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    ,Is that/this ?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its .,Is that the PE teachers office?,Do you have a ? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.,Wheres the ?,Its on/in/under/near/next to.,Do you like English?,Yes, I do.No, I dont.,1(one),2(two),3(three),4(four),5(five),6(six),7(seven),8(eight),9(nine),10(ten),11(eleven),12(twelve),13(thirteen),14(fourteen),15(fifteen),16(sixteen),17(seventeen),18(eighteen),19(nineteen),20(twenty),30(thirty),40(forty),50(fifty),60(oclock),21(twenty-one),31(thirty-one),41(forty-one),51(fifty-one),0(oclock),5(five),10(ten),15(fifteen),20(twenty),25(twenty-five),30(thirty),35(thirty-five),40(forty),45(forty-five),50(fifty),55(fifty-five),What time is it now?,Its . Its time for/to .,Its time for,Its time to,课程、三餐,动作,Its time for bed/school!,Time for,Time to,Time for bed/school!,Whats the weather like in ?,Its .,Can I / you ?,Yes, you / I can. / No, you / I cant.,Whats the weather like in ? Is it ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt. / No, its not. Its .,How / What about ? Is it ?,Are these / those ? Yes, they are.No, they arent. Theyre .,Is this / that a ? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Its a .,What are these / those? Theyre .,Whats this / that? Its a .,What are these / those? Are they/these/those?,Whats this / that? Is it / this / that a ?,Yang Ziqian,Sam,John,Zhang Jiale,Wu Yifan,Mr Jones,Sarah,Niu Xinyue,Chen Jie,Miss Green,Zip,Tom,Tim,Lily,Are these / those ? Yes, they are.No, they arent. Theyre .,Is this / that ? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Its .,Mike,Sam,John,Zhang Peng,Wu Yifan,Mr Jones,Sarah,Amy,Chen Jie,Miss Green,Zip,Tom,Tim,Lily,Whose are these / those? Theyre .,Whose is this / that? Its .,Whose is this / that? Is it/this/that ?,Whose are these / those?Are they/these/those ?,我想买一双5码的,60元以内的鞋子。,Can I help you? Yes, this / that / these / those is / are . Can I try it / them on?What size?Size , please.Sure / Of course, here you are.How do you like it / them?Its / Theyre .How much is it / are they?Its / Theyre .Ill take it / them. /Oh, thats too expensive.,这双鞋看着真精致啊!穿着刚好!,80,我想买一双6码的,100美元以内的鞋子。,这双鞋看着真好啊!穿着刚好!,80,Can I help you? Yes, this / that / these / those is / are . Can I try it / them on?What size?Size , please.Sure / Of course, here you are.How do you like it / them?Its / Theyre .How much is it / are they?Its / Theyre .Ill take it / them. /Oh, thats too expensive.,How much are these / those? Theyre .,How much is this / that ? Its .,80,30,40,20,12,expensive,nice,pretty,cheap,good,How do you like this / that / these / those ? Its / Theyre .,I like this / that / the green skirt.,I like these / those / the red pants.,This / That / The black shirt is nice. Can I try it on?,These / Those / The blue shorts are nice. Can I try them on?,How much is it?,How much are they?,Its not expensive. Ill take it.,Theyre cheap. Ill take them.,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),各个功能室里能进行什么活动呢?,play football / basketball, read a book, rainy PE,Its 12 oclock. Its time to go to the .,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),Its time for .,Its time to .,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),weather为泛指,分类视情况而定!,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),vegetable为泛指,分类视情况而定!,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),animal, clothes为泛指,分类视情况而定!,单词分类总结(标红为前期学过的单词),Mary: I like apples. What about you, Jim?Jim: Me, too.Mary: How about you, Cindy?Cindy: I dont like apples. I like pears. And I like carrots, too. Do you like carrots, Mary?Mary: I dont like carrots. What about you, Jim?Jim: Me, neither. I like potatoes.Mary and Cindy: Me, too.,根据短文内容,判断人物喜好,喜欢的写Y,不喜欢的写N。,Answer,Mike: Hi! Chen Jie! How are you?Chen Jie: 1Mike: What time is it now?Chen Jie: 2 Its time for computer class!Mike: Yes. 3Chen Jie: Its on the third floor.Mike: Thanks. Time to go!Chen Jie: 4,A. Its 9 oclock.B. Very well, thank you!C. OK.D. But wheres the new computer room?,补全对话,然后判断题目对(T)错(F)。,( ) 5. The computer room is on the first floor.,Mike: Hi! Chen Jie! This is Mike.Chen Jie: 1Mike: Whats the weather like in Shanghai?Chen Jie: 2 3Mike: Its warm and windy.Chen Jie: Its 7:00 p.m. in China. How about the UK?Mike: 4Chen Jie: Yes, youre right.,A. Its cool and rainy.B. What about London?C. Its 12:00 P.m. Time for lunch.D. Hi! Mike!,补全对话,然后判断题目对(T)错(F)。,( ) 5. Its warm and windy in London.,Salesman: Can I help you?Chen Jie: 1Salesman : Five yuan for two.Chen Jie: 2Salesman : Twelve yuan for three.Chen Jie: 3 Ill take four apples and a tomato. How much is that?Salesman : 4,A. Thats cheap.B. Yes. These apples are good. How much are they?C. What about those tomatoes?D. Fourteen yuan.E. Forty yuan.,补全对话,有多余选项。,Mum: Hurry! Chen Jie! Its time to get up!Chen Jie: 1Mum: Its 6:30.Chen Jie: Whats the weather like today?Mum: 2Chen Jie: 3,A. Its cold and snowy. Put on your coat.B. OK. Thanks.C. What time is it?,补全对话,然后判断题目对(T)错(F)。,( ) 4. Its 6:30. Its time to go to school.( ) 5. Its sunny today.,Saleswoman: Can I help you?Chen Jie: Yes. This skirt is nice. Can I try it on?Saleswoman : Sure. What size?Chen Jie: Size S, please.Saleswoman : OK. Here you are.Chen Jie: Thanks.Saleswoman : Youre welcome.Saleswoman : Is it OK?Chen Jie: Its just right. How much is it?Saleswoman : Its 99. Chen Jie: Oh, thats too expensive.Saleswoman : What about this one?Chen Jie: Its pretty. How much?Saleswoman : Its 66. Chen Jie: Thats cheap. Ill take it.,Saleswoman: Can I help you?Chen Jie: Yes. Those shoes are nice. Can I try them on?Saleswoman : Of course. What size?Chen Jie: Size 7, please.Saleswoman : OK. Here you are.Chen Jie: Thanks.Saleswoman : Youre welcome.Saleswoman : Are they OK?Chen Jie: Theyre too big. Saleswoman : Would you like to try size 6?Chen Jie: Yes, please.(No, thanks.),Saleswoman : Are they OK?Chen Jie: Theyre just right. How much are they?Saleswoman : Theyre 88. Chen Jie: Oh, theyre too expensive.Saleswoman : What about these?Chen Jie: Theyre nice. How much?Saleswoman : Its 55. Chen Jie: Theyre cheap. Ill take them.,


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