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    ,1.Nowadays,many leftover women are almostcrazy because they have been asked to get married hundreds of times.如今,一些剩女快疯了因为她们已经被催了无数次的婚。,2.My best friends shopping cart has been cleared by her boyfriend.我好朋友的购物车被他男朋友清空了。,have/has+been+done(过去分词)Present Perfect Passive Vioce 现在完成时的被动语态,1.Nowadays,many leftover women are almost crazy because They have been asked to get married hundreds of times.,2.Lisas shopping cart has been cleared by her boyfriend.,Lead-in:Discover the structure,Revision:have/has+done(过去分词)Present Perfect Active Vioce 现在完成时的主动语态,Unit3 Computers:Grammar,现在完成时的被动语态,基本结构:have/has been+done,现在完成时被动语态的用法(present perfect passive voice),1.现在完成时被动语态表示一个被动的动作发生在过去,强调对现在造成的影响和结果。2.表示一个过去的被动动作或状态,持续到现在,并可能持续下去。,The car has been repaired for two hours.这个小车被修了2个小时。,These problems have already been solved.这些问题已经被解决了。,对现在的影响就是,现在不用解决这些问题了。,这个小车还有可能要继续修。,Task1:,主语+have/has+been+done+其他,(2)The work_already_ _(finish).,注意:主语是第三人称单数时用has;主语是复数或一、二人称时用have,Task2:,现在完成时被动语态的四种句式(present perfect passive voice),(1)A lot of books _ _ _(buy)in our school recently.,have,been bought,has,been finished,2.否定句:主语+have/has+not+been+done+其他,The dirty clothes have not been washed.()这些脏衣服还没有洗,The dirty clothes have been not washed.(),注意:not 是放在have/has 和been的中间 have not been/has not been,3.一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+been+done+其他?,No,I havent.,肯定回答:,Yes,I have.,否定回答:,_ you _ _(invite)to this kind of wedding?,Have,4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+have/has+主语+been+done+其他?特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 Where has he been sent to study English?,been invited,Brief summary,肯定句:主语+have/has+been+done 否定句:主语+have/has+not+been+done 一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+been+done?特殊疑问句:疑问词+Have/Has+主语+been+done?,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,语法填空(Rational cloze),短文改错(Error correction),书面表达(Writing)Homework,Exercise 3,高考链接:,选择单词(Words choice),Exercise 4,现在完成时的被动语态主要在试卷中的这三部分考查。,Group competition 小组竞赛I will divide all of you into five groups,The rules of Group competition:1.Put up your hands to answer the questions.举手回答问题。2.If it is the way of rushing to answer,the one who stand up the fastest will get the chance.如果是抢答,站起来最快的可以得到回答的机会。3.The winner will get a surprise.赢的一组将得到一个惊喜。,选择单词的正确形式(Words choice),选一朵花,会有惊喜哦,选择单词的正确形式,1 My cellphone(have been stolen;has been stolen)in the school.(two points),_,2.The work(has not been finished;has been not finished)yet.(three points),_,选择单词的正确形式,3.Have these classrooms(been cleaned;been cleaning)?(two points),_,选择单词的正确形式,4.How many new words(have been learnt;have learnt)this term?(two points),_,选择单词的正确形式,1.A personal computer has bought by us.been2.Many problems has been found with our new computer.3.Its said that this book has been translating into Chinese.4.The computer was been used every day since we bought it.,Exercise 2:,_,_,translated,has,have,Error correction单句改错(two pionts),Rush to answer 抢答,_,语法填空(Rational cloze),Exercise 3,Beiliu,Beiliu Copper Mountains 铜石岭,Commercial Street商业街,Do you know Beiliu has changed a lot since 2016?First,a new scenic area-Beiliu Copper Mountains(铜石岭)1._(build)for people to visit.Second,the environment problem 2._(pay attention to),so the dirty roads 3._(clean).Flowers 4._(plant)on both sides of the roads.Whats more,A new commercial street 5._(set up).Now,All the people of my hometown lead a happy life.,The changes of Beiliu one group one blank(one point),has been built,has been paid attention to,have been cleaned,have been planted,has been set up,M:Lisa,have you ever been to Beijing?W:No,what is happening?M:Great changes have happened in Beijing._have been_W:Besides,I hear that _have been_.M:Yes,indeed.W:Wonderful,I will travel to Beijing next time.,Production:Act out a role play with your partner(角色扮演),使用以下单词正确形式填空Tips:tall buildings build roads clean cars buy flowers and trees plant new parks set up view spots风景区 found,(five points),现在完成时的被动语态,用法:,四种句式,肯定句:,?,否定句:,?,一般疑问句:,?,特殊疑问句:,?,主语+have/has+been+done,主语+have/has+not+been+done,Have/Has+主语+been+done?,特殊疑问词+have/has+主语+been+done?,1.现在完成时被动语态表示一个被动的动作发生 在过去,强调对现在造成的影响和结果。2.表示一个过去的被动动作或状态,持续到现在,并可能持续下去。,语法填空1.2014天津卷 We wont start the work until all the preparations _(make)我们将不会开始工作,直到所有前期工作都被准备好2.(2015重庆高考)In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat _(cut).在我的家乡,在所有的小麦被收割之后会有一顿丰盛的晚餐。,have been made,has been cut,Experience College Entrance Examination 体验高考,书面表达,Please write a composition by using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.The title is“The great changes of Experimental middle school”.(about 100 words)实验中学,_ _,Experimental middle school,trees and flowers;plant,multimedia-classroom system;多媒体 install,new buildings;build up,?,The great changes of Experimental middle school Over the past five years,Experimental middle school has changed a lot._ _,Old houses have been pulled down for preparing a new school.,stadium;set up 体育场,plastic track;塑胶跑道construct,HD video classroom;录播教室establish,1.Review the present perfect passive voice.2.Finish your composition(作文)and share with your partners.,Thank you very much.,


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