Listeing test,Intro,IBT听力部分介绍:考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,纸笔(笔记用)电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限答题流程:永不悔改,Intro,Intro,特点:语音形式:美音为主流没有过多俚语俗语耳机播放听力材料及问题,画面上出现相关场景图片、专业术语、题目和选项允许考生做笔记,Intro,题材基本范围北美大学真实课堂,教室内外的各种交流 Campus life,Intro,文章思路ConversationLecture,IBT听力中的语音问题-语速&音变,语速托福听力过程中的语速问题如何解决语速问题Tips:朗读、跟读BBC、VOA、电影、Discovery Channel,Pronounce,音变一、连读辅音 + 元音 out of ink; not at all Larry is taking a lot of art. Professor Switch let us out early.,Pronounce,H的击穿 I lent him a book. isnt he? for him,Pronounce,元音 + 元音How are you; listen to it; go onIs she a good girl? By it; Stay up,Pronounce,二、失去爆破六个爆破音: b p d t g k+ 辅音good morning; laptop; bike keyI think you ve got the battery in up side down.We stopped at the snake bar for a bite to eat.,Pronounce,三、固化t + j - twont you, dont you, didnt you, altituded + j - dwould you, had you, did you, duty,Pronounce,s + j - I advice you; issue; this yearz + j - I use your, because you, hows your,Pronounce,四、弱读He /i/for from to some am do have does /For him,Pronounce,Didnt you also mention a second theory in your lecture? That dinosaurs may have been replaced by mammals gradually and might not have died out as a direct response to the cold weather?,题型&解题策略,题型&解题策略,一、GIST QUESTION主旨目的题 subject, topic, main idea, purposeProblem, Question, wonder, know about, talk about, discuss, not sure, do you, could you help, tomorrow we are going to, we have to, presentation & exam句, focus, important, emphasis on, especially,题型&解题策略,错误选项:too generaltoo specificinaccurateirrelevant,题型&解题策略,二、DETAIL QUESTION细节题 subject, topic, main idea, purposeProblem, Question, wonder, know about, talk about, discuss, not sure, do you, could you help, tomorrow we are going to, we have to, presentation & exam句, focus, important, emphasis on, especially,题型&解题策略,GIST QUESTION主旨目的题 subject, topic, main idea, purposeProblem, Question, wonder, know about, talk about, discuss, not sure, do you, could you help, tomorrow we are going to, we have to, presentation & exam句, focus, important, emphasis on, especially,