人教新起点六年级英语上册《Unit4 Fun Time 名师课件【北京市海淀区】》.ppt
人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit4_Fun_Time_名师课件【北京市海淀区】,人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit4_Fun_Time_名师,Lets sing.,Lets sing.,colours,feelings,blue, yellow, red, green, orange, black, white,Warm-up,Do you think we have colorful feelings?,coloursfeelingsblue, yellow, r,What colours are there in the video?,What colours are there in the,The colors we wear say how we feel and think.,What colour do you like best?,The colors we wear What colour,How do you feel when you see red?,What red things do you have?,How do you feel when you see r,P51,P51,Cheerful,Sunshine looks orange.,Cheerful Sunshine looks orang,A sandy beach,A sandy beach,Green means safety.,Green means safety.,In the USA, the Purple Heart is given to brave soldiers.,Purple means bravery.,In the USA, the Purple Heart i,The Forbidden City,紫气东来,The Forbidden City紫气东来,Colours & Feelings,Mind-map,happy angry,PurpleGreenRedYellowBlueColour,What else do you know about colors and feelings?,Lets Share.,What else do you know about co,出身显贵,新手,a green hand,born in the purple,yellow-belly,胆小鬼,Quiz,出身显贵 新手a green handborn in t,Lets make. Write about your favorite colors and feelings.,My favorite colour is green. I like green trees. I feel calm when I see green.,My favorite colour is pink. I like I feel when I see red.,Lets make. My favorite colour,Homework,Retell the text with the mind map;Read the text loudly.,A,B,HomeworkRetell the text with t,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,