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    Unit 2 Travelling,Reading I,Unit 2 Reading I,the Great Wall,Tiananmen Square,Say something about these pictures.,Review,the Great WallTiananmen Squar,the Little Mermaid,the Leaning Tower of Pisa,the Little Mermaidthe Leaning,Tower Bridge,Tower Bridge,the Eiffel Tower,the Pyramids,the Eiffel Towerthe Pyramids,the Harbour Bridge,the Big Ben,the Harbour Bridgethe Big Ben,Australia,the Sydney Opera House,Australiathe Sydney Opera Hous,the White House,the U.S.A,Washington,the White Housethe U.S.AWashin,the Leaning Tower of Pisa,the Statue of Liberty,the Little Mermaid,the Leaning Tower of Pisathe S,Mount Fuji,Tower Bridge,the Great Wall,Mount Fuji Tower Bridgethe Gr,Free talk,1. What places of interest have you visited in China? 2. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?,Free talk1. What places of int,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,初中英语译林版八年级下册同步精美课件Unit-2Reading-I,Hong Kong Disneyland a theme park,Hong Kong Disneyland,Travel to Hong Kong Disneyland with Kitty!,Travel to Hong Kong,Space Mountain,Snow White,Space MountainSnow White,Donald Duck,Mickey Mouse,Daisy Duck,Are they cute?,Donald DuckMickey MouseDaisy D,a parade of Disney characters,a parade of Disney characters,Sleeping Beauty Castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle,watch the fireworks,watch the fireworks,A trip to Hong Kong,Kitty is visiting Hong Kong during the winter holiday. She has written a letter to Millie about Hong Kong Disneyland. Here is the letter. Listen and read the letter and answer the questions.,A trip to Hong KongKitty is vi,Who visited Disneyland?Kitty and her parents.How long did they stay in Disneyland?About two days.,Who visited Disneyland?,Amy: Who did you go to Hong Kong with?Kitty: I went there with _.Amy: Where did you go during your stay there?Kitty: We went to _.,Kitty is back in Sunshine Town. Amy is asking Kitty about her trip. Help Kitty answer Amys questions.,Hong Kong Disneyland,my parents,B1,Amy: Who did you go to Hong Ko,Amy: How did you get there?Kitty: We got there _.Amy: How long did you stay in the park?Kitty: We stayed there for _.Amy: Did you enjoy yourselves there?Kitty: Sure. We had _.,a whole day,a fantastic time,by underground,Amy: How did you get there?a,A day at Disneyland,After talking with Kitty, Amy is making notes of how Kitty spent her day at Disneyland. Help Amy complete the notes below.,B2,A day at After talking with Ki,Had fun on _,Space Mountain,Had fun on _Spac,Hurried to have a _ and met Disney _ on the way,quick meal,cartoon characters,Hurried to have a _,Watched a _ of Disney characters,parade,Watched a _ of Disney ch,Watched a _,4-D film,Watched a _4-D film,Did some _,shopping,Did some _shopping,Watched _ in front of the castle,the fireworks,Watched _ in front,Kitty is showing Amy her photos the other day. Complete their conversation with the words in Kittys letter on pages 22 and 23.,B3,Kitty is showing Amy her ph,Kitty: I took lots of photos at Hong Kong Disneyland, Amy.Amy: Oh, let me have a look. Is that Mickey Mouse?Kitty: Yes. He looked so _.Amy: Whats in this photo?,cute,Kitty: I took lots of photos a,Kitty: Its Space Mountain, an _ roller coaster. It moved at high _ and we were _ and laughing through the _.Amy: What do you think was the best part of the day?Kitty: I think the parade of Disney _ was really wonderful.,screaming,speed,indoor,ride,characters,Kitty: Its Space Mountain, an,Amy: Was the film in the park interesting?Kitty: Yes. The 4-D film was like _. We could even smell the apple _.Amy: Did you go shopping there?Kitty: Yes. I bought _ key rings. Heres one for you.Amy: Its nice. Thank you.,a couple of,pie,magic,Amy: Was the film in the park,Kitty had a good time at Hong Kong Disneyland. Find the sentences in her letter that show her happiness.,Were having a fantastic time here.First, we had fun on Space Mountain an indoor roller coaster in the dark.It moved at high speed and was really exciting!,B4,Kitty had a good time at Hong,We were screaming and laughing through the ride.It was the best part of the day.I ran after them and couldnt stop taking photos.,We were screaming and laughing,Read the article after class.,Read the article after class.,初中英语译林版八年级下册同步精美课件Unit-2Reading-I,


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