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    ,The Truman Show,By Teng Shenghan,中译名:楚门的世界,Brief Introduction,The hero(男主人公) Truman led what seemed to be a simple life on the island called Sea heaven. a loving wife a best friend an insurance adjustor(保险金估算人). But something was wrong in his life.,Come across his father who had died in a thunder storm long time ago. Notice everything he did would get a dramatic result. Sylvia showed sympathy to his sufferings and gave him some kind implications.,Truman lived in a huge studio and was the only hero in a live soap opera(纪实性肥皂剧,电视真人秀),which was made by the director Christof. Every minute Every moment,When Truman found the truth, he was in great despair. Eventually he decided to leave here and seek the real world and the one he truly loved.,Suppose you were Truman-the victim. How would you feel if you found you lost freedom and private space?,embarrassed,uneasy,intolerable,Assumption,Suppose you were Christof-the wire puller(幕后操纵者).Why do you want to make this live soap opera? I only want to record the whole life of an ordinary person, and tell what I think is a true story.The audience is my god. Everything I do is to meet their desires.,Suppose you were the young lady Solvia-Trumans valentine.Why are you willing to give Truman a hand ?Truman is lonely and no one tells him the truth.I could not put up with this ridiculous slapstick(闹剧).Also,its too cruel for Truman to bear this unfair treatment.,Some Remarks,As you know, everyone is born to be free and equal. Christof, the TV show director, whose pronunciation was similar to Christ(耶酥), wanted to play god. The Sea heaven island was the Eden(伊甸园);Truman was the human “created ” by him.,Even because of a woman, Truman began to think about escaping from the Sea heaven Island where he had lived for 30 years. Thats right! The director copied the Bible. He controlled everything like God.,Trumans cost was too much-losing freedom, truth of the real world, he looked like a fool or white rat in the lab and a bird in a cage. No one could stand such tragical life.,Just like Adam and Eva were driven out of the Eden. Differently,Truman made the choice by himself;he abandoned God to face the real world.,The Truman show,The first time I watched I was deeply touched by the plot .,But the second time I watched I began to think more deeply.,What I Think About It,Two Options,A. an ideal world but it has been arranged by a wire-puller; B. a real world where you may need to face some challenges off and on. B,the happy moments and run into some big surprises which happened just by chance,not by design. Choose a real world,choose freedom and the truth of the world.,Excellent Dialogue,Truman: Good morning, and in case I dont see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! 早上好。假如再也见不到你,就再祝你下午好,晚上好,晚安!Sylvia: Look at what youve done to him! 看看你都对他作了什么!Christof: I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. 我给了Truman过正常生活的机会。而你所生活的世界,是一个病态的世界。,Network Executive: For Gods sake, Chris! The whole world is watching. We cant let him die in front of a live audience! 看在上帝的份上,Chris!全世界都看着呢。我们不能让他当众死亡!Christof: He was born in front of a live audience. 但他当众出生.Truman Burbank: Was nothing real? 一切都是假的?Christof: You were real. Thats what made you so good to watch. 你是真的,大家都爱看你,Lets enjoy the climax of the movie.,Thats all. Thank you for your listening.,


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