,If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple.But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas ,then each of us will have two ideas.,Cooperative Language Learning,Contents,1 Background2 Approach3 Design4 Conclusions,Cooperative Language Learning 1 make maximum use of cooperative activities(like pairs and groups) 2 raise the achivement of all students3 build positive relationships among students4 foster cooperation rather than compitition,Background,The early 20th centuryJohn Dewey(U.S. educator)The 1960s and 1970sThe forced integration of public schools,理论基础1 马斯洛的“需要”理论2 “群体动力”理论,Five Goals 1 naturalistic second language acquisition(S)2 a methodology can be applied in a variety of curriculum settings(T)3 particular lexical items ,language structure,communicative function4 successful learning and communicative stategies (S)5 motivation and stress (S),Approach,Theory of language(5 promises),Theory of learning(social interaction),Theory of language5 promises,1 communication2 conversation3 maxims=rules (准则)4 interaction5 participation,Theory of learning,Cooperative Learning,Jean Piaget+Lev Vygotsky,social interaction,critical thinking,the Question Matrix(word pair),Cooperative Learning,Competitive Learning,1 Group Goal2 We sink or swim toghter3 Positive Interdependece4 Positive Correlation,1 Indivadual Goal2 If I swim ,you sink;If you swim,I sink 3 Negative Interdependence4 Negative Correlation,Advantages of CLL,1 frequency and variety2 cognitive development language skills3 language + content-based instruction4 language and concept learning5 communication6 resources and more active roles,Design,Objectives,The Syllabus,Types of CL Groups,Key Elements,Activity Types of CLL,CLL Activities,Roles,(Learner, Teacher, Instructional Materials),Conclusions,Procedure,Objectives,Overall Objectives of CLL, To foster cooperation, To develop critical thinking skills, To develop communicative competence,Specific Objectives, Derive from the context in which it is used,Wide applicability,Syllabus,ESP,The four skills,Grammar,Pronunciation,Vocabulary,Particular form of language syllabus,Systematic and carefully planned use of group-based procedures in teaching,Groups,Time,Groups,Purpose,Formal cooperative learning groups,Informal cooperative learning groups,Cooperative base groups,one class periodseveral weeks,a few minutesa class period,at least a year(long term),learning groups,ad-hoc (special) groups,heterogeneous hetrdi:nis learning groups,to achieve shared learning goals,to focus student attention/ facilitate learning,to give each other the support, help, encouragement, and assistance,Johnson brothers,三因素理论斯莱文(美国),Elements,小组目标个体责任成功的均等机会,四因素理论库埃豪(加拿大),小组的形成与管理任务设计社会因素探索性谈话,五因素理论约翰逊兄弟(美国),积极互赖小组构成个体责任社交技能组织结构,Positive interdependence, What helps one member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all, A spirit of mutual support, Each group members efforts are required and indispensable for group success,sink or swim together, Size,Group formation,tasks,age,time limits,24, Assignment,teacher-selected,random,student-selected,Individual accountability, An element required to prevent and lower the likelihood of free riders or social loafing, Each member group is accountable for his/her learning and actions as well as the group learning and performance, Something that every team member must shoulder,Social skills, The way students interact with each other as teammates, Leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, conflict- management skills,Structuring and structures, Ways of organizing student interaction,Activity Types, Team practice from common input Jigsaw Cooperative projects,Team practice from common input,Same material,Everyone knows/ explains/ understands,Anyone, Review & Practice tests, Effective in situations where the composition is unstable (adult programs),Jigsaw (Aronson),Group: same materialMember: different pieces,Students with the same piece regroup in expert groups,Return to home groups,Share & Synthesize, Both two groups involvement, Multilevel class, Information-gap activities,Information-gap activities are those in which students are given different bits of information. By sharing this separate information they can complete a task.,Cooperative projects,Group: different topicsMember: subtopics,Research the information (subtopics),Synthesize,Presentation, Individualization & Students interests,Activities, Round Robin (接力循环), Pairs Check (结对检查), Team Word-Webbing (小组语词联网), Match Mine (照我做), Inside/Outside Circles (内圈外圈), Partners (小伙伴), Jigsaw (切块拼接), STAD (学生小组成绩分工法), GI (小组调查法), MURDER (组合阅读法), Three-step Interview (三步谈话), Roundtable (圆桌会议), Think-Pair-Share (结对思考), Solve-Pair-Share (结对解答), Numbered Heads (随机点号), Blackboard Share (共享黑板),Three-step interview,Student A: interviewer Student B: interviewee,Reverse,Share information (two interviews),Roundtable,Round Robin,Think-Pair-share,about your answer individually,with a partner and discuss your answers,your partners answer when called upon, Think, Pair, Share,Solve-Pair-Share,A problem,Solve individually,Explain (Interview/ Round Robin),Numbered Heads,Students,Teacher,Everyone,Student Number 4 please,Discussion,Procedure,1. 教师将学生进行两两分组,每组至少一名学生阅读水平出色。,2. 学生A向学生B讲述写作计划,学生B认真听后提出问题,概括学生A的观点。,3. 角色互换。,4. 学生各自搜寻写作素材的同时留意伙伴所需素材。,5. 学生分别为对方写作文的第一段。,6. 学生完成自己的作文。,7. 学生写作完成后,校正对方作文(大小写,拼写,标点,语言运用等)并给 对方提出修改建议。,8. 学生各自修改作文。,9. 重读对方作文,签名以示经修改后已无误。,Roles, Learner Teacher Materials,Learner roles, Learner, Organizer, Checker, Recorder, Observer, Summarizer, Questioner, Information sharer,Teacher roles, Designer, Collaborator/ Instructor, Regulator, Facilitator, Questioner,The role of instructional materials, Selection,Conclusions,The use of disscusions groups, group work, and pair work has often been advocated both in teaching languages and in other subjects. Group activities are carefully planned to maximize students interaction and to facilitate students contribution to each others learning. However, CLL is not without its critics. Some have questioned its use with learners of different proficiency levels, suggesting that some groups of students may obtain more benefits from it than others.,References:1. Marjan, Laal. Individual Accountability in Collaborative LearningJ. Procedia, 2013.2. Zhao Bing. A Brief Introduction to Cooperative Language Learning and Some ReflectionsJ. 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