毕业论文广告语言的特点分析 系 别外语系专 业英语语言文学班 级60301姓 名曹承德指导教师陈连峰2007 年 6 月一八 日 广告语言的特点分析摘要本文写的是广告语言的特点。其阐述分别从广告和语言的起源与发展、以及广告语言与语法语言的对比中得到广告语言的特点。广告语言是有别与一般语言的一种在现当代社会迅猛发展起来的语言。广告的目的就是吸引买家的眼球,对产品起到宣传和促销的作用,因而广告语言从词汇,句法,语法和修辞上都体现了这一宗旨。其虽借鉴与一般语言,但又带有自己的特色。广告语言除了一般语言所具有的基本交流功能外,它还具备市场、经济、教育和社会功能。作为一种新兴发展起来的语言,广告语言的发生要具备一定量的资金、有效的信息、良好的传媒以及无人的以产品为中心的直观展示。广告语言作为一种语言,其形成和发展都虽以一般语言为基础,但其发展速度在现当代商品极度丰富的社会得到飞跃。因而,广告语言对现代语言和文化的影响也越来越明显。所以如何找到两者的一个平衡点,也是当今需要考虑的问题。无论如何,商品要宣传,就要有广告,就要有广告语言。关键字:特点;广告语言;词汇;句法;修辞;现代 An Analysis of Characteristics of Advertising LanguageAbstractThe thesis is about the characteristics of advertising language. From stating the origin and development of advertise and language, and comparing advertising language with grammatical language, it shows the specific characteristics of advertising language.Differing from common language, advertising language has been highly developed in modern society. The aim of advertise is to attract to eyeball of buyers and effect a of function of propaganda and sales promotion of the products, therefore, advertising language meets the tenant on the aspects of morphology, syntax, grammar, and figure of speech etc. It is based on common language but with unique style. Besides the function to communicate like common language, advertising language also has marketing function, economic function, educational function and social function. As a new language, advertising language is going to take place only when provided with enough fund, useful information, good media and non-personal display.Although the formation and development of advertising language is based on common language, its development in todays products-riched society is advanced rapidly. So the influence of advertising language towards common language is getting more obvious. How to find a balance between the two will be the problem to be considered nowadays. Anyway, commodities need propaganda therefore advertisement is a must. So is the language.Key words: characteristics; advertising language; morphology; syntax; rhetorical; modernCONTENTSI Introduction.11.1 American Renaissance writer and independent intellectual father11.2 Emersons perspective on literary influence.21.3 The great literary father of Whitman and Dickinson.31.3.1Brief introduction of Whitman and Dickinson.31.3.2Common resource for Whitman and Dickinson31.3.3 Legacies left for the two.4II Influences on Walt Whitman .62.1. Personal relationship: adversary or imitator.6 2.2 Whitmans indebtedness to Emerson.72.2.1 In prose: Prefaces indebtedness to The Poet82.2.2 In poetry: Song of Myselfs indebtedness to The Poet.92.2.3 Maladies in paraphrasing Emersons aphorism.11 2.3 Whitmans mystical vision different from Emerson122.3.1 Different mystical experiences .122.3.2 Different literal visions: upward vs. downward.一三2.4 Respective life story leading to different literary visions.14III Influences on Emily Dickinson.163.1 An unexpected female poet.16 3.2 Early literary influence and personal relationship.163.3 Dickinsons embrace to Emerson173.3.1 Kindred spirits on poetry173.3.2 Every word being a poem.一八3.3.3 Poetic businesses to be “circumference”.193.3.4 Riddles pervasive in Dickinsons poem.20 3.4 Dickinsons skepticism of Emersons philosophy.223.4.1 Dickinsons skeptical of Emersons primary analogy . Language vs. nature and words vs. world. Nature is not a text. compromising to Dickinson.243.4.2 Different philosophies of Compensation253.5 Tracing to the source through respective life story.26IVConclusion.28Acknowledgements. 29Notes.30Bibliography .32An Analysis of Characteristics of Advertising LanguageIntroduction1.1 Aims of the StudyOriginated in ancient time, advertising now is playing an important role in modern world, with influence on many aspects in society, such as economy, culture, education, traditional language, etc. It has become indispensable in the modern world and inevitable in peoples lives. As a special language, advertising language not only transmits information, but also maintains a good image of the company and its products. At the same time, advertising language has its own characteristics which distinguish it from others. Because of these characteristics, advertising language in a way will affect the traditional language. This paper analyzed the characteristics of advertising language in morphology, syntax, and rhetorical level. By doing so, it is hoped that the mass consumers can get a rough cognition of advertising and its functions. Then represent a dialectic relation between the traditional language and modern advertising language, which is beneficial to both the companies and the consumers. Moreover, a greater progress will be seen in advertising field and in the field of language. 1.2 Literature Review In the past time, people didnt pay much attention to advertising though it originated in ancient time, for they held that advertising is none business of their but of the advertisers and the companies. In fact, most people considered advertising as a monster and shift off it. During a long period, advertising developed slowly. However, what they didnt understand is that they lived in a world which is full of advertisements.Most historians believe the outdoor signs carved in clay, wood, or stone and used by ancient Greek and Roman merchants were the first form of advertising. As a result of some peoples emptiness, the research in advertising is not widely and deeply. In recent years, many scholars, both internal and overseas, are engaged in the research of advertising. Because of that you may not accept advertising, but you can not evade the advertisements. Advertising has become an evitable part in you life. Courtland L. Bovee, William F.Arens, Frank William, Vestergaard, Torben and William Sachs are all the masters in advertising field. What they thought is different from each others, for they stood on different points. Taking the definition of advertising for example, there are hundreds of definitions. The simplest one, according to McCann Erickson Inc., may be “truth well told.” But most people regard the most authoritative definition of advertising as what Bovee defines in his Contemporary Advertising “Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” It is delightful to see that more and more persons are studying advertising even though much branching is in existence. There are also many doctors inland who are engaged in the research of advertising, such as Chenpei Ai, Huanghe Shui, Yuanmi Li, Yuanyue Ru, Wangyan Xi, Zhaojing, Xuxiao Juan, Fangwei, etc. As the core of advertising, language not only transmits product and service information, but also maintains a good image of the companies and the brands. Advertising language has its own characteristics which distinguish itself from others. In the long run, the number of researches on advertising language is very small. Advertising has become one of the main factors that are helping improve the standard of peoples living in the modern world. Therefore, enough attention should be paid to the research of advertising language. Many books focus on the writing of advertisements, the creativity of advertising, how to promotes sales and profits, how to make the advertising language more interesting and more fascinating. They have done a lot of works to develop the advertising, and a great progress has been seen. But this is not enough. Advertising language is unique in many aspects. It actually influences the traditional culture and traditional language (grammatical language). Luckily, some books are focusing on this question. Wangjun Yuans advertising language is one of this kind. We hope that by making great efforts, the conflict between advertising language and traditional language will disappear, and at the same time, advertising, advertising language, traditional culture and language can progress in a proper way. 1.3 Key PointsThis paper explains what is advertising, what is language, the components of advertising, the function of advertising, which can help readers understand advertising better. The third part is the keystone that detailed in characteristics of advertising language. Many successful advertisements are given to help the consumers to comprehend these characteristics. Through the analysis of the characteristics, a dialectic point of view will be presented to explain the relations between traditional language and modern advertising language. Then a suggestion that what should be the right attitude to advertising is also given. 1.4 Brief IntroductionWe live in a world of advertising. Advertising has become an inevitable part in our daily life. Consumers are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of product or service information from various media including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. You may not accept it, but you cant avoid it by any means. Advertising provides a valuable service to society and its members, because it defines for consumers the meaning and the role of products, services, and institution. Advertising also tells the consumer what a specific product, brand or service should do when it is used and thus helps him or her to understand and evaluate experience with the products and services that he or she uses. On the other hand, by making people aware of products, services and ideas, advertising promotes sales and profits. Finally, advertising is one of the major forces that are helping improve the standard of living around the world. Combined with all these communication, marketing and social functions, advertising becomes indispensable in the modern world.As a tool of communication, language is the soul of an advertisement. Being a bridge between the addresser and the addressee, it not only transmits the information of the company, and its products and services, but also maintains a good image of the brand. It plays an important role in advertising. It indicates the differences that exist between brands of products and alternative services, as well as the distinguishing characteristics of companies and institutions. As a special kind of language, advertising language is very different from other languages. It has its own features in morphology, syntax, and rhetorical devices. This paper will focus on the characteristics of advertising language. It is hoped that, by analyzing the characteristics of advertising language, the consumers will be aware of the advertisements-what is a good ad and what is a bad one. Other things such as the definition of advertising, functions of advertising, and components of advertising will also be presented with the purpose that readers will have a basic acknowledgement of advertising and then understand advertising in a proper way. Advertising 2.1 Origin of Advertising In China, advertising activities cover a long history, about 3000 years ago, but advertising originated from Latin word “adverture”, meaning shout and cry. In about 一三001475, it became the middle-aged English word “advertise”, with the meaning of “attracting someone, tell someone to do something”.The earliest advertising in western world may origin from Egypt. In the end of the 17th century, a large number of commercial activities has began, then, advertising became popular and used widely. During that period, advertising referred not a piece of advertising, but a series of activities. It had been given new meaning, changing from a concept of a matter (advertise) to modern word advertising. In 一八72, advertising was translated into “Guanggao” by Japanese. So we can see that the acknowledgement of advertising in oriental countries was later than that in western countries.2.2 Definition of Advertising Along the times goes, the meaning of advertising is changing. But in which way on earth the modern advertising is defined? According to McCann Erickson Inc., the advertising agency that develops Coca-Colas national campaigns, advertising is “truth well told.” This philosophy is echoed by Cokes vice president of advertising, William Sharp, who says that a commercial for Coca-Cola should have the properties of the product itself.(Coke advertising) should be a pleasurable experience, refreshing to watch and pleasant to listen to. It should reflect quality by being quality. And it should make you say, I wish Id been there, I wish I had been drinking Coke with these people.1Thats what advertising is to Coca-Cola. But can the same be said for other products and services in the marketplace today? Albert Lasker, who has been called the father of modern advertising, said that advertising is “salesmanship in print.”2 That may well be. But he gave us that definition long before the advent of radio and television and at a time when the nature and scope of advertising were considerably different from what they are now.The definitions of advertising are many and varied. It may be defined as a communication process, a marketing process, an economic and social process, a public relations process, or an information and persuasion process, depending on the point of view.This paper shall use the following definition of advertising:Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.32.3 Components of AdvertisingAccording to the definition of the advertising, most of the advertisements should have the following components:2.3.1 The Non-Personal Communication of InformationAdvertising is not aimed at any individual, or by any individual. Its a non-personal transmission of information aiming at the public or a certain group of people. Because of the non-personal features of advertising, the dissemination an