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    Unit 10 Healthy eating,六年级上册英语课件-Unit-10Healthy-eating牛津上海版(一起)-(共22张PPT),Dannys lunch,876543210Dannys lunch,Dannys supper,876543210Dannys supper,Look and learn,Dannys diet yesterday,Did Danny have a healthy diet or an unhealthy diet?,9-1,Look and learnDannys diet yes,Dannys diet yesterday,What was wrong with his diet?,too manytoo muchtoo little,9-2,Dannys diet yesterdayWhat was,Dannys diet yesterday,9-3,What should/shouldnt he do?,He shouldHe shouldnt,Dannys diet yesterday9-3What,Dannys eating habits,1.always eat French fries or chips2.eat too little fresh fruit3.always drink soft drinks such as cola4.have a little rice5.eat much meat and few vegetables6.always have little for breakfast7.sometimes have a cup of milk in the morning8.eat too many sweets and chocolates,Dannys eating habits1.always,A letter to Danny,Danny is our classmate,he is fat and unhealthy.He has an unhealthy diet.Today he is ill and asked for leave again.As Dannys friend,please write a letter to Danny to tell him how to have good eating habits.,A letter to Danny Danny i,A letter to Danny,Dear Danny,_ _ _ _ yours,_,Im sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy.I dont think your diet is_ enough.In my opinion,healthy,beginning,A letter to DannyDear Danny,A letter to Danny,Good eating habits are _.We should _.We shouldnt _.Good eating habits can keep us_.,important,body,A letter to DannyGood eating h,Think and write,Good eating habits are _ because they are good for _.should _.shouldnt _._.eating habits can keep us_.,First,Next,Then,In a word,we,We,We,we,Good,good,Here are some suggestions on them.,Think and writeGood eating hab,Many factors to have good eating habits:,eating different kinds of food,eating healthy food,such as fruit,vegetables,having breakfast,having meals on time,drinking a lot of water,How to have good eating habits,Many factors to have good eat,Good eating habits are _ because _.Here are my tips on how to improve our eating habits.First,we should eat different _.Next,we should _ for breakfast.Then we need a lot of/plenty of/some/a little _.In a word,healthy eating habits can keep us _,make our life _.,Good eating habits,Good eating habits are _ bec,A letter to Danny,Dear Danny,_ _ _ _ yours,_,Ending:healthy eating habits can keep us _,make our life _.,I hope you will be better soon and enjoy your life.,A letter to DannyDear Danny,E,A letter to Danny,Dear Danny,_ _ _ _ yours,_,A letter to DannyDear Danny,Dear Danny,Im sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy.I dont think your diet is healthy enough.In my opinion,good eating habits are _ because _.Here are my tips on how to improve our eating habits.First,we should eat different _.Next,we should _ for breakfast.Then we need a lot of/plenty of/some/a little _.In a word,healthy eating habits can keep us _,make our life _.I hope you will be better soon and enjoy your life.Yours,_,Dear Danny,Good eating habits,Good eating habits are _ because they are _.lead to 导致,通向Getting up early leads to good health.Good eating habits lead to good health.So its very important for us to have good eating habits.,important,good for our health,Good eating habits Good eatin,Good eating habits,We should eat different kinds of food every day.We should make sure to eat well.Pick the right foods to eat.,Good eating habits We should,Danny,eat more please!,Look at the time!Ill be late!,Look and say,Danny,Look at the tim,Then we need a lot of/plenty of/some/a little _.,Look and say,Then we need a lot of/plenty o,Healthy eating habits can keep us fit and strong.Good eating habits can help make our life active and beautiful.,Good eating habits with some exercise are the k_ to our health.It can make our life r_ and c_.,key,rich,colorful,By having good eating habits,we will have f_ and stay f_ at the same time.Then we are on the r_ to good health.,fun,fit,road,Healthy eating habits can,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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