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    人教英语必修5Unit1 Warming up and Reading课件.ppt

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    人教英语必修5Unit1 Warming up and Reading课件.ppt

    人教英语必修5_Unit1_Warming_up_and_Reading,人教英语必修5_Unit1_Warming_up_and_,Great scientists,Unit 1,Words and expressions,Great scientistsUnit 1Words an,What do you know about great scientists?Try this quiz and find out who knows the most?,Are you ready?Lets go!,What do you know about gre,1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?,1.Which scientist discovered,Archimedes,Its,ArchimedesIts,2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?,2.Who wrote a book explaining,Charles Darwin,Charles Darwin,3.Who invented the first steam engine?,steam engine,Its used for taking water out of mines.,3.Who invented the first stea,James Watt,James Watt,4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?,4.Who used peas to show how p,Gregor Mendel,Gregor Mendel,Its used in the treatment of some diseases,especially cancer.,radium,Whats this?,Its used in the treatment of,5.Who discovered radium?,Marie Curie,5.Who discovered radium?Marie,6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?,6.Who invented the way of giv,Thomas Edison,Thomas Edison,7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?,7.Who was the painter that st,Leonardo da vinci,Leonardo da vinci,8.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?,Sir Humphry Davy,8.Who invented a lamp to keep,9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?,Zhang Heng,9.Who invented the earliest i,Do you know what black hole means?,Do you know what black hole me,人教英语必修5_Unit1_Warming_up_and_Reading课件,10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?,10.Who put forward a theory a,Pre-Reading,Pre-Reading,Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?Discuss in small groups the stages in setting out a new scientific idea.,Do you know how to prove a new,relating to science,or using the organized methods of science.,scientific,a scientific discovery,a scientific experiment,a scientific theory,relating to science,or using,Draw a conclusionThink of a methodCollect resultsMake up a questionFind a problemAnalyse the resultsFind supporting evidence,What order do you put them in?Why?,Draw a conclusionWhat order do,Think of a method,Collect results,Make up a question,Find a problem,Analyse the result,Draw a conclusion,Find supporting evidence,Think of a methodCollect resul,What do you know about infectious diseases?,a kind of infectious diseases,What do you know about infecti,What do you know about cholera?,a serious infection of the bowels caused by drinking infected water or eating infected food,causing diarrhoea,vomiting and often death.,霍乱,What do you know about cholera,Is it the right way?,Discuss,Is it the right way?Discuss,Look at the picture,the map and the title and predict the content of the reading passage.Then skim it quickly to see if you were right.,Look at the picture,the map a,Reading,Reading,Do you know what did this map was used for in 1854?,Finding out the cause of Cholera.,Do you know what did this map,Who defeats“King Cholera“?What happened in 1854?How many people died in 10 days?Why is there no death at No.20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No.8 and 9 Cambridge Street?,Task 1:Skim and Scan,Who defeats“King Cholera“?Tas,1.Who defeats“King Cholera“?2.What happened in 1854?3.How many people died in 10 days?,John Snow,Cholera outbreak hit London.,500,1.Who defeats“King Cholera“?J,4.Why is there no death at No.20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No.8 and 9 Cambridge Street?,These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump.,4.Why is there no death at No,A map of Broad Street,What method did he use?,Broad Street,Many deaths happened here.,No death happened here.,The water from the pump was to blame.,Public house,A map of Broad StreetWhat met,Draw a conclusion,Find a problem,Make up a question,Think of a method,Collect results,Analyse the results,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Para 6,Match them,Analyse results,Para 7,Draw a conclusionFind a proble,Task 2,Read and answer,Task 2Read and answer,1 Why couldnt the cholera be under control at first?2 Which theory did John Snow believe in?,Neither its cause,not its cure was understood.,People absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.,1 Why couldnt the cholera be,3 John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by _.A.gathering information with the help of a map B.looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street C.separating those who suffered cholera from those who didnt D.both A and B,3 John Snow finally proved the,4.To prevent the cholera from spreading again,what did John Snow do?,Suggested that the source of all water supplies be examine.Suggested that new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.Instructed the water companies not to expose people to the polluted water anymore.,4.To prevent the cholera from,Task 3,Mind Map of the text,Task 3Mind Map of the text,John Snow began to test two theories.An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.John Snow marked the deaths on a map.He announced that the water carried the disease.John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.King Cholera was defeated.He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.He had the handle removed from the water pump.,21473,8,5,6,Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.,John Snow began to test two th,Discussion:Discuss the following questions in groups of four.,1.,2.,3.,Cholera was a 19th century disease.What disease do you think is similar to cholera today?Why?,John Snow believed Idea 2 was right.How did he finally prove it?,Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem with-out the map?Give a reason.,Discussion:Discuss the follow,Two diseases,which are similar today,are SARS and AIDS because they are both very serious,have an unknown cause and public health care to solve them.,Keys,1.,Two diseases,which,No.The map helped John Snow organise his ideas.He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits.He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits.The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.,2.,John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera,collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.,3.,No.The map helped,Using the stages for scientific research and Exercise 1,write a short summary of the reading passage.,John Snow wanted to find the cause of cholera.He believed that people became ill after eating infected food.He used the next outbreak of cholera to test his idea.He studied a small area of houses which got their water from the same pump.Many people in the area died.John Snow showed that this was because the water in the pump was infected.He showed that cholera could be defeated if people drank clean water.,Using the stages for scientifi,


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