力士乐内部培训资料,力士乐内部培训资料,4WRV(E)H-10,16,252X(HRV2),精度很高, 响应很快, 滞环: 0.1 % ; Scarcely measurable !Zero-Adjustment: 1 %Manufacure tolerance for Qmax: 10% Termal drift: Zero point displacement 1% , at T=400C响应 Time : 12, 15, 23 ms (X=100bar,100%)Switch off behaviour: Pilot valve undefinde, Main stage PA/TB or PB/TA!相频(NG10): 100 %:40 Hz 5 %: 80 Hz 1 %: 100 Hz 伺服级的参数,2,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,4WRV(E)H-10,16,252X(HRV2)精度,HI,3,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,HI314th 15th January 2004, B,Valves with torque motor,4WRGE1025/1X精度很高, 响应很快滞环: 0.05 % ;灵敏度: 0.02%Zero-point: 2 % Zero-ponit drift with change in:Temp: 0.2%/10kPressure 0.02%/100 barReturn flow pressure 0 to 10% from p 0.01%响应(相频NG10): 100 %: 26 Hz 25 %: 60 Hz 5 %: 120 Hz,4,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Valves with torque motor4WRGE,Valves with torque motor,4WRDE1032/5X精度很高, 响应很快滞环: 0.2 % ;灵敏度: 0. 1%Zero-point: 2 % Zero-ponit drift with change in:Temp: 0.7%/20kPressure 0.5%/100 barReturn flow pressure 0 to 10% from p 0.2%响应(相频NG10): 100 %: 36 Hz 25 %: 100 Hz 5 %: 150 Hz,5,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Valves with torque motor4WRDE,6,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,614th 15th January 2004, Bos,3-way servo solenoid valve cartridge type,精度很高, 响应很快, 滞环: 0.1 % ; Scarcely measurable !Zero-Adjustment: 5 %Manufacure tolerance for Qmax: 10% Termal drift: Zero point displacement 1% , at T=400C响应 Time : 33, 28, 60 ms (A-X, px=100bar, pA=50bar,0100% )相频(NG10): 100 %:30 Hz 5 %: 45 Hz 伺服级的参数,7,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,3-way servo solenoid valve car,8,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,814th 15th January 2004, Bos,9,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,914th 15th January 2004, Bos,Servoventil 4WS2EM6-2X/.Merkmale,10,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Servoventil 4WS2EM6-2X/.Merk,Technischer Vergleich 2-stufige Servoventile,11,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Technischer Vergleich 2-,12,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,1214th 15th January 2004, Bo,Servo Valves ;3-stage相关参数(带机械和电气反馈),4WS(E)3EE16精度很高, 响应很快, 机械反馈+E-Feedback滞环: 0.2 % ;灵敏度: 0. 1%Reversal span: 0. 1%Zero-point: 2 % Zero drift with change in:Temp(Fliud): 0.5% / 20kTemp(Ambient): 1.0% / 20kPressure 0.5% / 100 barReturn flow pressure 0 to 10% of pp 0.2 % 频响(相频NG6): 100 %: 60 Hz 25 %: 120 Hz 5 %: 190 Hz,13,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Servo Valves ;3-stage相关参数(带机械,Servo Valves ; 2-stage:参数比较:仅带机械反馈和带机械及电气反馈的伺服阀,4WS(E)2EM16精度很高, 响应很快, 仅机械反馈滞环: 1.5 % ;灵敏度: 0. 2%Reversal span: 0. 3%Zero-point: 3 % Zero drift with change in:Temp(Fliud): 1.5% / 20kTemp(Ambient): 1% / 20kPressure 2% / 100 barReturn flow pressure 0 to 10% of pp 1% 频响(相频NG6): 100 %: 60 Hz 25 %: 70 Hz 5 %: 75 Hz,4WS(E)2ED16精度很高, 响应很快, 机械反馈+E-Feedback滞环: 0.5 % ;灵敏度: 0. 1%Reversal span: 0. 2%Zero-point: 2 % Zero drift with change in:Temp(Fliud): 1.2% / 20kTemp(Ambient): 0.5% / 20kPressure 1% / 100 barReturn flow pressure 0 to 10% of pp 0.5% 频响(相频NG6): 100 %: 60 Hz 25 %: 110 Hz 5 %: 180 Hz,14,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Servo Valves ; 2-stage:参数比较:仅,Fixed pumps,Variable pumps,Fixed motors,Variable motors,A2FOSize 5.1000,A4FOSize 16.500,A4VSGSize 40.1000,A4VSOSize 40.1000,A10VSOSize 10.140,A2VSize 250.1000,A7VOSize 55.1000,A4VBSize 450,A2FMSize 5.1000,A4FMSize 22.500,A10FMSize 18.63,A4FPSize 32.5002A4FPSize 200.500A10FPSize 18,A6VMSize 28.1000,A10VMSize 28.85,IV 2017-e / VAV 05.00,博世力士乐公司工业用的轴向柱塞产品,15,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Fixed pumpsVariable pumpsFixed,A4VSO泵的变量机构概述,不就变量机构而谈变量机构, 而就液压系统所存在的缺陷而谈如何改善这些缺陷! 如何使液压系统达到一个理想的境界!,16,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,A4VSO泵的变量机构概述不就变量机构而谈变量机构, 而就液,恒压变量控制机构DR,系统的压力:p= pDR系统的流量:Q= 系统所需系统的功率利用率: 50%,pmax,DR,Q,p,有用功率:Po*Qo,节流损失,溢流损失,角功率:Pmax*Qmax,恒压变量控制机构DR系统的压力:p= pDRpmaxDRQp,恒压变量控制机构DR,恒压源只提供系统所需要的流量,理论上无能量损失;所以加上恒压变量机构后,系统可以节能,避免系统过热。其作用与溢流阀截然不同! 可实现遥控(DRG)。考虑到总的装机功率,多用于蓄能器回路。,18,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,恒压变量控制机构DR恒压源1814th 15th Jan,遥控恒压变量控制机构DRG,19,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,遥控恒压变量控制机构DRG1914th 15th Jan,DR(DRG)泵的结构,DR(DRG)泵的结构,同步控制变量机构DP,p1,p2,(p2)XA=Ff,21,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,同步控制变量机构DPp1p2 (p2)XA=Ff211,同步控制变量机构DP,(p2)XA=Ff,( p2)XA=Ff,所有的泵的(p1+ p2)相同(同一压油口,同一溢流阀),已回到零位的泵的p1比较大,处于最大摆角的泵的p1比较小,所以处于最大摆角的泵的p2比较大。,22,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,同步控制变量机构DP(p2)XA=Ff( p2)XA=F,同步控制变量机构DP,23,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,同步控制变量机构DP2314th 15th Januar,A4VSO.LR3GN,A4VSO.LR3GN,24,A4 LR3GN control overview / VST3/H, Lo 12.AA,A4VSO.LR3GNA4VSO.LR3GN24A4,电子泵A4VSOHS3,25,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,电子泵A4VSOHS32514th 15th Janu,Flow control,Flow control,Flow control,Flow control,Flow control,Pressure control,Pressure control,Pressure control,Pressure control,Pressure control,Power control,Power control,Power control,Power control,Power control,Hydraulic Diagram of HS3-Control,26,Hydraulic diagram HS3 / VST3/H; Lo 05.AB,QpQpQpFlow controlFlow control,开式系统液压泵A10V(S)O的变量机构,不就变量机构而谈变量机构, 而就液压系统所存在的缺陷而谈如何改善这些缺陷! 如何使液压系统达到一个理想的境界!,27,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,开式系统液压泵A10V(S)O的变量机构不就变量机构而谈变量,A10VSO/DR压力切断:,为液压系统提供一个恒压源(相当于:限压式)适合于蓄能器回路装机功率: P=pmaxXQmax,28,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,A10VSO/DR压力切断:为液压系统提供一个恒压源(相当于,A10V(S)O Druck - Frderstromregler DFR(1) Funktion und Schaltplan,DR,FR,X,Blende bzw. Mobilsteuerblock,DR - Achse,FR - Achse,LS - Lastdruck,X,A10 146.3.d/VST6 01.AK,29,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,A10V(S)O Druck - Frderstromre,Pulsationsblende,Druckregler,Verstellkolben (8),Gegenkolben und mechanische Feder,Frderstromregler(Standard:Dp = 14 bar);Federkraft (5),Entlastungsblende,Einstellbare Blende, bzw. Mobilsteuer- block (6) (im Lieferumfang nicht enthalten),X - Anschlu,A10V(S)O Druck - Frderstromregler DFR(1) Schaltplan,Schaltplan dargestellt fr A10VO, BR 31,4,3,2,7,9,1,DR,FR,A10 146.1d/VST6 01.AK,30,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,PulsationsblendeDruckreglerVer,与缸头结合的精密活塞杆,密封系统,自调式缓冲,密封系统,与钢筒精密同心,保险放气阀,CDH2系列,31,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,与缸头结合的精密活塞杆密封系统自调式缓冲密封系统与钢筒精密同,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYHydraulic cylinders with guidance bush油缸导向套,已淘汰的结构:CD250,32,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Edge press边缘(推进)压力导向驱动“干”guide,1 Wiper防尘圈; 2 Grooved ring唇形密封圈 ; 3 Sliding ring / Piston rod哥莱特圈/活塞杆; 4 Sliding ring / Piston哥莱特圈/活塞; 5 Guide ring导向环,1,3,2,1,3,3,5,5,4,5,5,4,durably持久性 high tightness高强度 insensitive to dirt灵敏防尘 very good wiping effect极好的防尘功能,reduced friction低摩擦 (no stick-slip无爬行) good tightness高强度 very good wiping effect极好的防尘功能,Modern sealing systems新式的密封系统 . Installation areas to ISO 安装空间符合ISO标准,Example: CDH. Heavy Duty - Series“例:CDH. 重载 - 系例“,33,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,1 Wiper防尘圈; 2 Grooved ring唇形密,Both ends adjustable两端都可调Both ends separate throttle valvefor the optimisation of the cycle time两端单独的检测阀可检测最佳的油路循环时间Integrated throttle andcheck valve functions具有内置式节流和单向阀功能,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYAdjustable cushioning可调式缓冲,34,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Both ends adjustable两端都可调Hydra,Secured againstaccidental removal防止意外旋出,带保险盖,避免意外碰落Connection facility forscrew coupling同时可接入测量接头的可能性,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYPatented air bleed system拥有专利的放气系统,35,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Secured againstHydraulic cylin,CDM1 Medium - Duty“,Standard ISO6020/1;CETOPRP58H NFE48-015;VW39D921Applicationsgeneral mechanicalengineering,CDH2 Heavy Duty“,Standard ISO 6022, DIN 24 333; CETOPRP73H; VW39D921ApplicationsSteal mils and heavy industry,CDL1 Light - Duty“,Standard Rexroth StandardApplicationsLight application(with nominal pressuremax. 200.000 cycles),CDT3 Tie Rod - Series“,StandardISO 6020/2; DIN 24554;NF E 48-016ApplicationMachine tools industry,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYTechnology in detail技术细节,36,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,CDM1 Medium - Duty“Standard,典型应用,轧机设备中的应用:换棍液压缸具有工作行程长 (6000-13000mm),但由于负载相对较小,按照活塞杆的压杆稳定性计算,CDH2的标准产品可以扩展到这种应用场合,现代的轧机技术对换棍缸提出了定位精确和快速的新的要求,CDH2液压缸具有好的轴心定位能力和支撑性能,且可以带二端接近开关 或长行程的CIMS位置传感器(1),所以被广泛使用。轧机的压下控制(AGC)以及类似的其他控制(AWC、AJC)等是轧机中的关键控制,这类液压缸的品质直接影响到轧制品的质量。低的液压缸动静态摩擦力是减小系统控制死区的基本保证,而闭环系统的高压力脉动以及高频响带来的高速度对液压缸的材料和加工水平、以及结构合理性提出了挑战,因此基于CDH2型技术开发的这类产品满足了现代轧机高性能的要求。,37,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,典型应用轧机设备中的应用:3714th 15th Jan,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYProximity switch接近开关,38,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYPro,Function功能:Output输出 (PNP)Operating voltage工作电压:10 . 30 V DCincluding the residual ripple 15 %包括残余波动Rated operating current额定工作电流:24 V DC,Repeatability重复性: 5%Hysteresis滞后: 15 % Ambient temperature range环境温度范围:- 20 . + 80 C,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYEnd position control终端位置控制,39,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Function功能:Repeatability重复性:H,Position sensing位置测量Limit switch functions终端开关功能Closed loop controls闭环控制,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYIntegrated displacement transducer 内置式位置传感器,40,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Position sensing位置测量Hydraulic,Analog output模拟量输出:0 to 10 VLoad resistance负载阻力: 5 KResolution分辨能力:infinite无限制Analog output模拟量输出:4 to 20 mALoad resistance负载阻力: 100 K Resolution分辨能力:infinite无限制Digital output分辨能力:SSI 24 Bit Gray-coded 5 mSSI 24灰色编码Resolution分辨能力:infinite无限制Linearity直线性: (absolute accuracy完全精确) 0,05% (referred to measuring length与测量长度有关)最小min. +/-0,006 mm,Reproducibility重复性: 0,001 % (referred to measuring length与测量长度有关)最小min. 0,006 mmSupply voltage电源电压:24 V DC ( 25 % with analog output模拟量输出)Power requirement要求电流: 80 mAResidual ripple content残余波动: 1 % s-s24 V DC (+ 20 % / - 15 % with digital output数字量输出)Power requirement要求电流: 55 mAResidual ripple content残余波动: 1 % s-s,Hydraulic cylinders BRI-ZYIntegrated displacement transducer内置式位置传感器,41,14th 15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China,Analog output模拟量输出:0 to 10 VR,