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    1,2022/12/30,12022/9/27,请看一道题:Ivecomeoutwithoutanymoney.NevermindI_yousome.A.amgoingtolend B.willlendC.havelent D.amtolend,【分析】此题应选B。容易误选A。这里主要谈一谈有关“will动词原形”和“begoingto动词原形”的区别:,2,2022/12/30,请看一道题:【分析】此题应选B。容易误选A。这里主要谈一谈,在通常情况下两者都可表示将来时间和意图,且有时可换用:我不会告诉你这事的。正:Iwonttellyouaboutit.正:Imnotgoingtotellyouaboutit.但是此时要注意:若是强调某个意图是经过事先考虑好的,则通常要用begoingto;若是表示某个意图没有经过事先考虑,而是在说话的当时才临时想到的,则通常用will,且以上两种情况通常不能换用。,3,2022/12/30,在通常情况下两者都可表示将来时间和意图,且有时可32022/,比较并体会:1.Cometotheparty.来参加晚会吧。OK,Illbringmyboyfriend.好的,我把我的男朋友也带来。(临时想法)2.Whereisthetelephonebook?电话薄在哪?Illgetitforyou.我去给你拿。(临时想法)3.Whyareyoutakingitout?干吗要把它拿出来?Imgoingtowashit.我想把它洗一洗。(事先考虑)4.Haveyouboughtatypewriter?你买了台打字机吗?Yes.Imgoingtolearntotype.是的,我想学打字。(事先考虑),4,2022/12/30,比较并体会:42022/9/27,begoingto与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别:1.begoingto表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:Heisgoingtowritealettertonight.Hewillwriteabookoneday.,5,2022/12/30,begoingto与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将,2.begoingto表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。Heisseriouslyill.Heisgoingtodie.Hewillbetwentyyearsold.,6,2022/12/30,2.begoingto表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的,3.begoingto含有“计划,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思,如:Sheisgoingtolendusherbook.Hewillbehereinhalfanhour.,7,2022/12/30,3.begoingto含有“计划,准备”的意思,72,4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用begoingto,而多用will,如:Ifanybeastscomesatyou,Illstaywithyouandhelpyou.,8,2022/12/30,4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用begoingto,延续性动词与非延续性动词动词按其动作发生的方式、发生过程的长短可分为延续性动词与非延续性动词。一.延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have ,wait , watchsing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。,9,2022/12/30,延续性动词与非延续性动词92022/9/27,表示时间段的短语有:1.for+一段时间, eg: for 2 years; for a long time2.since从句,since he came here; 3.since+时间点+ago,eg:since last year, since 5 days ago;4. how long;,10,2022/12/30,表示时间段的短语有:102022/9/27,二.非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。 如:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。如果要与for+ 时间段,since+年份,since+时间段+ago,how long连用时,瞬间性动词要变延续性动词。,11,2022/12/30,二.非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词,表示不能延续的动作,例:(1)他死了三年了。 误:He has died for three years. 正:He has been dead for three years. 正: It is three years since he died.正:He died three years ago. 正:Three years has passed since he died.,12,2022/12/30,例:(1)他死了三年了。122022/9/27,(2) 他来这儿五天了。 误:He has come here for five days. 正:He has been here for five days. 正:He came here five days ago. 正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.,13,2022/12/30,(2) 他来这儿五天了。132022/9/27,延续性动词与非延续性动词之间的转换:leave - be away, borrow - keep, buy - have, begin/start - be on, die - be dead, finish - be over, join - be in+组织机构, be a member ofopen sth - keep sth open, fall ill - be ill, get up-be up, catch a cold - have a cold, come here - be here, go there - be there, become - be, come back - be back, fall asleep - be asleep, get to/ arrive/reach - be (in), leave - be away from, get to know - know, go (get) out be out, put on wear;catch a cold have a cold,14,2022/12/30,延续性动词与非延续性动词之间的转换:142022/9/27,(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示“段时间的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:,15,2022/12/30,(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示,(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词, 如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式.(2)将句中表示段时间的状语改为表示过去确定时间的状语,如下面两例中的第二种正确表达方式。,16,2022/12/30,(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词, 如上1620,(2) 他来这儿五天了。 误:He has come here for five days. 正:He has been here for five days. 正:He came here five days ago. 正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.,17,2022/12/30,(2) 他来这儿五天了。172022/9/27,(3)用句型It is+段时间+since.表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。 (4)用句型时间+has passed+since.表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。,18,2022/12/30,(3)用句型It is+段时间+since.表达原意,(2) 他来这儿五天了。 误:He has come here for five days. 正:He has been here for five days. 正:He came here five days ago. 正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.,19,2022/12/30,(2) 他来这儿五天了。192022/9/27,四、终止性动词可用于现在完成时否定式中,成为可以延续的状态,因而可与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:1.He hasnt left here since 1986. 2.I havent heard from my father for two weeks.,20,2022/12/30,四、终止性动词可用于现在完成时否定式中,成为可以202022,五、终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成not+终止性动词+until/till .的句型,意为直到才。如:1. You cant leave here until I arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。 2. I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。,21,2022/12/30,五、终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成212,六、终止性动词可以用于when引导的时间状语从句中,但不可以用于while引导的时间状语从句中。when表示的时间是点时间(从句谓语动词用终止性动词),也可以是段时间(从句谓语动词用延续性动词)。而while表示的是一个较长的时间或过程,从句谓语动词用延续性动词。,22,2022/12/30,六、终止性动词可以用于when引导的时间状语从句中,2220,如:1. When we reached London, it was twelve oclock. (reach为终止性动词) 2. Please look after my daughter while/when we are away. (be away为延续性动词短语),23,2022/12/30,如:1. When we reached London, i,七、终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。误:How long have you come here? 正:How long have you been here? 正:When did you come here?,24,2022/12/30,七、终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式,1.When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus for 20 minutes. A. has left B. had left C. has been away D. had been away2. I _ the League for 5 years so far. A. joined B. have joined C. have been in D. had been in3.The factory _since the February of 1988. A . has been open B. has opened C. was open D. opened 4. Mary and Rose _friends since they met in 2000. A. have made B. have been C. made D. have become,25,2022/12/30,1.When he arrived at the bus s,5.You mustnt _until he comes back. A. be away B. leave C. be left D.have been away6.The meeting _ for a week now. A. has finished B. has ended C. has been over D. is over7.Miss Gao _ this school for nearly 5 years. A. has been in B. has come to C. has taught D. had been in 8.Ben _ a teacher for 4 years . A. has been B. has become C. was D. became,26,2022/12/30,5.You mustnt _until h,9. I _ home for a week. A. have returned B. have been back C. returned D. had been back10. How long _ he _ ? A. died B. has, died C. has, been dead D. die, she die11.He_at eight yesterday afternoon.A. slept B. was sleeping C. has sleep D. had slept12.He _ the car for a week. A. bought B. has bought C. has had D. had kept,27,2022/12/30,9. I _ home for a week.,13.-How long _ you _ ill ? -Two weeks. A. did fall B. have, fell C. have, been D. had , been14.Since 2000, he _ his hometown. A. has left B. has moved away C. has been away from D.had moved15.Ill lend you the book , but you can only _ it for 2 days. A. borrow B. keep C. take D.had,28,2022/12/30,13.-How long _ you _,17.Are you _ the jacket these days? A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on18. He _ for 2 hours. A.got up B. has got up C. has been up19. Tom is ill in hospital. He _ a cold for several days. A. is B. catches C. has caught D. has had20. - How long can I _ the book? - Two weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. get D. keep,29,2022/12/30,292022/9/27,The end,30,2022/12/30,The end302022/9/27,


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