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    ,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts.,POWERPOINT,TEMPLE,Chancellor George Osborne said,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,|,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,|,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,|,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,|,CONTENTS,1,2,3,4,Ensuring that we can deliver,1,Ensuring that we can deliver,POWERPOINT,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,TEXT HERE,POWERPOINTThe UK government is,POWERPOINT,TEXT HERE,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts.,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,57%,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,15%,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,14%,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,14%,POWERPOINTTEXT HEREChancellor,POWERPOINT,59%,TEXT HERE,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts.,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best,POWERPOINT59%TEXT HEREChancell,2,Ensuring that we can deliver,POWERPOINT,TEXT HERE,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,80%,63%,42%,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,TEXT HERE,The intention to sell was set out last year in the governments Autumn Statement and National Infrastructure Plan;,POWERPOINTTEXT HEREChancellor,POWERPOINT,POWER YOUT POINT TO HERE NOW,POINT YOUR VIEW TO THIS,POWERPOINTTEXT HEREThe UK gove,POWERPOINT,TEXT HERE,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,TEXT HERE,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,TEXT HERE,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,TEXT HERE,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,POWERPOINTTEXT HEREEnsuring t,3,Ensuring that we can deliver,POWERPOINT,TEXT HERE,54%,TEXT HERE,46%,SAY THAT TO HERE,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,POWERPOINTTEXT HERE54%TEXT HER,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINTTEXT HERESupporters,POWERPOINT,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel.,TEXT HERE,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel.,TEXT HERE,POWERPOINTThe UK government is,4,Ensuring that we can deliver,POWERPOINT,S,W,O,T,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,STRENGTHS,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,WEAKNESSES,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,OPPORTUNITIES,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,THREATS,POWERPOINTSWOTThe UK governmen,POWERPOINT,2014,2013,2012,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,2012,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,2013,The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.,2014,POWERPOINT201420132012The UK g,POWERPOINT,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,PART ONE,1,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,PART TWO,2,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,PART THREE,3,Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.,POWERPOINTEnsuring that we ca,THANKS,Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts.,THANKSChancellor George Osborn,设计规范DESIGN SPECIFICATIONSPPT,中文,微软雅黑,微软雅黑,英文,Calibri Light,Calibri Light,使用字体FONTS中文微软雅黑微软雅黑英文Calibri L,主色,R:0 G:176 B:240,R:255 G:192 B:0,R:0 G:176 B:80,R:64 G:64 B:64,使用颜色COLORSPPT主色R:0 G:176 B:240,更换背景图,1、新建一个根据自己数据填充的表格(图1);2、在进入模板后,右键PPT中空白处,选择“设置背景格式”(图2)3、在设置背景格式中,选择填充图片或纹理填充点选“文件”后,选择自己想填充的背景;(图3)4、选择幻灯片右键,选择“板式”,选择刚才替换的模板(图4),背景就成功更换啦,图1,图2,图3,图4,背景图素材PHOTOSPPT更换背景图1、新建一个根据自己数,模板中在上下部分增加的黑色色块,修改了模板展示的整体比例,让模板更贴近电影屏幕的比例,改变了观看者的整体感官,增加了整体模板的质感,令人眼前一亮!模板中各元素均可修改,且修改方式简便(后附有教程),用户可以依照自己喜欢调整各章节内容。,设计思路,设计思路CONCEPT PPT模板中在上下部分增加的黑色色块,


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