我很高兴宣客户发展部以下职位晋升.石军,客户发展经理重庆石军先生于2005年7月加入高露洁三笑有限公司,任管理培训生一职,负责重庆和四川部分区域的销售工作,期间,他曾在客户渠道发展部和市场部轮岗工作并于2007年升任客户经理。在此期间,他指引经销商对省份内A/B城市重要零售店进行全覆盖,同时通过"CD城市深度覆盖"项目覆盖重要CD城市前3名零售店,HP/MSP的必卖单品分销数达到15个以上.有效利用数据分析管理生意,引导经销商进行生意分析和计划制定,自2007年以来A/B城市重要零售店每年销量增长超过20%,同时也对经销商销售代表提供良好和充分的辅导。由于石军先生在该职位上的优异表现,他将于2009年10月1日起晋升为客户发展经理,负责重庆和部分四川区域的销售工作。他将继续向高净女士全国大区经理直接汇报 。 王洁,客户发展经理陕西王洁先生于2007年1月加入高露洁三笑有限公司,任客户经理一职,负责陕西省现代渠道。09年4月开始负责陕西所有渠道得业务。在此期间,他引导省份经销商对A/B城市重要零售店进行全面覆盖,利用ROI数据分析管理经销商生意,引导经销商进行生意分析和店内计划制定, 自2007年以来所负责A/B城市重要零售店每年销量增长超过20%.省份内经销商对批发市场全面进行有效覆盖,针对市场情况制定行之有效的促销计划和陈列奖励计划帮助稳定批发市场的分销和覆盖,重点批发客户必卖单品分销数达到12个以上,进一步稳定了整体生意.由于王洁先生在该职位上的优秀表现,他将于2009年10月1日起晋升为客户发展经理,负责陕西省的销售工作。他将继续向高净女士全国大区经理直接汇报 。 刘亚伶,重点客户经理北京刘亚伶小姐于2008年1月加入高露洁三笑有限公司,任实习客户发展代表一职,负责北京部分客户。在此期间,她负责北部的批发市场,北京物美,美廉美等零售系统的跟进,独立制定和实施了很多批发市场的促销活动,并取得了良好的效果.09年开始负责北京伟龙基业的销售工作,帮助客户提升了他在零售渠道的表现.由于刘亚伶女士在该职位上的良好表现,她将于2009年10月1日起晋升为客户经理,负责北京五永发和鑫盛尊的销售工作。他将向北京客户发展经理直接汇报 。请和我一起祝贺他们的职位变化,并祝他们在新的职位上继续取得成功。I am pleased to announce the following promotions in Customer Development Department.Jackie Shi, Customer Development Manager Jackie Shi joined Colgate Sanxiao as Management Trainee in July 2005,and responsible for sales works in Chongqing area. He rotated in CMKT & Marketing departments in the past .He was promoted to Customer Manager in Y2007 .He guides distributor to cover all key retaining shops in A/B cites ,and cover top 3 retailing shops in CD cities , must selling SKU exceeds 15 .By effective using data to manage distributors to do business analysis and planning ,sales in key retailing shops increase 20% annually ,and in the meantime, he provide lots of good coaching to DSRs.Base on his outstanding performance of Jackie, he will be promoted to Customer Development Manager on October 1,2009.and responsible for sales works in Chongqing and partial Sicuan areas. He will report to Miss Jessie Gao-Regional Customer Development Manager.Jay Wang, Customer Development Manager Jay Wang joined Colgate Sanxiao as Customer Manager in January 2007,and responsible for modern channel sales works in Shanxi province. Since April 2009,he is responsible for business of all channels in Shanxi area. During this period, he guide distributor to cover all key retaining shops in A/B cities. By effective using data to management distributor to do business analysis and planning ,sales in key retailing shops increase 20% annually ,and he also made a lot of effective promotion plans .To recognize his good performance, he will be promoted to Customer Development Manager ,effective October 1, 2009. In this new position, he will report to Ms. Jessie Gao Regional Customer Development Manager , and be responsible for sales works in Shanxi areas. Yaling Liu , Customer Manager Yaling Liu joined Colgate Sanxiao as Customer Development Associate in January 2008,and in charge of distributors in Beijing . During this period ,she follows wholeselling marking in North Beijing area and retailing system in Wumei & Meilianmei . She worked out and executed many effective promotions in wholeselling marketing .Started from Y09 ,she responsible for sales work of Beijing Weilongjiye ,and guide distributor to improvement toothbrush performance in retailing channel. To recognize her performance, she will be promoted to Customer Manager ,effective October 1, 2009. In this new position, she will report to Customer Development Manager -Beijing, and be responsible for sales works of Wuyuongfa & Xinshengxin .Lets wish them of greater achievement on the new positions._James MaoCustomer Development Director Colgate Sanxiao