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    冲击波治疗骨肌疾病,冲击波治疗骨肌疾病冲击波治疗骨肌疾病绝对禁忌症ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATIONS妊娠Pregnancy血栓症thrombosis血凝固紊乱(血友病)coagulation disorders (haemophilia)肿瘤疾病tumour diseases 急性炎症acute inflammation目标治疗区脓肿pus focus in the target area,冲击波治疗骨肌疾病冲击波治疗骨肌疾病冲击波治疗骨肌疾病绝对禁,绝对禁忌症ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATIONS,妊娠Pregnancy血栓症thrombosis血凝固紊乱(血友病)coagulation disorders (haemophilia)肿瘤疾病tumour diseases 急性炎症acute inflammation目标治疗区脓肿pus focus in the target area,绝对禁忌症妊娠Pregnancy,相对禁忌症RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATIONS,抗凝血剂使用者,特别是苯丙香豆素(维生素K拮抗剂) use of anticoagulants, especially marcumar (vitamin k antagonist)有多发性神经病的糖尿病 polyneuropathy in case of diabetes mellitus可的松治疗结束六周后才能使用体外冲击波治疗 cortisone therapy up to 6 weeks before first ESWT treatment风湿性疾病 rheumatic disease,相对禁忌症,肿胀swelling变红reddening血肿haematomas瘀点petechiae灼伤般疼痛感pain like sunburn治疗初期病情恶化first worsening,副作用SIDE EFFECTS,肿胀swelling副作用,冲击波治疗的益处Benefits of Shock Wave Treatment,几次治疗后,疼痛即得到缓解/减轻 pain relief/ reduction after a few treating sessions 治疗依从性好 the compliance is very good 治疗后病人能直接感受到第一疗效 the patients can feel first effects directly after the treatment 能治疗复杂症状及相关适应症 treatment of complex symptoms/ indications possible,冲击波治疗的益处 几次治疗后,疼痛即得到缓解/减轻,治疗结缔组织 treatment of connective tissue活化淋巴系统 activation of lymphatic system大面积治疗 treatment of large areas possible作用于神经系统(门控制、疼痛记忆) effects on the nervous system (gate control, pain memory?),冲击波治疗的益处Benefits of Shock Wave Treatment,治疗结缔组织冲击波治疗的益处Benefits of Sho,经典适应症CLASSIC INDICATIONS,经典适应症,经典适应症Classic Indications,Calcific tendonitis/ shoulder pain钙化性肌腱炎/肩痛,Achillodynia 跟腱痛,Plantar fasciitis 足底筋膜炎,Ulnar humeral epicondylitis肱骨内上踝炎,Tibial stress syndrome胫骨压力症候群,Radial humeral epicondylitis肱骨外上髁炎,Trochanteric tendonitis转子肌腱炎,Patellar tendonitis髌腱炎,经典适应症Calcific tendonitis/ shou,治疗方法 PROTOCOL,查找主要痛点和其他痛点look for the main and other pain points 与病人密切交谈close dialogue with the patient 生物反馈biofeedback 2000次发散式冲击波 radial shocks 2000 多数学派的治疗方法protocol of the most studies 传统派old school新派:联合疗法,治疗扳机点 new: combined therapy, trigger points,治疗方法 PROTOCOL 查找主要痛点和其他痛点loo,治疗方法PROTOCOL,治疗间隔:5-7天 interval5 7days治疗次数:3-5次 sessions3 5最晚在第5次治疗后进入休息期 break latest after 5th session,治疗方法治疗间隔:5-7天,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛Calcific tendonitis/Shoulder pain,前期超声或X线定位/决定治疗区域与深度Preliminary ultrasound orx-ray localization/ determination of penetration depth and treatment area在皮肤上标记出治疗区域Marking of therapeutic window on the skin在90%的例子中,旋转套的冈上肌腱感染,需要治疗。In approx. 90% of the casesthe supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff is affected and has to be treated,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛前期超声或X线定位/决定治疗区域与深度Pre,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛Calcific tendonitis/Shoulder pain,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛Calcific tendonitis/Shoulder pain,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛Calcific tendonitis/Shoulder pain,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛Calcific tendonitis/Shoulder pain,钙化肌腱炎/肩痛,肱骨内上髁炎Radial humeral epicondylitis DD,肱骨内上髁炎,Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days 治疗间隔:5 - 7 天,Supine patient positioning Flexion of elbow joint approx. 30 to 40 degree, supination position. R-SW (R15) application at the tendon insertion. 病人仰卧位 肘关节弯曲大约30-40度,手心向上。R-SW(R15)应用于腱附着端。,Supine patient positioning Extension of elbow joint, supination position. Smoothing of forearm muscles with D20-S.病人仰卧位 肘关节外展,手心向上。用D20-S按摩前臂肌肉。,肱骨内上髁炎Ulnar humeral epicondylitis仅使用发散性冲击波疗法Only radial shock wave therapy,Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days,肱骨内上髁炎Ulnar humeral epicondylitis,病人仰卧位-肘关节外展。用V-ACTOR按摩邻近肌肉。Supine patient positioning Extension of elbow joint. Smoothing of surrounding muscles with the V-ACTOR。,肱骨内上髁炎Ulnar humeral epicondyli,Preliminary ultrasound/x-ray for localization,determination of penetrationdepth 前期超声或X线定位,确定治疗深度Marking of therapy region 标记治疗区域,转子肌腱炎Trochanteric Tendonitis,ESWT New Treatment Guide,Preliminary ultrasound/x-ray,转子肌腱炎Trochanteric Tendonitis DD,转子肌腱炎Trochanteric Tendonitis ,Patellar tendonitis (Jumpers Knee) 髌骨肌腱炎(跳跃膝),Preliminary ultrasound/x-ray for localization,determination of penetrationdepth 前期超声或x线定位,确定治疗深度Marking of therapy region 标记治疗区域,Patellar tendonitis (Jumpers,髌骨肌腱炎(跳跃膝)Patellar tendonitis (Jumpers Knee),髌骨肌腱炎(跳跃膝),Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days 治疗间隔:5 - 7 天,Supine patient positioning with the knee on a half roll. Fixation of patellar zone with a cuff. R-SW (R15) application at the patella (tip, basis) and tibial tendon insertion.病人仰卧位,膝盖置于半圆柱形物上。用一条绷带固定髌骨区。R-SW(R15)应用于髌骨(尖部、底部)及胫骨腱附着端。,Supine patient positioning with the knee on a half roll. Fixation of paellar zone with a cuff. Smoothing of adjacent muscles with D20.病人仰卧位,膝盖置于半圆柱形物上。用一条绷带固定髌骨区。用D20按摩相邻肌肉。,髌骨肌腱炎Patellar tendonitis (Jumpers Knee) 仅使用发散式冲击波疗法Only radial shock wave therapy,Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days,Preliminary ultrasound/ x-ray 前期超声/X线定位 Marking of therapy region 标记治疗区域,胫骨压力综合征(胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎)Tibial stress syndrome (Shin splint),ESWT New Treatment Guide,Preliminary ultrasound/ x-ray,Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days 治疗间隔:5 - 7 天,Supine patient positioning with knee on a half roll. R-SW application.病人仰卧位,膝盖置于半圆柱形物上。使用R-SW。,胫骨压力综合征(胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎) Tibial stress syndrome (Shin splint)仅使用发散式冲击波疗法Only radial shock wave therapy,Treatment interval: 5 - 7 days,跟腱痛Achillodynia,Preliminary ultrasound / x-ray 前期超声/x线定位Marking of therapy region 标记治疗区域,跟腱痛Preliminary ultrasound / x-,跟腱痛Achillodynia,跟腱痛,跟腱痛Achillodynia,跟腱痛,足底筋膜炎Plantar fasciitis,Preliminary ultrasound/ x-ray 前期超声/x线定位Localization of pain points withbio-feedback 根据人体生物反馈定位痛点Marking of therapy region 标记治疗区域,足底筋膜炎Plantar fasciitisPrelimin,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺Plantar fasciitis, Heel Spur,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺Plantar fasciitis, H,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺Plantar fasciitis, Heel Spur,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺Plantar fasciitis, Heel Spur,足底筋膜炎,跟骨骨刺Plantar fasciitis, H,研究Studies,研究,2000次冲击波,治疗3次,一周一次2000, 3 sessions, 1/ week,跟骨骨刺Heel Spur,2000次冲击波,治疗3次,一周一次跟骨骨刺Heel Spu,发散式冲击波,2000次,治疗3次,1周1次RSW, 2000, 3 sessions, 1/ week,肱骨外上髁炎HER,发散式冲击波,2000次,治疗3次,1周1次肱骨外上髁炎HE,RSW, 5 sessions, 1/ week,RSW, 2000, 3 sessions, 1/ week 发散式冲击波,2000次,治疗3次,1周1次,肩袖钙化性肌腱炎Calcific Tendinitis of Rotator Cuff,RSW, 5 sessions, 1/ weekRSW, 2,钙化性肌腱炎,聚焦式冲击波Tendinosis Calcarea, FSW,钙化性肌腱炎,聚焦式冲击波Tendinosis Calca,夹挤综合症,聚焦式冲击波Impingement Syndrome, FSW,夹挤综合症,聚焦式冲击波Impingement Syndr,发散式冲击波,治疗5次,1周1次RSW, 5 sessions, 1/ week,疼痛治疗Sports-Induced Diseases,发散式冲击波,治疗5次,1周1次疼痛治疗Sports-In,肌筋膜疼痛综合症Myofascial pain syndrome,扳机点治疗Trigger point treatment,肌筋膜疼痛综合症扳机点治疗,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndrome可用RSWT成功治愈的骨科适应症 Orthopaedic indications which can be treated successfully with RSWT,上位及低位颈部综合征Upper and lower Cervical-Syndrome肩周痛Periarticular shoulder pain前臂屈伸肌腱炎Tendomyosis in the extensor and flexor region of the forearm 上踝病变Epicondylopathy背痛Dorsalgia (Back pain)臀肌痛Glutealgia,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndro,内收肌疼痛Pain in the adductor muscles 股屈伸肌痉挛Shortenings in the femoral flexor and extensor muscles 小腿筋膜间室综合征Peroneal compartment syndrome胫前综合征Tibial anterior syndrome 胫骨压力综合征(胫骨疲劳性骨膜综合征)Tibial stress syndrome (Shin splint)伴有/不伴有跟腱痛的小腿肌肉萎缩Shortening of the calf muscle with and without Achillodynia 跖骨痛Metatarsalgia,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndrome可用RSWT成功治愈的骨科适应症 Orthopaedic indications which can be treated successfully with RSWT,内收肌疼痛Pain in the adductor mus,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndrome,治疗长度Length of treatment,取决于肌肉刺激的持续范围和时间Depending on the extent and duration of the muscle irritation早期疼痛可经过1-2次治疗成功治愈。Early stage complaints can be treated successfully with 1 - 2 treatments sessions 多数案例中,痛点的缓解/解除需要4-8次治疗(一周12次治疗)In most cases several treatment sessions (4 - 8) are required to release/eliminate the pain points (1 -2 treatments / week).建议尽早采用扳机点治疗It is recommended to start trigger point treatment at the most possible early stage,肌筋膜疼痛综合征治疗长度取决于肌肉刺激的持续范围和时间Dep,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndrome 冲击波治疗的优点Benefits of shock wave therapy,促进组织再生Strong regenerative effect on the tissue可深入组织治疗,而不伤皮肤Penetrate deep inside the tissue without harming the skin 因此冲击波操作方便,易于重复治疗。可被大多数患者接受。Therefore shock wave therapy can be easily repeated and is well tolerated by most patients.,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndro,超声波扫描术Sonography 给病人提供最安全的治疗方案 Gives the patients the most possible treatment safety 可识别不可采用ESWT治疗的结构改变(例如肿瘤) Structural modifications which must not be treated with RSWT (e.g. tumors) will be recognized,肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofascial pain syndrome 冲击波治疗前的诊断Diagnostics before shock wave therapy,超声波扫描术Sonography肌筋膜疼痛综合征Myofa,上位及低位颈部综合征Upper and lower Cervical-Syndrome 臂痛、背痛、头痛with brachialgia, dorsalgia and cephalgia,上位及低位颈部综合征Upper and lower Cerv,半棘肌/夹肌,C3以下Semispinalis/Splenius muscle, caudal C3,上位及低位颈部综合征Upper and lower Cervical-Syndrome 臂痛、背痛、头痛with brachialgia, dorsalgia and cephalgia,半棘肌/夹肌,C3以下Semispinalis/Spleni,半棘肌/夹肌,C3以下Semispinalis/Splenius muscle caudal C3,Recommended treatment: Radial 使用发散性治疗,上位及低位颈部综合征Upper and lower Cervical-Syndrome 臂痛、背痛、头痛with brachialgia, dorsalgia and cephalgia,半棘肌/夹肌,C3以下Semispinalis/Spleni,三角肌Deltoid muscle,肩周痛Periarticular shoulder pain,三角肌Deltoid muscle 肩周痛Periartic,Thank you,hfy19861225126,Thank youhfy19861225126,谢谢!,谢谢!,


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