电子产品工艺 调频收音机分析.docx
Pingdingshan Industrial College of TechnologyBTEC HND in Electrical/Electronic EngineeringUnit 21 Advanced Computer-Aided Design TechniquesAssignmentName of StudentSun XinyaUnit TitleUnit 30: Manufacturing Electronic ProductsAssignment TitleThyristor dimming circuit design and fabricatioAssignment NoAssignment 2Name of TutorTonghui gaoName of Internal VerifierSubmission DeadlineMay 15, 2011.Outcomes and Assessment CriteriaOutcomeAssessment CriteriaFeedbackTutors decisionInternal Verification3 Describe the design,manufacture and testing ofPrintedCircuit Boards Discuss the design and simulation of single- and multi-layer PCBs3a4 Investigatethe methods of assembling electronic products Describe the methods of testing completed PCBs and finished electronic products4aMerit Grade CriteriaMerit DescriptorsIndicative CharacteristicsFeedbackTutors decisionInternal VerificationM1 identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutionsPCB board layout will be a comprehensive analysis of the rules.M1bM2 select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniquesPCB board layout integrated application of the principles and requirements, draw thyristor dimming circuit PCB map.M2bM3 present and communicate appropriate findingsIn the waveform measurement reports, graphics and symbols marked correctly.M3bDistinction Grade CriteriaDistinction DescriptorsIndicative CharacteristicsFeedbackTutors decisionInternal VerificationD1 use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusionsConsolidated existing knowledge and observations, drawn waveforms.D1aThe use of layout principles drawn correctly assess their own strengths and weaknesses of PCB board.D1bD3 demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking General description of laboratory-sided PCB version of the production process。D3cProduction to meet the requirements of the thyristor dimming circuit PCB.D3dInternal verification of assignment brief (final agreed version)IV name DateI confirm that this is all my own workStudent signatureProfessors summative feedback and commentsSignatureDateStudents comments on professors feedbackSignatureDateANSWER ALL TASKSScenario:You have been given work experience in an engineering firm and the senior design engineer has given you the following tasks to perform.Task 1: ) PCB board layout should follow the general principles of what?1. Layout are two ways, one is an interactive layout, the other is the automatic layout, the layout is generally based on the automatic layout with interactive adjustment of the layout can be the case under the door circuit traces re-Distribution, the exchange of the two gates, making it easy to route the best layout.2. The success of a product, it is necessary to pay attention to the intrinsic quality, and second, taking into account the overall appearance, both can be more perfect that the product is successful. In a PCB board, component layout requirements should be balanced, density and orderly, not top-heavy or a sink.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典1. 名词 1. component2. element3. cell) PCB board layout should follow the general principles of what? 1, there must be a reasonable direction: such as input / output, AC / DC, strong / weak signal, high frequency / low frequency, high / low, etc. ., they are to be linearly (or separation), not each other blend. The aim is to prevent mutual interference. The best direction is a straight line, but in general not easy to achieve, the most unfavorable to the ring. 2, the choice of a good ground. 3, the rational arrangement of power supply filtering / decoupling capacitors. 4, the lines are about: not qualified to do wide lines and meticulous; pressure and Garden slip frequency line should not have sharp chamfering, turning and shall not use right angle. Ground should be as wide as possible, preferably using a large area deposition of copper, 5, the design should minimize the hole over the line. With the density of the parallel lines too easily welded together into one. Therefore, the linear density should be considered to determine the level of welding technology. The distance is too small joints, is not conducive to manual welding, can only reduce the efficiency to solve the welding quality. Task 2: ) draw their own thyristor dimming circuit diagram displayed in the following。) draw their own PCB thyristor dimming circuit diagram displayed in the following。Task 3: According to the oscilloscope measurements, the corresponding point in the table below the waveform plot。Voltage NameObservation pointWaveformAfter the pulsating voltage bridge rectifier10Trapezoid voltage synchronous20Sawtooth voltage (Rp larger)30Sawtooth voltage (Rp small)30Output pulse (Rp larger)40Output pulse (Rp small)40Anode voltage (Rp small)50Voltage across the lamp (Rp larger)15Task4: Description thyristor dimming circuit production process of single-sided PCB version。CuttingPattern transferEtchingRemoval of printed materialsDrillingPrinting solderSpray tinIndian charactersIn addition to the flux coatingCheckFinishedGeneral Notes to students:· Complete the cover sheet and sign the statement of authenticity.· Use the Harvard referencing system. Take great care that if you use other peoples work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference them in your text and any bibliography. (If you are caught plagiarising, you could have your grade reduced to zero, or at worst, you could be excluded from the course)· Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. Added Notes: ·The deadline for submitting assignment is 07/05/2010, 4 PM at Teaching Office 3420. Return date for marked work: 14/05/2010·Limit the body of the assessment to around 1500 words.8