,Life is a race, everyone of us starts at the same point with a heavy cross on our back.人生是一场竞赛,大家都在同一条起跑线上背着重重的十字架启程。,Life is a race, everyone of us,Life isnt easy, we have to care about a lot of things and do a lot of hard work.生活不易,我们要背负太多的艰辛和努力。,Life isnt easy, we have to ca,Lord, its too heavy.Please cut it down a little.上帝,它真的太重了,我能不能稍微砍掉一点,Lord, its too heavy.Please,God was being good to me, he left it to me to decide. So I got rid off a bit.上帝仁慈,让我自己决定,于是我砍掉了一点点,God was being good to me, he l,I felt better straight away .顿时轻松多了,I felt better straight away .,But afterwards it was even heavier, I felt that I cant do this anymore.负重走路,越走越累,我感觉又无法坚持了,But afterwards it was even hea,Ive tried, but I cant anymore.再坚持一步,然后,再也无法坚持了,Ive tried, but I cant anymor,Lord, please cut it down a little more. Ill be able to carry it better.上帝,请帮我再砍掉一小截吧,那样我就能走更远了,Lord, please cut it down a lit,So, I did cut a bit more.于是我又砍掉了一截,So, I did cut a bit more.,It was really easy, I saw other people bend their back with the heavy cross, but I stood there straight, I was proud of my decision.真的很轻松,挺直了脊梁看别人压弯的腰,我佩服自己的英明抉择。,It was really easy, I saw othe,So I kept walking with the cross.背着人生的十字架继续前行,So I kept walking with the cro,人生哲理英文漫画课件,Because I kept giving up, so I couldnt finish the journey.因为我的放弃,最后就差放弃的那一点儿,But others have.由于他人的坚持,最后都通过了挑战,Because I kept giving up, so I,Since that moment which I got rid off the bit, already meant that I will lose the game.而我,当我开始砍掉那一小截重负的时候,就注定了我今天的失败。,Since that moment which I got,So, I gave up the whole cross, and my life left me too.于是,我放弃了人生的重负,人生也在最后放弃了我。,So, I gave up the whole cross,16,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!,16,