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    英语学科知识与教学能力(中学),精讲班,教师资格(统考),英语学科知识与教学能力(中学)精讲班教师资格(统考),第三章 教学设计,第三章 教学设计,教案设计部分的考试难点聚焦在:教案设计内容教学目标设计教学重难点设计教学过程设计本章将从教案设计内容、教学目标设计、教学重难点设计和教学过程设计等方面详细讲解,导 学,教案设计部分的考试难点聚焦在:导 学,重点把握:教案设计内容教学目标设计教学重难点设计教学过程设计,第三章 教学设计,重点把握:第三章 教学设计,Teaching topic:Teaching objectivesTeaching key and difficult pointsTeaching aids (PPT, Tape, flash cards, multimedia)Teaching proceduresBlackboard DesignTeaching Reflection,一、教案设计内容,Teaching topic:一、教案设计内容,1.knowledge aims:基本知识(单词&句型&语法点+基本信息)2.ability aims:听说读写+具体能力 3.emotional aims:通用情感+具体情感,二、教学目标设计,1.knowledge aims:基本知识二、教学目标设计,Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day?Bob: Its OK. I like Monday because I have P.E. and history. Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank: Whos your P.E. teacher?Bob: Mr. Hu. He always plays games with us.Frank: Thats great! But why do you like history? Its boring.Bob: Oh, I think history is interesting. Whats your favorite day?Frank: Friday.Bob: Why?Frank: Because the next day is Saturday!Bob: Ha ha! Thats for sure. I like Friday, too.,二、教学目标设计,Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day,Knowledge objective:Version 1:Students can memorize the names of subjects and week days; and master the usage of “favorite”. Version 2:Students can learn the sentence pattern “I like., whats your favorite.” to express their likes and dislikes.,二、教学目标设计,Knowledge objective:二、教学目标设计,Ability objective:Version1:Students can develop their listening and speaking abilities. Version2:Students can learn how to say different subjects and get the ability of describing them fluently.,二、教学目标设计,Version2:,Ability objective:二、教学目标设计Vers,Emotional objective:Version 1: Students can develop their interests of learning English and be confident to communicate with others. Version 2: Students can learn to care about classmates more through the discussion, and get to love every day and every class.,二、教学目标设计,Emotional objective:二、教学目标设计,情感目标通用版本:1、The students will be able to develop their interests and motivation of learning English.2、The students will be confident of communicating with others.3、The students will be able to cooperate with others and to overcome the difficulties in learning English.4、The students will be able to share the information with others.5、The students can develop a sense of teamwork spirit.,二、教学目标设计,情感目标通用版本:二、教学目标设计,Tips1.教学目标的主语是学生。2. 目标中不能出现培养、让、使等强制性、被动性的词语。3. 教学目标要具体、可检测。,二、教学目标设计,Tips二、教学目标设计,简述下列教学目标所存在的问题(12分),并改写教学目标(8分)。Teaching Objectives:Enable students to talk about festivals and customs in English and express or support an opinion with suitable expressions.,二、教学目标设计,简述下列教学目标所存在的问题(12分),并改写教学目标(8,此教学目标存在以下问题:第一:教学目标的主体应该为学生,所以在写教学目标的时候,主语应为学生,students can.第二:教学目标应分为三个层次,该目标并没有明确这三维目标分别是什么,导致教学目标不清楚,思路不明确,显得很混乱。,二、教学目标设计,此教学目标存在以下问题:二、教学目标设计,Teaching important/ key points教学重点:生词,句型,语法点,基本信息Teaching difficult points教学难点:能力的发展 key pointswords: “history”, “PE” , favorite”.Target language: Whats your favorite.? I like.Difficult pointsHow to apply the target language in real situation.How to make a dialogue with the new words and expressions.,三、教学重难点设计,Teaching important/ key points,四、教学过程设计,四、教学过程设计思路一思路二(PWP)Step 1Warmi,高中PWP模式阅读课Step1:Warming-upStep2:Pre-reading; Predict; brainstorming; discussion Clear away the words barrier; Introduce the cultural background,四、教学过程设计,高中四、教学过程设计,PWP模式阅读课Step3: While-reading Activity 1: Fast reading ; skimming: main idea (跳读)scanning: specific information (扫读) Activity 2: Careful reading (intensive reading)Filling in Blanks True or False Questions Forms,四、教学过程设计,PWP模式阅读课四、教学过程设计,PWP模式阅读课Step4: Post-readingdiscussion, role-play, pair work, group work, debate, retellStep5: Summary and Homework,四、教学过程设计,PWP模式阅读课四、教学过程设计,阅读课模板1.Teaching Topics 课题2.Teaching objectives 教学目标知识目标:(1)The students can master the words about .学生能够掌握关于.的单词:(2)The students can get some information about.学生能够获得一些关于.的信息,四、教学过程设计,阅读课模板四、教学过程设计,能力目标:(1)The students can improve their reading ability.学生能够提高他们的阅读能力。(2)The students can learn how to retell the text in their own words.学生能够学会如何用自己的话来复述课文。,四、教学过程设计,能力目标:四、教学过程设计,情感目标:(1)The students can get more interests in learning English. 学生会对学习英语更加感兴趣。(2)The students can cultivate the spirit of (cooperation/ team work/ ). 学生可以培养合作/团队精神。,四、教学过程设计,情感目标:四、教学过程设计,3. Teaching key points 教学重点(1)Words: (把词汇列出来)(2)Target language: 目标语言4. Teaching difficult points 教学难点(1)How to start a discussion/make a dialogue with the new words and target language.如何使用新学的词汇句型来展开讨论或编对话。(2)How to express themselves in communication.如何在实际交际中表达自己的想法。,四、教学过程设计,3. Teaching key points 教学重点四、教,5.Teaching aids (PPT, Tape, flash cards, multimedia)教学手段/教学用具6. Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up 热身Step 2 Pre-readingBrainstorm: Ask the students some questions about the text and let the students predict the content of the passage.Discussion: students are required to make a discussion about the topic.,四、教学过程设计,5.Teaching aids (PPT, Tape, fl,头脑风暴:问学生一些问题,让学生对文章的内容做一个预测。讨论:就话题展开讨论。,四、教学过程设计,头脑风暴:问学生一些问题,让学生对文章的内容做一个预测。讨论,Step 3 While-reading Fast reading 快速浏览 skimming: the students read the passage as quickly as they can, and pay special attention to the key words and topic sentences to get the main idea of the passage. scanning: the students are required to read the passage again, and find out the new words and expressions and the potential language points, and also some specific information if necessary.,四、教学过程设计,Step 3 While-reading Fast 四、教学,ntensive reading 精读The students are required to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words from the text.Eg: When I was young, I used to_ so much time, but _ days I get up early and_ in school all day.Then the questions about the detailed information of the text should be answered one by one.,四、教学过程设计,ntensive reading 精读四、教学过程设计,Eg:()1.the mouse is in an animal school ()2.the school has a big swimming pool.,四、教学过程设计,Eg:()1.the mouse is in an ani,Step 4 Post-reading1.Retell the text.2.The students are divided into four groups and have a competition, the group who can memorize the most of the news words and expressions will be the winner.3.Students are asked to discuss the topic in groups and one student gives presentation.,四、教学过程设计,Step 4 Post-reading四、教学过程设计,Step 5:Summary: Ss are required to summarize what they have learned today. Homework:1.Go over the text and try to learn all the useful words and expressions in this part by heart. 2. Write a passage about your English learning.,四、教学过程设计,Step 5:四、教学过程设计,PWP模式听力课Step 1: Warming-up1.Greetings2.Invite several students to make a report.Step 2: Pre-listening (ask questionspredicting)1.Brainstorm: The students are asked some questions about the text and the students predict the content of the passage.Eg: How do you usually learn English?2.Then the Ss are required to discuss their ways of learning English.,四、教学过程设计,PWP模式听力课四、教学过程设计,Step 3: While-ListeningListen to the materials. Play the recorder for three times.1st time: The Ss are required to point out the main idea of the conversation. 2nd time:Task 1: Answer some questions that will be shown on the PPT. Eg: What is the relationship between the two speakers?Task2: Choose the correct answer.,四、教学过程设计,Step 3: While-Listening四、教学过程设,Eg: (1) Which job will the man get?A shop keeper. B. A shop cleaner. C. A shop assistant. (2) Where can a student find the new magazines? A. On Level One. B. On Level Two.C. On Level Three. 3rd time:Students check their answers and the teacher should explain to them if necessary.,四、教学过程设计,Eg: (1) Which job will the man,Step4: Post-listening1.Show the tape scripts on the PPT.2.Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class. Correct some of their pronunciation.3.Other students are required to make a role-play. (Discussion Free talk Make a dialogue Retell Debate),四、教学过程设计,Step4: Post-listening四、教学过程设计,Step5: SummaryBy having a free talk, Ss can review the important points and the target language. Step6: HomeworkStudents are asked to write two interesting sentences with “what about?”.,四、教学过程设计,Step5: Summary四、教学过程设计,PWP模式写作课写作课教学设计Step1:Warming-up Step2: Pre-writingbrainstorming, sample reading, discussing for ideas, listening,四、教学过程设计,PWP模式写作课四、教学过程设计,写作课教学设计Step3: While-writing1)analyzing the writing requirements,2)outlining3)drafting,四、教学过程设计,写作课教学设计四、教学过程设计,Step 4: Post- writing editing(修改) assessmentStep5: Summary and homework设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语读写课的教学方案,教案必须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and justifications教学时间 45 分钟,四、教学过程设计,Step 4: Post- writing editing(,学生概况:某城镇普通中学的学生,班级人数40人,多数已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)水平,学生课堂参与积极性一般。Dinosaur Dinosaurs lived on the Earth over sixty million years ago. This was a long time before people existed. Dinosaurs lived everywhere. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs even had wings and could fly.,四、教学过程设计,学生概况:四、教学过程设计,Many dinosaurs were harmless, They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants. Others were harmful. They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat.Teaching contents: an article about dinosaursClass Type: Reading and writing classTeaching aims:Knowledge aims:(1)The students will be able to understand the main idea and some details of the passage.(2)The students will learn to write about persons and objects,四、教学过程设计,Many dinosaurs were h,Ability aims:(1)Students will be more interested in writing.(2)Students can gain more knowledge about dinosaurs and learn to love their life. Teaching Key Points: 1.Words and information about dinosaurs. 2.describing a person or a thing after reading. Teaching Difficult Points: How to get more writing skills about describing persons and objects,四、教学过程设计,Ability aims:四、教学过程设计,Teaching Aids: multi-mediaTeaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up (1)Greeting.(2) Students do daily reports.(Justification: This step can arouse the students attention, make the students be interested in the content of this class as soon as possible. The class atmosphere is also enhanced. ),四、教学过程设计,Teaching Aids: multi-media四、教学,Step 2: Pre-writingReading. Read the passage of dinosaurs and give the main idea. And then fill in the blank.DinosaursWhat (main idea ) When(appear/ die out) Where(live ) Characteristics(body size, temper, food),四、教学过程设计,Step 2: Pre-writing四、教学过程设计,(2) Brainstorming: How to describe persons ? (what, who, when, where, why, how.)(Justification: Focus students attention on the main topic of the reading passage. Filling the blank can help students to understand the passage deeply. Brainstorming can lay foundation for the writing step),四、教学过程设计,(2) Brainstorming: How to desc,Step 3: While-writingThe students should analyze the writing requirements first.The students make an outline about what they write.The students write the essay within time with the key expressions:. a famous.writer and poet, .When. a student, .write novels . known .in his thirties. (Justification: The activity of writing helps students strengthen what they have learned during this lesson),四、教学过程设计,Step 3: While-writing四、教学过程设计,Step 4: Post-writing(1)The students check each others composition.(2)One student read what he or she wrote just now. All the other students assess the writing and give suggestions. The teacher should give the final assessment and more appraise should be offered to encourage students to love writing.(Justification: Make students get a better idea of how to write this kind of composition.),四、教学过程设计,Step 4: Post-writing四、教学过程设计,Step 5:SummaryThe students are required to make a summary about what they have learned in this lesson. Step 6: HomeworkThe students are asked to rewrite and retell their compositions.(Justification: Checking out their writings can help them to understand the writing clearly. Retelling can practise the oral English. ),四、教学过程设计,Step 5:Summary四、教学过程设计,设计意图通版Pre-readingThis step can provide the students the cultural background of this article, clear away the barriers of words and sentences. Through this step, the students can predict the main idea of the article and have a better understanding later.,四、教学过程设计,设计意图通版四、教学过程设计,While reading:Fast readingThrough this step, the students can grasp the main idea and also master the clues of the article. This step can lay a foundation for the intensive reading.Intensive reading:This step can help the students understand the text deeply, the exercises can enhance the students reading ability and reading skills.,四、教学过程设计,While reading:Fast readingT,Post-reading:Purpose: this step can help the students to enhance the speaking and writing abilities simultaneously. These activities can also test whether the students have mastered the content of this class.,四、教学过程设计,Post-reading:四、教学过程设计,教师资格(统考)-英语学科知识与教学能力-第三章,


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