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    Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Section AThe First Period,1a-2d,八年级英语上 新目标 人,Where did you go on summer vacation?,I went to Beijing for vacation.,I went to the mountains.,I went to summer camp.,I stayed at home.,I visited museums.,I went to the beach.,1.stayed at home _2.went to New York City _3.visited my uncle _4.went to summer camp _5.went to the mountains _6.went to the beach _7.visited museums _,Match the activities with the pictures.,a,c,b,g,d,e,f,教材解读Where did you go on vacation?本句是where引导的过去时的特殊疑问句。go on vacation为“去度假”,on vacation相当于on/for holiday。“on+名词”可以表示“在某种状态中”,如on duty“值日”,on business“出差”,on sale“出售”等。There are many people here on vacation.有很多人在这儿度假。【拓展】类似结构的短语还有go on a picnic“去野餐”,go on a trip“去旅行”等。,Listen and number the people in the picture 1-5.1.Tina 2.Xiang Hua 3.Sally 4.Bob 5.Tom,4,5,3,2,Listen and find the general idea.The general idea of the conversations is to talk about.A.summer vacation B.some places of interest C.some students summer vacation activities,C,Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.,Names Where didgo?(1)Tina(2)Xiang Hua(3)Sally(4)Bob(5)Tom,went to the mountains,went to New York City,stayed at home,visited his uncle,went to summer camp,Please listen for the general idea of 2a.The general idea of the conversation is about_.A.three students schoolB.three students parentsC.three students vacation activities,C,Where did the people go on vacation?Complete the chart.,New York City,the beach,home,Listen again.Check()Yes,I did or No,I didnt for each question.,A:Grace,where did you go on vacation?B:I went to New York City.A:Oh,really?Did you go with anyone?B:Yes,I went with my mother.,Role-play conversations between Grace,Kevin and Julie.,Grace:Where did you go on vacation?Julie:I went to Huangshan.Grace:Oh,really?Did you go with anyone?Julie:Yes,I went with my friends.We were very happy.,Grace,Julie,教材解读1.Long time no see.本句是见面客套语,从出现到现在已经很长时间,虽然不符合语法,但人们能够理解并运用。Long time no see.You look good.很久没见了。你看起来很不错。【拓展】问候别人近来过得怎样或询问事情进行如何的习惯表达还有:How are you?你好吗?Hows it going?近来过得如何?/事情怎么样?How is it coming?日子过得怎么样?Whats new?近来好吗?Hows everything going?一切都好吗?,2.Did you go with anyone?这是一个一般疑问句,询问的是发生在过去的事情。由助动词提问,回答也用助动词did。一般过去时的一般疑问句的句子结构是“Did+主语+动词原形+其他?”。其肯定回答是:Yes,主格代词+did.;否定回答是:No,主格代词+didnt.。,anyone pron.相当于anybody,意为“任何人”,是不定代词,一般用于否定句和疑问句中。当形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词之后(形容词后置)。Can anyone tell me what to do?有谁可以告诉我要怎么做吗?Is there anyone important in school?在学校里有重要的人吗?,【辨析】anyone,any one(1)anyone为“任何人”,只用于指人,后面不可跟 of短语,用作主语或宾语,谓语动词用单数形式。Is there anyone at home?有人在家吗?(2)any one为“任何一个”,可以指人也可指物,用来表明只限一个,后面常跟of短语。You may take any one of these books.你可以从这些书中任选一本。,3.What about you?What about?=How about?“怎么样?”用于提出建议、征询意见。How/What about going to the cinema?去看电影怎么样?【注意】what/how about后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。,(1)What was Helen doing last month?(2)Where did she go?(3)Who did she go with?(4)How was Huangguoshu Waterfall?(5)What did Rick do?,She was on vacation.,She went to Guizhou.,Her family.,It was wonderful.,He stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.,Read and answer the questions below.,Read carefully and finish the conversation.Rick:Hi,Helen.Long time no see.Helen:Hi,Rick.Yes,I was last month.Rick:Oh,you anywhere interesting?Helen:Yes,I to Guizhou with my family.Rick:Wow!Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?Helen:Yes,I did.It was!We took photos there.What about you?Did you do last month?Rick:Not really.I just at home most of the time and relax.,on vacation,did,go,went,wonderful,quite a few,anything special,stayed,to read,Exercises:the end-of-class test.用不定代词或副词填空1.Did you meet interesting?2.Listen to me,boys and girls.I haveto tell you.3.I phoned you last night,but answered it.4.I want to go warm for winter vacation.5.There is on the floor.Please pick it up.,anyone,something,nobody/no one,somewhere,something,.用所给词的适当形式填空Last month Mr.Smith(go)to China.He(have)a wonderful time.He(do)a lot of different things and(talk)to a great number of different people.He(eat)Chinese food and(visit)a lot of interesting places.When he _(go)back to England,he(be)very tired.,went,had,did,talked,ate,visited,went,was,.翻译句子1.他们去哪儿度的假?2.上周在北京你遇见一些有趣的人了吗?3.我大部分时间只是待在家里读书休息。4.我们在北京拍了不少照片。5.好久不见了!,Where did they go on vacation?,Did you meet anyone interesting last week in Beijing?,I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.,We took quite a few photos in Beijing.,Long time no see!,Homework1.用英语询问你的一位好朋友,她(他)假期去了哪里?看到了什么?并将此对话写在作业本上。A:Where did you go?B:I went toA:Did you seeB:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.2.Preview 2d.,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,


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