华 北 电 力 大 学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要论 文 题 目:内蒙古电力公司市场营销策略研究 研究生姓名:赵 静 专业:技术经济及管理 研 究 方 向:电力市场开发与规划 导 师 姓 名:王 婷 职称:副教授2003年12月30日摘 要电力市场营销是电力企业经营的核心,在市场经济条件下,电力市场营销处于电力市场最前沿,是电力工业市场化改革的必然要求。对电力市场营销的研究可以为电力企业更好的建立与消费者的关系提供建设性意见,同时对于电力企业进入完全以市场需求为导向,满足市场需要为目的的新阶段,建立相应的营销战略提供在理论上和策略上的探讨。论文首次把市场营销理论系统地应用于电力市场营销实践。主要研究的内容是:在对内蒙古电力公司营销具体状况及内蒙古西部地区用电市场现状分析的基础上,运用电力市场营销基本理论,科学的进行电力市场需求预测及目标市场的确定,从而制定相应的产品策略、价格策略、服务策略、促销策略等,同时分析内蒙古电力公司“西电东送”的宏观形势、机遇、优势及面临的挑战,探索对于进行省外电力市场营销的方法、策略和途径。论文第二部分详细对电力市场营销(Electric Power Marketing)理论及发展进行论述,特别是对于电力营销的社会市场营销观念、电力市场营销与一般市场营销的区别、电力市场营销的整体规划等进行了细致的阐述。根据电力企业的经营战略的实施过程,针对内蒙古电力公司的实际情况,分析问题,解决问题。2002年内蒙古电力公司装机容量560.6万千瓦,全年完成发电量281.03亿千瓦时,售电量276.19亿千瓦时。全社会用电量中工业用电量198.2亿千瓦时,占总用电量的83.7%,农业用电量12.9亿千瓦时,占总用电量的5.4%,城乡居民用电量17.8亿千瓦时,占总用电量的5.5%。随着高耗能企业的不断增加,大工业用电量特别是高耗能用电量不断上升,内蒙古地区出现巴盟、包头地区局部缺电,整体地区偏紧的局面。与此同时,内蒙古是国内最早实施西电东送的省区之一,从1990年至今已累计向北京送电400多亿千瓦时,2002年蒙西电网东送电力达130万千瓦,全年东送电量81亿千瓦时,占公司全年售电量的1/3。随着国家“西部大开发”及“西电东送”战略的实施,为内蒙古电力的进一步发展提供了契机,同时对于内蒙古电力有限公司也是极大的挑战。因此研究并合理运用电力市场营销理论,开发巩固内蒙古电力公司的省内市场、分析开拓省外市场,借助“西电东送”的机遇,使内蒙古电力实现跨越发展具有重要意义。论文第四部分运用SWOT分析法进行内蒙古电力公司电力市场营销环境分析,并对内蒙古电力公司所辖蒙西电网的地区进行用电构成分析,论述了蒙西地区国民经济发展情况、电力现状及其发展态势。论文在分析蒙西地区用电现状的基础上,根据内蒙古电力公司(1992年2002年)11年的用电量的历史数据,运用灰色预测方法,近似预测出未来五年蒙西地区社会用电量年均增长率为7.28%,第一、二、三产业的用电量年均增长率分别为3.53%、7.29%、5.3%。论文第五部分对内蒙古电力公司进行电力市场细分,据此基础上,把全社会总用电量作为母因素,分别把按用电性质划分的行业用电量和按用电区域划分的内蒙古电力公司所辖区域用电量作为子因素,首次运用灰色关联分析法进行目标市场确定,明确了内蒙古电力公司的电力市场营销的核心目标市场按地域分为包头地区用电市场、呼市地区用电市场、乌海地区用电市场,按用电性质为工业、其他事业用电市场;主要目标市场按地域分为巴盟地区用电市场、锡盟西南地区用电市场,按用电性质为农林牧渔水利业、城乡居民生活用电市场;次要目标市场按地域分为薛家湾地区用电市场、乌盟用电市场、伊盟用电市场,按用电性质为商业公共饮食、物资供销和仓储业、交通运输和邮电通讯业、地质普查和勘探业、建筑业用电市场。主要目标市场的确定,为内蒙古电力公司针对性的集中资源和优势采取差异化市场营销策略提供了重要的前提保证。最后论文针对内蒙古电力公司的营销实际情况,制定内蒙古电力公司具体电力市场营销策略。首先从观念上树立“为客户提供真诚服务,以客户满意为目标”即“市场需要什么我就生产什么”的营销观念,电力企业营销的全过程都要围绕客户满意为目标,从电力需求预测到市场细分确定目标市场再到实施营销组合策略整个过程都以顾客满意为出发点,建立全方位的电力营销服务体系。特别是对于电力市场营销基本业务的规划,从业务扩充、变更用电业务、营业电费管理等基本业务出发进行服务的创新。对各目标市场确定以“顾客满意度”为核心的产品策略、价格策略、服务策略、促销策略等;对“西电东送”进行分析,分析北京用电增长趋势及西电东送的优势和挑战,提出为增加西电东送电力的能力,开拓省外电力市场采取的措施。论文把市场营销理论系统地应用于电力市场营销实践,为内蒙古电力公司制定电力营销战略及经营策略提供参考,对于内蒙古、北京的经济发展也具有重要的现实意义。不仅可以促进内蒙古资源的有效转化,增强内蒙古电力公司东送电力的能力,带动内蒙古地区的发展,而且对增强北京电网供电的经济性和可靠性,确保北京成功举办2008年奥运会都具有重要意义。ABSTRACT OF GRADUATE THESISOF NORTH CHINA ELECTRICPOWER UNIVERSITYTHESIS TOPIC:THE MARKETING STRATEGY STUDY OF INNER MONGOLIA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION AUTHOR: Zhao Jing TUTOR: Wang Ting SPECIALTY: Technique Economy and ManagementDIRECTION: Power market development and planningDecember 30, 2003ABSTRACTElectric power marketing is the core of electric power corporation working. In condition of market economy, electric power marketing is going the front of electric power market and is the certain demand of marketable reformation in electric power industry. The research of electric power marketing can provide constructive opinion for electric power plant establishing the better relationship with the consumers and discussion at theories and strategy for the plant going to the new stage whose direction is market demand and purpose is filling the market demand.It is the first time that using marketing theories in the practice of electric power marketing in the thesis. The main contents is: by the analysis of marketing status of Inner Mongolia electric power corporation and the actuality electro-market in inner Mongolia, using the basic electric power marketing theories to forecast the electric power market demand rationalize and confirm target market for constituting product, price, service and promotion strategy. By the analysis of macro position, opportunity, advantage and challenge in the process of inner Mongolia electric power corporation transmission electric power from west to east, explores methods,strategy and approach carry through electric power marketing.It discusses the electric power marketing theories and development in detail in the second part, particularly, it expatiates on social marketing conception of electric power marketing, the difference of electric power marketing and commonly marketing, the integer planning of electric power marketing. According to accomplished procedures of electric power plant management strategy, analyzed question, settle a problem in allusion to the actual instance of inner Mongolia electric power corporation.Up until the end of 2002, the total capacity of inner Mongolia reached up to 5606MW, the electricity generated was 28,103,000kkW.h, the electricity sold was 27,619,000kkW.h. The electricity used for industry was 19,820,000kkW.h, which accounted for 83.7% of the total electricity used, the electricity used for agriculture was 1,290,000kkW.h, which accounted for 5.4% of the total electricity used, the electricity used for dweller is 1,780,000kkW.h, which accounted for 5.5% of the total electricity used. With the increasing of the plant what need more resources, the sustained increasing of electric demand especially the plant needing more electricity, the situation is that integer region is tense and the part of Bameng and Baotou is lack for the electricity in inner Mongolia. At one time, inner Mongolia is the earlier one of the province which transmitted electricity power from west to east, has transmitted 40,000,000kkW.h to Beijing from 1990. In 2002, the capacity transmitted by west inner Mongolia to east reached up to 1300MW, and the electricity to east was 8,100,000kkW.h, which accounted for 1/3 of the total electricity sold of the corporation. With putting the strategy of west development and transmission electric power from west to east in practice, it provides a good chance for the more development of inner Mongolia electric power, and it is a large challenge for inner Mongolia electric power corporation. So it has important significance by the chance of transmission electric power from west to east to research and use the theory of electric power marketing, develop and solidify the market in the province, analyzed and exploit the market around the province It analyzes the environment of inner Mongolia electric power corporation marketing with the theory of SWOT in the forth part of the dissertation, and analyzes the structures of the electric consumers of the west electric grid of inner Mongolia, details the actuality of national economy, electricity, and the trend in west inner Mongolia. By the analysis of actuality electro-market, this dissertation applies the method of gray system to forecast that the average increasing rate of electric power demand is 7.28% to come 5 years in this region according to the 11 years history data of electricity demanded of the corporation, the rate is 3.53%, 7.29%, 5.3% in the first, second and third industry.It subdivides the electro-market of inner Mongolia in the fifth part of dissertation, in this basis, take the electricity of the total society demanding as the main factor, take the electricity of industry demanding divided by properties and electricity of district demanding divided by district as the subordinate factor, definitude the core target market of inner Mongolia electric power corporation divides up Baotou, Huhehaote and Wuhai according to district, industry and other electro-market according to properties; the main target market divides up Bameng and south west of Ximeng according to district, according to properties is agriculture market and resident market; the subordinate target market divided up Xuejiawan, Wumeng, Yimeng according to district, according to properties is merchandize and bite and sup, material supplied and sold and warehousing, traffic transporting and post communication, geological survey and exploration and construction market. The determination of the main target market provides the important premises warranties for inner Mongolia electric power corporation concentrating resource and vantage purposefully and adopting different marketing strategy. Lastly the concreteness electric power marketing strategy of inner Mongolia is constituted according to the marketing actuality of the corporation. In the first, erect the marketing conception of providing good faith service for client and the target is client satisfaction, in other words, the conception is that what the market needs is what I provide. The target of electric power plant marketing is the client satisfaction, from the electric power market demand forecast to market subdividing and determining target market and to put the strategy of marketing assembled, set up the entirely system of electric power marketing service. Especially the basic work planning of electric power marketing, the service should be innovated from work expanded, modifying the work of electricity used and the fees managed. Confirm the product, price, service and promotion strategy whose core is the client satisfaction according to the every target market. By analyzing transmission electric power from west to east and trend of electricity increasing of Beijing, to set out the measures of adding the capacity of transmission electric power and exploiting the market outside the province. It uses the theories of marketing in practice of electric power marketing by the numbers in the dissertation, provides the references for inner Mongolia confirming the strategy of electric power marketing and take significance for inner Mongolia and Beijing economic development. It is important significance not only promote transform of inner Mongolia resource in effect, increase the capacity of transmission electric power from west to east and push ahead with inner Mongolia development, but also intensify the capacity of transmitting electric power to Beijing economically and reliably and render certain the success of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.分类号: 学校代码: 10079 密级:华 北 电 力 大 学硕 士 学 位 论 文题 目:内蒙古电力公司市场营销策略研究英 文 题 目:THE MARKETING STRATEGY STUDY OF INNER MONGOLIA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION 研究生姓名:赵静 专业:技术经济及管理研 究 方 向: 电力市场开发与规划导 师 姓 名:王婷 职称:副教授论文提交日期:2003年12月30日华 北 电 力 大 学摘 要论文在对内蒙古电力公司营销状况及内蒙古西部地区用电市场现状分析的基础上,运用灰色预测方法进行电力需求预测,并结合灰色关联度分析法进行目标市场的确定。根据电力市场营销基本理论,结合内蒙古电力有限公司的实际情况,提出“以顾客满意度”为核心的整体营销方案,根据各目标市场的特点确定产品策略、价格策略、服务策略、促销策略等;同时分析内蒙古电力公司“西电东送”的宏观形势、机遇、优势及面临的挑战,探索对于进行省外电力市场营销的方法、策略和途径,从而为内蒙古电力公司实际的营销管理决策提供依据。关键词:电力市场营销,电力市场需求预测,电力市场营销策略,西电东送 ABSTRACT By the analysis of marketing status of Inner Mongolia electric power corporation and the actuality electro-market in inner Mongolia, this dissertation applies the method of gray system to forecast the electro-prospect in this region, and confirms target market by gray relationship degree. On the basis of electric power marketing basic theory and actual instance of inner Mongolia electric power corporation, The thesis brings forward integer marketing blue print focus on customer satisfaction, by the basis of characteristic of every target market confirms product, price, service and promotion strategy, by the analysis of macro position, opportunity, advantage and challenge in the process of inner Mongolia electric power corporation transmission electric power from west to east, explores methods,strategy and approach carry through electric power marketing, in order to provide basis of actual marketing management decision-making in Inner Mongolia electric power corporation.Zhao Jing (Technique economy and management)Directed by prof. Wang Ting KEY WORDS:electric power marketing, electric power market demand forecasting, electric power marketing strategy, transmission electric power from west to east 目 录中文摘要英文摘要第一章 绪论1第二章 电力市场营销理论概述32.1电力营销的社会市场营销观念32.2电力市场营销战略规划32.3电力市场营销核心概念32.4电力市场营销的特点52.5 电力市场需求预测52.6 电力市场营销环境分析52.7 电力市场细分62.8 电力目标市场62.9电力市场营销组合策略7第三章 内蒙古电力公司现状及营销问题分析83.1内蒙古电力公司经营现状分析83.2内蒙古电力公司市场营销状况83.2.1 营销主要指标完成情况83.2.2 2002年主要营销活动83.3内蒙古电力公司市场营销问题分析93.3.1 电力市场营销观念亟待树立93.3.2 营销管理工作有待提高93.3.3 忽视顾客让渡价值客户服务不够完善93.3.4 对电力市场需求研究分析工作不够103.3.5 对省外电力市场营销没有很好的规划10第四章 内蒙古电力公司市场营销环境分析与需求预测114.1 内蒙古电力公司电力市场营销环境分析114.1.1 宏观环境分析114.1.2 行业竞争因素分析124.1.3 电力市场营销环境SWOT分析法134.2 蒙西地区用电构成154.2.1 分产业用电研究154.2.2 分行业用电分析174.3 灰色(GM)建模用于蒙西地区用电量预测184.3.1 GM 建模理论184.3.2 蒙西地区用电量预测20第五章 电力市场细分及确定目标市场235.1 内蒙古电力公司电力市场细分235.2 确定目标市场245.2.1 灰色关联分析方法245.2.2 确定内蒙古电力公司的目标市场25第六章 制定内蒙古电力公司电力市场营销方案286.1 树立以顾客满意为核心的电力市场营销观念286.2 电力产品策略286.2.1基本电力产品策略286.2.2以服务营销为主的电力市场营销基本业务的规划286.3 电力价格策略316.4 电力分销策略326.5 电力促销策略336.5.1 电力促销组合策略336.5.2 差异性电力促销策略336.5.3 电力形象促销策略356.6竞争策略356.7加强电力市场营销管理366.8内蒙古西电东送376.8.1 内蒙古西电东送的现状376.8.2内蒙古西电东送面临的优势和挑战386.8.3内蒙古为增加东送电力应采取的营销措施39第七章 结束语41参考文献42致 谢43在学期间发表论文和参加科研情况44第一章 绪论随着我国经济的发展及电力工业的进一步改革,我国电力市场进入了以市场需求为导向,满足用户需要为目的的新阶段。对于我国的电力企业来说,不论是改革的趋向还是市场竞争的要求,都需要营销管理者以全新的理念来研究市场营销和潜在市场范围的测量,进而开发有效的服务和规则来满足市场需求。电力市场营销是电力工业市场化改革的必然要求,是电力企业经营的重要组成部分,是电力企业经营成果的综合体现。开展电力市场营销可以更好的满足市场需求,增加售电量,加强与可替代能源企业的竞争;通过电力营销调整电力市场的需求水平、需求时间、需求特点,以良好的服务质量,满足用户合理用电的要求,实现电力供求之间的相互协调,建立电力公司与用户之间的合作伙伴关系;同时通过强调基于用户利益上的用电服务,电力企业采用科学的管理方法和先进的技术手段,可以促使用户主动改变消费行为和用电方式,提高用电效率。通过对内蒙古电力公司的电力市场的机会与营销具体情况的分析研究,提出存在的问题,以顾客满意为企业活动的指针,最大限度地使顾客感到满意,提高公众对企业的满意程度,营造一种适合企业生存发展的良好内外部环境,确定营销目标与策略,定量化地确定目标市场,制定具体开发、培育电力市场的行动方案。到2002年,内蒙古自治区装机容量达到1001.02万千瓦,成为全国第一个发电装机容量达到1000万千瓦的少数民族地区,人均发电量和人均输出电量均居全国前列。其中,内蒙古电力公司装机容量达到560.6万千瓦,全年完成发电量281.03亿千瓦时,售电量276.19亿千瓦时,全社会用电量中工业用电量198.2亿千瓦时,占总用电量的83.7%;农业用电量12.9亿千瓦时,占总用电量的5.4%;城乡居民用电量17.8亿千瓦时,占总用电量的5.5%。与此同时,内蒙古是国内最早实施西电东送的省区之一,从1990年至今已累计向北京送电400多亿千瓦时,2002年蒙西电网东送电力达130万