Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦,- Mary Shelley,Background of the author Background of the novelThe main content Analysis of the main characters Theme of the novel,Mary Shelley was born in 18th-century London. And both her parents were influential writers at that time. Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft , was a radical feminist 激进的女权主义者 who died after giving birth to Mary, and her father , William Godwin , raised her.,Mary left home at 16 and she married Percy.B.Shelley after his first wifes suicide, and wrote Frankenstein in a writers challenge from Lord Byron. The story, based on a horrendous vision, was composed during sweeping life changes. Frankenstein was published in 1818. She is known as the mother of science fiction.,Background of the author,Background of the novel,Science became the center of everything in the society.,Some people began to doubt and criticize the absolue belief of science.,The Main Content,The book tells us a story about a scientist whose name is Frankenstein created an ugly creature. And the ugly monster was excluded(排斥) by all people because his unpleasant and terrible appearance, then he started to revenge on humans fiercely and cruelly. Finally , he and his creator perished (灭亡)together .,主人公弗兰肯斯坦是一位从事人的生命科学研究的学者,他力图用人工创造出生命。在他的实验室里,通过无数次的探索,他创造了一个面目可憎,奇丑无比的怪物。开始时,这人造的怪物秉性善良,对人充满了善意和感恩之情。他要求他的创造者和人们给予他人生的种种权利,甚至要求为他创造一个配偶。但是,当他处处受到他的创造者和人们的嫌恶和岐视时,他感到非常痛苦。他憎恨一切,他想毁灭一切。他杀害了弗兰肯斯坦的弟弟威廉,他又谋害弗兰肯斯坦的未婚妻伊丽莎白。弗兰肯斯坦怀着满腔怒火追捕这个恶魔般的怪物。最后,在搏斗中,弗兰肯斯坦去世,怪物很懊悔,最后跳海自杀。 本书揭示了作者的哲学观点。她认为人具有双重性格善与恶。长期受人嫌恶、岐视和迫害会使人变得邪恶而干出种种坏事,甚至发展到不可收拾的地步。它还为英语添加了一个新的单词Frankenstein,一个最终毁了它的创造者的东西。,creative knowdgeable,complexdelighted,digusting guilty,worried,exhausted,when creating,living creature,ugly body,facing requirement,struggle and perish,character,Frankenstein,kind lonely,sorroful helpless,desperate,hatred 憎恨的revengeful,perished,coming to the world,was rejected,companian was destroyed,grudge intensfied,struggle and win,character,Frankenstein is an advisory notice done up in gothic (哥特式的)costume, warning post-industrial society about the explosion of scientific knowledge and its potential misapplication and the subsequent (随之而来的)dehumanization of mankind. Frankenstein warned of the need for considered action in the use of knowledge, and the alienation in store for driven knowledge seekers. In Frankenstein, Shelley asks who exactly the real monster is victor.,The Theme,The Creatures abandonment by parent and society is similar to that of the feminist for over two centuries. Feminists were scorned and abandoned as they obtained knowledge and subsequent power to participate more fully in societies.,Analysis of the novel from the feminist view:,Company Logo,Mary Shelley thinks that everyone are born with goodness, and being detested, discriminated and persecuted for long time drives people to expose their evil personality. The Creature has double personality of human beingsgood and evil.,Analysis of the novel from philosophical view :,Thank You,