目 录第一章 概 述.1第二章 复合肥企业营销环境分析.4第一节 宏观营销环境分析.4一、化肥工业的发展趋势.4二、需求分析.6三、政治、经济因素分析.9四、人口因素分析.12五、加入WTO后对复合肥市场的影响分析.12第二节 行业营销环境分析.14一、潜在入侵者的威胁.15二、现有竞争对手.15三、代用品的威胁.20四、供应者讨价还价能力.20五、购买者讨价还价能力.21第三节 乌石化复合肥营销内部环境分析.21一、优势.21二、劣势.22三、机会.23四、威胁.24第三章 产品策略.25一、产品.26二、品牌.27三、包装.28四、服务.28第四章 价格策略.31一、制定价格的关键是消费者对产品成本的认知.31二、在价格策略中重点要构建差别化的价格体系.34三、市场定位是一切营销活动的制高点.37第五章 渠道策略.39一、传统的农资化肥销售渠道及主要问题.39二、当前农资化肥企业营销渠道面临的竞争环境.41三、乌石化复合肥销售渠道模式规划.42第六章 促销策略.45结束语.48参考文献.49摘 要化肥过去一直由国家宏观调控,只有农资公司有化肥销售权。化肥生产企业只负责生产,不了解市场信息和需求,直到1998年国家才将对化肥流通的管理由直接计划管理为主改为间接管理为主,取消国产化肥指令性生产计划和统配收购计划,允许化肥生产企业和农技推广站、土肥站、植保站(以下简称农业“三站”)从事化肥销售。目前,化肥市场日益活跃,竞争日趋激烈,化肥产品不断增加,我国己加入WTO,世界化肥巨头纷纷涌入。复合肥对乌石化总厂来说是一个新的产品,需要一个全面深入的了解,并根据市场情况,制订该产品的市场营销策略。文章通过对世界化肥发展的总体趋势的分析,认为随着农业生产向着科学化、集约化的发展,农业经济形势愈来愈好。富裕起来的农民日益注重提高劳动生产率和经济效益,大力发展高产、高效、优质农业,对化肥的品种和质量提出了更高的要求,发展高浓度复合肥料生产是化肥工业发展进程的必由之路;通过对复合肥的需求分析,可以看出世界各国对复合肥生产的重视,也反映了复合肥的发展有良好的前景,但国产化肥还无法满足中国农业发展的需要;通过对政治、经济因素分析,了解到经过近几年的化肥流通体制改革,原有的流通格局已被分化,多种经营成分介入到化肥流通中来,在激烈的竞争中化肥流通新格局在逐步形成。国家加大了农资打假力度,使化肥的流通秩序有所好转,坑农害农的现象逐步减少。化肥生产的规模化程度会越来越高,高浓度复合肥比例不断扩大。化肥的需求总体上是一个稳定略增的态势。旺季时间不断缩短,企业储备压力空前加大。复合肥销售区域相对集中,没有一个在全国叫得响的复合肥品牌。复合肥的品牌作用下降;通过对人口因素分析认为未来几十年间,我国人口还呈增长趋势。而粮食播种面积不会发生大的变化,要满足不断增加人口对粮食的需要,除培育良种及科学种植外,将主要靠增加化肥投入,从而提高作物单产来实现。通过加入WTO后对复合肥市场的影响分析,认为加入WTO后,进口化肥产品将对我国国产化肥市场造成较大的冲击。同时,文章对决定复合肥产业盈利能力五种竞争作用力:新的竞争对手入侵,替代品的威胁,客户的侃价能力,供应商的侃价能力,以及现存的竞争对手之间的竞争,以及乌石化的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,认为乌石化复合肥产品营销应从4P与4C结合的角度出发来考虑,即:应以能够满足特定目标消费群的需求为导向的产品策略、以满足消费者需要所付出的成本为导向的价格策略、以提高消费者购物便利性为导向的渠道策略、以沟通为导向的促销策略为主来实施。一、产品策略在产品上,初步确定乌石化复合肥的推广上市期的产品,确定进入成长期后,调整产品的策略。在品牌上,乌石化复合肥仍使用“天池”商标,可以充分发挥“天池”的品牌优势,大大降低复合肥的销售成本,增强市场竞争力。在包装上,要突出“天池”牌产品名称,选用质量好一点的编织袋,同时推出不同大小的包装的产品。在服务上,要树立“企业就是服务”、“越是先进的产品越需要全面细致服务”的现代企业营销新理念。一是要成立农化服务方面的专门机构,从组织上予以保证。二是建立一支高素质的农化服务队伍。三是在目标市场合理设置示范点,辐射周边地区。四是组织农化服务小分队下乡,开展测土配肥、新产品宣传等服务工作。五是设立咨询台,随时为用户释疑解惑。二、价格策略乌石化复合肥产品的市场价格定位应坚持定位在中高价位上,乌石化复合肥略低于国内品牌较好的复合肥,但价格一定要高于其他品牌及新疆复合肥企业生产的复合肥的价格,以突出品牌优势和地缘优势。同时,从规模化市场发展的角度出发,近几年内,在兼顾企业利润的同时,应以追求最大市场份额为主要定价目标。将销售网络内经销商分为总经销商、二级批发商、三级零售商的基础上,由销售网络管理者制定的包括总经销价、出厂价、批发价、团体批发价和零售价在内的综合价格体系。合理而相对稳定的价格体系方能保证网络中的各个环节都可得到相应利润,使销售网络得以正常运转。在实际运作中,可由乌石化牵头,联合新疆各用户建立一个市场监督机构,相互协商出台一套价格、市场监督制度,在用肥旺季到来时不定时进行市场巡查,相互之间形成协商、监督的关系,以此来保持市场的稳定。另外,由于气候因素,新疆化肥的使用季节非常短,导致化肥销售在淡旺季的需求量差别极大,为使自己生产后路的畅通和达到销售效益的最佳化,在淡季乌石化可采取买断冬储、联储联销、自储自销解决这一问题。三、渠道策略首先,根据企业实力及资源情况,选择新疆重点地市和新疆生产建设兵团各师局作为基本市场,借助经销商、批发商渠道对市场进行全方位操作。 渠道长度:采用总经销批发商零售商的二级批发渠道。 渠道宽度。根据每个细分市场的特点,采用不同的宽度,在总经销下设不同的批发商,原则上在每一个单独区域市场设置一个批发商,以图覆盖该区域农村和团场的零售终端,使零售终端的覆盖率达到最高。 其次,要建立符合中国特色的、自成体系的乌石化复合肥终端网点,即:在新疆主要区域市场,建立了配合销售渠道的服务体系,建立相应的机构:“配送服务中心”。代表乌石化开展工作,服务于渠道的不同层面的经销商和用户。形成与渠道中心轴平行的市场服务、监督管理系统。四、促销策略分析复合肥的最终消费者农民的文化素质、生活范围、媒体接触习惯等因素,认为乌石化复合肥的促销可从以下方面着手:乌石化复合肥销售人员定期走访经销商和零售商,选择优影响力的种植大户,帮助其种植乌石化复合肥示范田,及时跟踪种植效果。同时选择合适的时间和利用农村基层电教组织,组织企业农化专家对农业种植户进行农化只是培训,现场解决用肥问题。在复合肥产品的上市推广期,建议乌石化在新疆主要区域市场,选择兵团系统电视台以及各级区域市场当地电视台、农业、经济资讯服务频道作为广告依托载体,开展电视广告的播放。在农资市场内和集散地的门店范围内,物色地理位置较好的门店、经销乌石化复合肥的商家,统一制作门招,并在新疆各重点区域农资市场、交通干道和各配送服务中心旁边建设户外路牌、灯箱。利用农村大道边的墙壁刷写巨型标语。可以在通往各乡镇的中巴车、“摩的”(乡镇常用的摩托出租车)、“三轮的”(三轮出租车)上张贴或刷写乌石化复合肥的车体广告,向司机赠送印有乌石化和复合肥产品字样的文化衫。在重点市场的推广期,选择销售旺季或赶集日组织多种形式的宣传促销, 并给农民赠送带有广告性质的小礼品。本文立足于理论和实际相结合,强调可操作性。希望能对乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂复合肥市场营销提供有意义的参考。AbstractIn the past, government all along dominated chemical fertilizer by macroscopical policy, only Agricultural Materials Company had the right of the distribution. Chemical fertilizer enterprise only took charge of production, they didnt know any market-information and market-demanding. Up to 1998, government took indirect management to substitute for direct planned management in the field of the circulation, annulled mandatory production and allocation scheme. On the other hand, they allowed “Three Station” to engaged in distribution of chemical fertilizer, including chemical fertilizer enterprise, agriculture-technology spreading station, soil-fertilizer station, and vegetation protecting station.Along with our government joining into WTO, more world famous chemical fertilizer magnate also swarms into domestic market, a variety of chemical fertilizers come out, which brings out an increasingly competition.Through analyzing tendency of chemical fertilizer, I think the rural economics will develop in its scientific and concentrated direction. The affluent farmers pay much more attention to improve labor productivity and economic benefit. In order to develop high yield, high benefit and high grade chemical fertilizer, they bring forward much more higher claim for the variety and quality of the chemical fertilizer. High-concentrated compound fertilizer becomes an approach to future developing. All country of the world attach more importance to it as compound fertilizer has a prospective future, but in our country homemade chemical fertilizer still cant be satisfied with domestic agriculture developing, main reasons are as follows: 1、The old pattern has been disintegrated through several years reforming of chemical fertilizer circulation system. Multi-industry enters into chemical fertilizer circulation system and new structure come into being step by step from keen competition.2、Government strengthen the power to eliminate counterfeit farm stock, the order of circulation straighten up stage by stage. 3、The production scale of chemical fertilizer market share of and high-concentrated compound fertilizer is more increasing than ever.4、The demanding of chemical fertilizer take on a tendency of steady-going and slightly increasing.5、The time of midseason continually shorten, the pressure of stock has increased unprecedented.6、As the sales-district of compound fertilizer is relatively centralized, there is almost no any famous trademark in our compound fertilizer market.7、Recently, the role of compound fertilizers trademark is on the decline. In order to satisfy the foodstuff demand for increased population and unchanged planting proportion, we mostly depend on increased investment of chemical fertilizer to improve the output of the crop except scientific crop and well breed cultivating. Through the deep analysis, we think the import compound fertilizer will have a full impact on native compound fertilizer market when we join into WTO.Meanwhile, the thesis will analyze compound fertilizer from hereinafter five aspects: the inbreak of new competitor, the menace of new refill, the ability of bargain of client and supplier, the competition of living competitor, Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Urumqi Petrochemical Complex(UPC). We should launch on the sale of compound fertilizer from 4P and 4C, namely, Product Strategy is mainly to satisfy specific objective consumer; Price Strategy is to satisfy the reasonable cost which is paid out by consumer; Channel Strategy is to improve the shopping convenience of consumer, Sales promotion Strategy is put into practice by communication.Product StrategyProduct-We elementarily make sure the extended production of the compound fertilizer in the primary market, when coming into shape phase we need to adjust the strategy of production. Trademark-in order to reduce the sale cost of compound fertilizer and buildup the power of market competition, we should still use “Tianchi” trademark to fully exert its advantage .Packingwe should chose high quality knitting-bag and pack product into bags of different sizes to stand out “Tianchi” trademark.Service“the more advanced product, the more particular and entirely service” and “enterprise is service” are the new marketing conception of modern enterprise. Firstly, establish the professional organization of agriculture service. Secondly, set up a high diathesis troop for service. Thirdly, setup rational demonstration-pot in objective market as an example to radiate circumjacent area. Fourthly, organize small unit of ag service go to countryside to develop some service such as measuring land, matching compound fertilizer and giving publicity to new product. Finally, set up consultation support for user at any time.Price StrategyIn our factory the market price of compound fertilizer should be pitched at a middle or high price level. Our price could have a little lower than domestic good trademark, but must higher than other trademarks and the price from other enterprise across the whole Xinjiang to pop out the advantages of our trademark and regional predominance.At the same time, in order to go in for most marketable share, we should give attention to two or more things from developing the scale of compound fertilizer market.On the basis of franchisee, secondary wholesaler and third-class retailer, the general system of whole distribution price, ex-work price, trade price, group trade price and retail price should be established by supervisor of sale network, which could guarantee corresponded profit for every tache of whole network. In practice, we could set up a supervisory organization of all user in Xinjiang market by our factory to come on a suit of price, a system of market supervision, which could randomly go on a tour of market inspection at compound fertilizer midseason and establish a relationship of negotiation and supervision to keep stabilization of market.On the other side, the demanding of compound fertilizer in low season and midseason is very observably as the using season of Xinjiang compound fertilizer is very short. According buying winter store, associating store and sale, store and sale by self, we could reach the best benefit.Channel StrategyAt first, in Xinjiang we could chose the important region and bureau corps of yielding construction as the basic market and put up all-oriented operating by means of franchiser and merchant.The length of channel: franchisee-wholesaler-retailer.The width of channel: we could adopt different width according to characteristic of every fractionized market. Depending on franchisee, we could set up different wholesaler, which only allow one in every single market. Through this method, the retail terminal of country and group in this area could be covered with merchant in maximum.Secondly, we need set up ourselves terminal-network of compound fertilizer, which should tally with china characteristic. That is setting up service system with sales channel and relevant organization such as logistic service center to represent UPC to serve for different franchiser and user . Sales Promotion StrategyThrough analyzing the diathesis, living scope and practice of media contacting of farmer, we think the promotion of compound fertilizer could be set about from thereinafter factors:1、The salesman should have an interview with franchiser and retailer periodically and chose influential or large family to help them plant representative field, then follow the track of planting effect in time. Meanwhile we should choose appropriate time and avail country of basic electric teaching to organize living foster and resolving by farming experts.2、During the time of extending, we should give public advertisement depending on corps system or local TV station in all level region or farmer and economic information service channel. 3、on the scope of farm product market and store of distributing center, we need look out for properly located store on the basis of unitive signboard or lamp-box on important farm market or trunk road . 4、Taking use of huge slogan on the farm road.5、Pasting placard of compound fertilizer on microbus or auto bike taxi or cycle car taxi and donating culture vest marked with wording of compound fertilizer.6、selecting sales midseason or date of going to market to organize multi-activity of sales promotion and donating small ad presents for farmer.The article mainly is established in theory and practice and emphasize on operating. I wish it would have a significant reference for the promotion of compound fertilizer of UPC.第一章 概 述中国是一个拥有13亿人口的农业大国,用世界7%的耕地面积养活世界22%的人口,粮食问题一直是中国生死攸关的大问题,而化肥被誉为是粮食中的“粮食”。过去一直由国家宏观调控,只有农资公司有化肥销售权。化肥生产企业只负责生产,不了解市场信息和需求,农资部门也不关心服务,因为没有竞争对手,直到国务院关于深化化肥流通体制改革的通知(国发199839号)文件下发后,才将国家对化肥流通的管理由直接计划管理为主改为间接管理为主,发挥市场配置化肥资源的基础性作用,取消国产化肥指令性生产计划和统配收购计划,允许化肥生产企业和农技推广站、土肥站、植保站(以下简称农业“三站”)从事化肥销售。化肥行业基本上是我国最晚开放的行业,由于长期受计划经济的影响,许多化肥企业不论是观念还是行为模式都表现出对市场经济的不适应,所谓的营销机构实际上就是一个销售机构,没有专门的市场调研部门和市场情报部门,不能真实准确地了解市场状况,营销决策往往都是凭经验、拍脑袋。对营销还停留在最简单、最原始的产品推销阶段,以把产品销出去、把货款收回来为最高目标。由于受计划经济影响甚深,许多化肥企业经营管理十分粗放,不顾市场需求的约束,盲目追求数量的增加和规模的扩大,强调产量、产值、成本、利润这些短期性目标,而市场占有率、顾客巩固率、营销网络化、产品与服务质量的优化,企业及产品形象和声誉的提高程度,顾客满意度和忠诚度的提高等长期性目标却被忽视。就产品开发而言,许多世界著名化肥企业的技术储备大多在8年以上,而中国企业技术储备达到3年的都很少。当市场疲软、产品销售不畅、资金周转失灵时,许多化肥企业不是积极寻求开拓市场,刺激需求,增加销售的方法和措施,而是希望政府出台相应的优惠政策来解救自己;另一方面,当国内市场面临进口产品的强大冲击时,不是积极应战,而是希望通过政府贸易保护政策来解救自己。其实从根本上说,在市场经济条件下,政府的扶持和保护只能是短暂的。企业只有眼睛向内,强化自身,下功夫打好家门口这一仗的同时,积极参与国际竞争,开拓国际市场才是最根本的出路,也才能赢得宝贵的发展时机。从这个意义上说,来自企业自身,来自市场,来自竞争的发展动力才是最根本的和最持久的。另外,一些企业受传统经营思想的影响,认为合作会导致自身利益的流失,担心在合作中企业被对方控制,结果是企业自我封闭,使大量的营销信息、经营要素无法通过广阔的渠道流入企业,从而影响了企业的市场预见力和抗市场波动的能力。还有的企业效益观念不正确,把自身的利润追求与消费者利益、经销商利益、社会利益对立起来,一切以我为中心,久而久之,企业的形象和声誉受到影响,企业的生存环境和空间开始恶化,企业的长期生存和发展遇到了严重的环境阻碍。同时,在农业科技化程度不断提高的现代社会中,化肥产品在农村地区也得到了更为广泛的运用。随着化肥消费量的增加,各种类型的肥料产品逐渐投放到不同区域、不同类型的销售场所中,农民有了更多的选择余地,化肥生产企业之间的竞争也因此而愈演愈烈。由于化肥这种农资产品的特殊性,单纯意义上的产品购买已经不能满足农民们的要求,他们希望生产企业在保证产品质量的基础上开展合适的促销活动,获得更多的农化服务,从而真正达到“合理消费、科学用肥、提高作物产量”的目的。竞争的加剧和需求内涵的改变都对化肥生产企业提出了更高的要求。中国石油乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂位于乌鲁木齐市东山区,距离乌鲁木齐市25公里,毗邻吐乌大高速公路,占地16平方公里,始建于1975年4月,随着国企改革的不断深入,原中国石油乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂根据中油集团公司重组改制的要求,将上市部分(核心业务)与非上市部分(总厂)进行分离,独立运作。非上市部分(总厂)面临人员多、优良资产少、生产能力低、经济发展缓慢的诸多问题。步入21世纪后,外部环境发生巨大的变化,总厂面临着一场机遇和威胁并存的挑战,乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂广大职工深深地认识到,只有发展才有总厂的未来。 根据石油化工行业自身的特点及优势,乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂在做了大量的调查研究,充分论证的前提下,乌鲁木齐石油化工总厂决定在2004年新建30万吨复合肥装置。在经济全球化和市场全球化的背景下,市场营销正成为企业经营战略的核心,研究公司的营销战略,对于企业进入新的市场能提供各种具有预见性的对策,来提高企业抗风险能力,同时市场营销环境正在加速变化,只有很好地了解今天的市场,才能进一步把握明天市场的脉博。复合肥对乌石化总厂来说是一个新的产品,需要一个全面深入的了解,并根据市场情况,制订该产品的市场营销策略。