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    散装红土镍矿取样、制样、检验方法Industry Standards of Sampling,Sample Preparation and Inspection method of Laterite Nickel Ore 一、目的Purpose为规范散装红土镍矿检验业务工作,确保检验工作的公正和准确。The purpose is to regulate the accuracy of the inspection of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore. 二、适用范围Scope of application适用于亚洲和泛太平洋地区的氧化镍矿(俗称红土镍矿)检验工作。It is applicable to the inspection of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore in Asian Pacific area.该工作规范介绍了针对上述镍矿的品质化验的引用标准,装、卸货的取样、制样方法,保证针对该产品的检验在品质和取制样的操作上更有代表性。The specifications introduce the quoted standard for chemical analysis of the Lateritic-Nickel-Ore as well as methods of sampling & sample preparation during loading/discharging. The purpose is to make sure that the inspection is performed correctly and that the sampling & sample preparation will be result in representative samples.该检验规范适用于亚太地区红土镍矿合作组织成员。The specifications are applicable to all the members of the Asian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel-Ore. 三、参考标准References· GB 2007.1-87 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 手工取样方法· GB 2007.1-87General rules for the manual sampling and automated sample preparation of bulk minerals. · GB 2007.2-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则 手工制样方法· GB 2007.2-87General rules for the manual sampling and manual sample preparation of bulk minerals · GB 2007.3-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则 评定品质波动试验方法· GB 2007.3-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental method for evaluation of quality variation · GB 2007.4-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则 精密度校核试验方法· GB 2007.4-87General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental methods for checking the precision and bias · GB 2007.5-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则取样系统误差校核试验方法· GB 2007.5-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk Experimental method for checking the bias of sampling · GB 2007.6-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则, 水分测定方法热干燥法· GB 2007.6-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk. Determination of moisture content-Heat drying method · GB 2007.7-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则 粒度测定方法手工筛分法· GB 2007.7-87General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk. The method for determination of particle size by manual sieving · ISO3082:2000(E) 铁矿石取样、制样标准· ISO3082:2000(E) Iron ores-Sampling and sample preparation procedures · JIS M 8109-1996 硅镁镍矿取样、制样、水分测定方法· JIS M 8109-1996 Methods of sampling, sample preparation and moisture determination of Silicon- Magnesium-Nickel Ore四、红土镍矿的背景Background of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore红土镍矿是由非常细的粘土物质和大小不等的岩石碎片经长年氧化而形成的一种不均匀的低品位矿。由于含铁较高,外观呈浅红色,俗称“红土镍矿”。根据矿石中镍铁的含量多少分为高镍低铁和高铁低镍矿脉,主要分布在菲律宾、印度尼西亚和南太平洋的新喀里多尼亚岛。Lateritic-Nickel-Ore is a form of heterogeneous low-grade ore which is derived from extremely thin clay materials and rock chips. Due to its high Fe content, it appears light red in color. Based on the content of ferronickel in the ore, it can be divided into High-Ni/ Low-Fe and High-Fe/ Low-Ni varieties which is mainly located in the Philippines, Indonesia and New Caledonia of South Pacific. 五、一般规定General Regulations1、参与检验人员应接受上岗培训,经授权后方可上岗工作。 People involved in the inspection shall be trained and work upon authorization.2、检验人员在现场工作时,应遵守船方和港口仓库的相关规定,做好安全防护。 While working on site, inspectors shall comply with Port and Warehouse regulations while paying close attention to health and safety issues.3、根据货物的粒度大小,备好取、盛样工具。 Make necessary preparation for sampling equipment and sample collection and storage according to the cargo tonnage.4、1mm样品必须保留90天,分析小样必须保留180天,以备核查。 1mm sample shall be retained for 90 days, while the assay sample shall be retained for 180 days in case of further requirements.5、装货港检验:Load port Inspectiona)装货前,要进行空舱检验; Prior to loading, empty hold inspection should be carried out.b)装货中,要对货物的基本情况及异常情况尤其是装货期间的天气情况进行详细记录并拍照。 During loading, the general cargo conditions plus any important factor such as weather conditions shall be recorded in detail and with photos.6、卸货港检验:Discharge port Inspectiona)登轮后,要查看船舶在装货港装货期间的天气情况,并做好记录; While on board, the weather condition noted during loading shall be checked and recorded.b)开舱后,要查看每舱货堆表面是否有异常状况并拍照。特别注意是否有漏水痕迹,并拍照存档。 After opening hatch cover(s), the surface condition of the cargo in each hold shall be visually checked and photographed, especially any leakage shall be kept on file with photos.7、检验人员在实施检验时,如遇大风、雷电、暴雨及其它不适于工作的情况,应停止现场工作并及时向委托人报告,并做好相关记录。 While performing the inspection, if high/strong winds, storms, heavy rain or any other unsuitable situation occurs, the inspectors shall stop the work and report to the Client in timely manner while making a detailed record. 六、操作规程 Working Procedure(一)、取样Sampling1、确定取样方案Establishing a sampling schemea)在开始取样工作前,确定取样交货批、取样单元和取样量。 Identify the lot to be sampled, mass of increment and number of increment.b)确定样品用途。Ascertain the use of sample.c)根据最大粒度确定份样量和取样工具的容量(份样量的粒度由目测和实测决定)。 Determine the mass of increment and sampling implement for taking the increments considering the nominal top size (size of the increment shall be determined visually and factually).d)确定取样间隔:即平均每50吨取一个份样,每5000吨做一 个品质分析。 Determine the sampling interval: take an increment per 50MT, make chemical analysis per 5,000MT lot.e)确定份样组合方式,按需要组成副样或大样。 Determine the combination of increments and make the lot sample/gross sample according to requirements.2、现场取样方式Sampling method on site应根据现场作业方式、取样设施配备情况选定,一般采用定量取样、定时取样或分层取样等方式。 Considering the methods employed on site and the implement used for drawing the samples, normally quantity interval, time interval or stratified sampling method shall be used.3、份样数及取样间隔的确定Determine the number of increment and sampling interval to be used 应根据交货批质量、各矿种取样精密度、品质波动、作业流量确定,统一按如下做法(买卖合同或委托人对份样数及取样间隔有要求的,按其要求执行): Based on the mass of consignment, sampling precision, quality variation and the flow rate of operation for all kinds of ores, general methods are as follows (If any requirements regarding the number of increment and sampling interval from the contract or the client, shall carry out their requirements):a)卸货检验时,对于外观差异明显或粒度分布不均的以及由2种以上货物混合构成的交货批的检验,可根据实际情况增加份样数,甚至份样数可增加一倍,采取分舱取样,每舱作为一个取样单元,分别制样。 While performing a discharge port inspection, for consignments with apparent differences in appearance or uneven size distribution or which consist of more than 2 kinds of cargo, the number of increments can be increased. Take samples per cargo hold and consider each hold as a sampling lot and perform sample preparation separately.b)车载货物的检验应在装卸过程中新露出的面上随机定点取样(在货车倒运过程中,因车辆颠簸引起品质及粒度波动较大,故不宜在货车上取样),份样数依据上述规定确定。如果交货批由2批以上的货物混合构成则每车货物都必须取样。当货车装载质量不同时,份样数的分配应与装载量成正比。 For the inspection of cargo carried by trucks, samples shall be taken at regular point on the fresh exposed surface of the cargo during loading/unloading (while transporting by trucks, truck vibrations can lead to large variation in quality and size, therefore sampling on the truck is not recommended); the number of increments is determined upon the above regulations. If the consignment consists of more than 2 cargos, each truck shall be sampled. When trucks are loaded with different quantity, the distribution of increments shall be based on the quantity.c)份样量的确定(见表1)Determine the mass of increment (as specified in Table 1) 表1 - 份样量的确定Table 1-Determine the mass of increment公称最大粒度(MM)Nominal Top Size份样量(KG)Increment Mass公称最大粒度(MM)Nominal Top Size份样量(KG)Increment Mass22.4以下2100-1501522.4-31.54150-2002031.5-508200-2502550-10010250-30030 d)取样工具Sampling Implements/Tools 取样工具包括铁锹、取样铲(见图1、表2)、钢锤、取样容器(料桶或塑料袋和编织袋等)、标签、唛头笔和照相机。Sampling devices include shovel, sampling scoop (as specified in Figure 1, Table 2), steel hammer, sampling container (barrel, plastic bags, woven bags, etc.), labels, shipping mark pen and camera. (图1)(Figure 1) 表2 - 取样铲规格Table 2-Specifications of sampling scoop铲号ScoopNumber最大公称粒度(mm)NominalTop Size容积(ml)Volume取样铲尺寸(mm)Dimensions of increment scoopaBcde150150350004501904503801701251252100038016038032015010010011000300130300260120707037002001002001708050501600150751501306540407301106311095503031.538090509080402022.4270804580703515161807040706030101012060356050255670503050402032.635402540301511163020302512e)如果卸货港取样受条件限制时,允许在卸货过程中按上述的规定单独抽取水分样,然后在码头转堆至堆场过程中按上述规定抽取品质样。If sampling conditions are limited in the discharge port, moisture samples can be taken separately during discharge while quality samples can be taken during the transferring of cargo from the quay to the stockyard.4、通知委托人,要求委托人提供必要的配合。Inform the client and ask them for necessary cooperation.5、检验人员根据取样方案,明确取样时间、地点,准备好清洁、合适的取样工具、样品存放容器(如带防水膜的编织袋、密封样品桶、封识等)以及安全帽和反光背心等防护用品。到达取样地点后,根据货物的实际情况,亲自或组织现场取样工人按取样方案要求进行取样。According to the sampling scheme, the inspectors shall define the sampling time and place, prepare clean and suitable sampling equipment including sample storage implements (such as waterproof woven bags, airproof containers, seals, etc), hard hats, reflective vest and other safety equipment (PPE Personal Protection Equipment).6、取样基本要求General requirements for samplinga) 取样原则上应在货物装卸、加工、堆垛或衡量的移动过程中进行,不具备在传送带上取样的,应在新露出的矿石表面上随机定点取样。In principle, sampling shall be performed during the process of loading/unloading, stacking or weighing; without condition of sampling from the conveyor belt, sampling shall be performed randomly at regular point on the fresh exposed surface of the cargo.b) 第一个份样可在第一间隔内随机确定(不可在第一间隔的起点开始),以后按计算的间隔取,在操作过程中不得随意变动取样间隔。注:取样时应同时取出冲刷样品。The first increment can be taken randomly during the first interval (not at the beginning of the first interval), and there after increments should be taken as per the calculated interval which should not be adjusted during the operation. Remark: While sampling, washing samples shall be taken simultaneously.c) 取样工具的开口度至少为最大公称粒度的3倍,但不得小于100mm,每个份样用合适的取样工具一次性取出,如果一次取出有困难,亦可在同一处分几次取出样品。对于粒度较大的(如粒度大于150mm)可以采用取样框代替取样铲来确定应取的份样。The opening of the sampling device shall be at least 3 times of the nominal top size, which cannot be less than 100mm. Each increment shall be taken once by suitable sampling implement; if the Inspector had difficulty in taking one increment, taking several at the same point is also allowed. For the larger particle size cargo (if the size is over 150mm), sampling frame can be used to substitute sampling scoop to determine increments.d) 取样过程中应保证每个份样量基本一致,偏差不得大于标准所规定的的质量变动系数。During sampling, make sure that each increment shall be consistent with variations not larger than the quality variation factor specified in the standard.e) 取样过程中应注意观察取样批的粒度分布情况,应能保证所取份样的粒度比例符合取样间隔或取样部位的粒度比例,所得大样的粒度分布应与整批矿产品的粒度分布基本吻合。During sampling procedure, pay attention to the size distribution of sampling lot, and make sure that the size proportion of increments being taken is in accordance with the sampling interval or sampling point. Therefore, the size distribution of bulk sample matches that of the whole consignment.f) 不同品质规格或粒度规格的货物分舱装运时,应根据具体情况分舱独立取样,各舱结果加权平均后,作为交货批的结果。When cargo with different specifications in terms of quality and/or size is loaded separately in each cargo hold, sampling shall be separately performed per hold. The results of each hold shall be calculated by weighed mean as the composite result for whole consignment.g) 如已达到预定的份样数,而作业仍在进行,应按原定间隔继续取样,直到整批货物作业完毕。If increment number is enough before completion of operation, sampling shall be continued as per the original interval until the end of operation.h) 取样过程中,必须保证样品不受任何污染。 During sampling procedure, make sure that samples shall not be contaminated.7、现场取样时必须查核商品标记、批次、数量、重量等,样品容器上应进行唯一性标识,必要时及时施加封识,并采取适当的防护措施,防止样品改变特性或丢失。When sampling on site, make sure to check the cargos mark, lot, number, quantity, etc. The container of sample shall be uniformly marked and sealed if necessary, and take suitable safety measure in case of identity change or loss.8、取样人员应做好取样记录(包括天气情况),取样过程中若发现货物外观异常或有外来杂物和污染等异常情况,须及时处理,必要时拍照取证,并及时向其上级汇报。Sampling personnel shall make a report (including weather conditions) during sampling. If any irregularity occurs, like unusual looking material, impurities and/or contamination, action in a timely manner, take photos and report to the Principal.9、委托人要求偏离预定的取样方案时,检验人员应及时向其上级汇报,并做好详细记录。If the client requests the implementation of a different sampling scheme, the Inspectors shall report to the Principal in time and take detailed notes.(二)、样品的制备 Sample Preparation1、制样工具 Sample preparation devicesa) 颚式破碎机(大、中、小号)Jaw crusher (L, M, S)b)对辊破碎机 Roll crusherc)圆盘粉碎机或密封式震荡研磨机Disk pulverizer or Airproof shaking grinderd)份样铲及挡板 Increment scoop and bafflee)二分器 Rifflef)盛样容器 Sample storage containerg)钢板 Steel plateh)干燥箱(能调节温度,使箱内任一点的温度在设定温度在±5之间) Drying oven (with adjustable temperature control that works within ±5 of the setting)i)不锈钢金属十字分样架 Stainless steel cross dividing framej)分样筛22.4mm、10mm、1mm、180m筛 Sieves 22.4mm、10mm、1mm、180m2、样品的制备包括干燥(必要时)、破碎、混合和缩分等一系列操作,应根据商品特性和所测项目按有关制样标准的要求进行,以使样品符合测试要求。Sample preparation includes a series of operation such as drying (if necessary), crushing, mixing, dividing, etc. It shall be performed according to the nature of the cargo and per the standard of the subject tests, so as to comply with the requirements of the tests.3、样品制备过程中应防止损失、污染或其他可能改变其特性的情况发生。During sample preparation, prevent loss, contamination or any other situations which may change the identity of the sample.4、水分样应用清洁、密封或防水容器储存,当批量很大、作业时间较长或遇阴雨、高温天气时,应将取样批合理划分为几个部分,每一部分应尽快制备成副样测定水分,防止由于样品水分变化而产生偏差。The moisture sample shall be stored in clean, airproof /waterproof container. If there are too many lots, long periods of rain or periods of very hot weather, the sampling lot shall be divided into sub-samples for which the moisture should be tested as soon as possible, in case the aforementioned factors are causing significant changes to the moisture content.5、水分样的制备 Moisture sample preparation 在制水分样时,每2500吨做一个水分样,将每单元每批所取样品从盛样容器中倒出,按照标准的缩分方法(网格法)快速取出检测水分样品(15分钟之内完成,取水分样时充分考虑粒度比例,在碰到大块货物的时候,应按所占份样铲的容积砸取相应的比例,剩余部分只能作为品质样而不能作为粒度筛分),并取出5kg作为检测水分的保留样品(保留样品需注意密封完好)。每单元水分试验样的个数及水分试验样的最小质量见表3、表4。 When preparing moisture samples, one moisture sample is prepared for each 2500 MT lot. Take the samples of each lot out of the storing container, and using increment division method, extract the moisture sample as quickly as possible (within 15 minutes). Consideration needs to be given to the particle size while taking moisture samples; when met with oversize cargo, this should be broken up. Once oversize has been manu


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