)第三23.five(num.)五 _(序数词)第五24.eight(num.)八_(序数词)第八25.nine(num.)九 _(序数词)第九,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,13次,4次,22.three(num.)三_(序数词,代词26.this(pron.)这个_(pl.)这些 27.that(pron.)那个_(pl.)那些 28.I(pron.)我_(人称代词宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)我的_(名词性物主代词)我的_(反身代词)我自己,these,those,me,my,mine,myself,代词thesethose memy mine myse,29.you(pron.)你;你们_(形容词性物主代词)你的;你们的_(名词性物主代词)你的;你们的_(反身代词)你自己_(反身代词)你们自己30.he(pron.)他_(人称代词宾格)_(形容词性/名词性物主代词)他的_(反身代词)他自己,your,yours,yourself,yourselves,him,his,himself,29.you(pron.)你;你们youryoursyou,31.she(pron.)她_(人称代词宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)她的_(名词性物主代词)她的_(反身代词)她自己32.they(pron.)他(她、它)们_(人称代词宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的_(名词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的_(反身代词)他(她、它)们自己,her,her,hers,herself,them,their,theirs,themselves,31.she(pron.)她_(人称代词,兼类词33.watch(n.)_(pl.)表;手表(v.)注视;观看_ 当心;提防_ 照顾;监督;保护34.ring(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)使发出钟声或铃声;打电话(n.)戒指,watches,watch out,watch over sb.,rang,rung,8次,兼类词watcheswatch outwatch over,35.help(n.)帮助;援助_(adj.)有用的;有帮助的_(adj.)无助的(v.)帮助;援助_ 在某人的帮助下_ 帮助某人做某事_ 情不自禁做某事_ 帮助解决难题、分担工作,helpful,helpless,with the help of sb.,help sb.(to)do sth.,cant help doing sth.,56次,help out,35.help(n.)帮助;援助helpfulhelple,适当形式填空,1.That sweater must be Carlas.Shes the only one who wears such _(color)clothes.人教九(全)Unit 8 P64 2.It is _(say)that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.上海牛津九(上)Unit6 P943.In the beginning,many people in Europe refused to eat tomatoes because they _(think)the fruit was dangerous.人教 八(下)Unit 5 P38,colorful,said,thought,适当形式填空1.That sweater must be C,4.We were having fun in the playground when the school bell _(ring)人教八(下)Unit 5 P38 5.Both Sam and Tom can play the drums,but Sam plays them _(well)than Tom.人教八(上)Unit 3 P176.You mustnt take _(photo)here.Its not allowed.2019绥化 情景交际,rang,better,photos,4.We were having fun in the pl,7.I will always thank for its excellent staff and all the great people I _(meet)there.2019宜宾阅读B8.The Yangtze River,the mother river of China,is the _(three)longest river in the world.2019宜宾完成句子73题9.Look!Your room is really _(tidy).You should learn to be organized.2018宿迁词汇运用,met,third,untidy,7.I will always thank for its,盲填,10.I like him because he is really cool and fun,and he is good _ soccer.人教七(下)Unit 9 P5411.Thanks _ Mr.Wang and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors in time.人教八(下)Unit 1 P312.I like to watch the news because I hope to find _ whats going on around the world.人教八(上)Unit 5 P3413._ the help of modern technology,scientists got a photo of a black hole.2019淮安单选6题,at,to,out,With,盲填10.I like him because he is,14.Lucy and Lily study in the same school.They are good friends.Both of _ are interested in dancing.They often have _ dancing classes on Sunday afternoon.They enjoy _ when they are dancing.Miss Steven is the dance teacher of _.They like her very much.They hope to be excellent dancers like her someday.(they),them,their,themselves,theirs,(用所给词的适当形式填空),微语段,14.Lucy and Lily study in the,15.In our daily life,there are so many people who have helped us.We should be _ to these people.So learn to be thankful to them for what they have done for us.Try to help others in the same way.You will receive thanks in return.And you will find helping others and _ others are such great things.(thank),thankful,thanking,15.In our daily life,there a,短语关,动词短语,1._ 为而感谢你(们)2._ 请求;恳求(给予)3._ 快点儿4._ 用造句5._ 轮流做某事6._ 做海报,thank you for.,ask.for.,come on,make a sentence with,take turns to do sth.,make a poster,短语关动词短语1._ 为而,7._ 上床睡觉 8._ 铺床 9._ 给某人打电话10._ 和某人一块练习,go to bed,make ones bed,call sb.at.,practice with sb.,7._ 上床睡觉 go to bed,11._电话号码 12._ 名字13._ 姓14._ 中学;初中15._ 铅笔盒;文具盒 16._ 学生卡;身份证,名词短语,telephone/phone number,first name,last name,middle school,pencil box,ID card,11._电话号,17._ 磁带播放机18._ 飞机模型19._ 家庭成员 20._ 全家,tape player,model plane,family member,the whole family,17._ 磁带播放机tape pl,21._ 用英语22._ 按照顺序23._(表示祝愿)过得愉快!24._ 劳驾;请原谅 25._(询问消息或提出建议)怎么样?好吗?,其他短语,in English,in order,Have a good day!,excuse me,What about.?,21._ 用英语其他短语in Eng,26._ 互相 27._ 一张;一片28._ 一套;一副;一组29._ 对某人友好 30._ 在早上,each other,a piece of,a set of,be nice/friendly to,in the morning,26._ 互相 each othera,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空1.At ten thirty,I brush my teeth and then I _.人教七(下)Unit 2 P112._coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School.人教九(全)Unit 14 P1103.We need to learn how to be polite when we _ help.人教九(全)Unit 3 P122,go to bed,Thank you for,ask for,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空go to bed,4.We live in a small town and almost everyone knows _.人教九(全)Unit 8 P595._,can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?人教九(全)Unit 3 P206.Mrs.Stone helped them realize that it was a good idea to _ to decide the activity.2019广东省卷完形,each other,Excuse me,take turns,each otherExcuse metake tur,7.Im afraid I cant ride the bike._!Just give it a try.2019上海单选45题8.Daniel had an egg,_ bread and a glass of milk for breakfast this morning.2019宿迁单选1题),Come on,a piece of,7.Im afraid I cant ride th,1._?你的名字是什么?My name is Alan.我的名字是艾伦。2._.那些是我的父母。3.Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Its _.那是一个橘子。4.I have a clock.Its_.我有一个闹钟,它在桌子上。,Whats your name,Those are my parents,an orange,on the desk,句式关,1._?你的名字是什么?W,5.Im Jenny._.我是詹妮,很高兴认识你。6._ Dale and _is Eric Brown._ _is 357-5689.我是戴尔,我的朋友是埃瑞克布朗。他的电话号码是357-5689。7.I lost my school ID card.I must find it._ 685-6034.我丢失了我的校园卡。我必须找到它。请给我打电话685-6034。,Nice to meet you,I am,my friend,His telephone,number,Please call me at,5.Im Jenny._.,8._two nice_.这是我的两张漂亮的全家福。9.In our room,my books and tapes are_.在我们的房间里,我的书和磁带在书柜里。10.Ginas books are everywhere_ and under the chair.吉娜的书到处都是在她的床上、沙发上和椅子下面。,Here are,photos of my family,in the bookcase,on her bed,on the sofa,8._two nice_,教材语篇关,Passage 1选自七(上)Unit 1 Section B 2bHello!My name is Jenny Green.I want to introduce some people around me.The first people I want to introduce is Gina Smith.She is one of my 1._(friend).She is a girl.2._(she)last name is Smith.The 3._ of hers is 232-4672.The 4._(two)Id like to introduce is Dale Miller.His first name is Dale 5._ his phone number is 358-6344.Eric Brown is his friend.If you want,friends,Her,number,second,and,教材语篇关Passage 1选自七(上)Unit 1 Se,to make friends 6._ him,you can call at 357-5689.The last is Mary Brown whose 7._ name is Brown.Zhang Mingming is her friend and she is a 8._(China).,with,last,Chinese,to make friends 6._ him,Passage 2选自七(上)Unit 2 Section B 2bHi!Im Jenny.Here are two nice photos of my family.There are four people in the 1._(one)picture.They are my grandfather,grandmother and my 2._(parent).My 3._(love)parents are Alan and Mary.Alan is my father and Mary is my mother.In the next one are two boys,two girls and a dog.4._(this)boys are my brothers.They are Bob and Eric.Who are these two girls?One 5._ them is my sister Cindy.The other is my 6._ Helen.,first,parents,lovely,These,of,cousin,Passage 2选自七(上)Unit 2 Section,She is my 7._(uncle)daughter.Where am I?I am the one who took 8._ picture.The dog is Coco.It is our friend and we love it.,uncles,the,She is my 7._(uncle)d,Passage 3选自七(上)Unit 3 Section B 2bGood morning,boys and girls!Here are four 1._(notice).Mike 2._(find)a computer game.Is it 3._(you)?You can ask the teacher 4._ it.Some keys are found 5._ Classroom 7E.Are they yours?You can email me at maryg 2.John found a watch.His phone number is 4953539.The last notice is about 6._ school ID card of Tom.He must find it.If someone 7._(know)where it is,please call him at 6866034.Thanks!,notices,found,yours,for,in,the,knows,Passage 3选自七(上)Unit 3 Section,


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