HSK标准教程2 第二课ppt课件.pptx
第二课D r k我每天六点起床w mitin li din q chung,I get up at six every day,起床qchung,跑步pob,生病shngbng,我病了w bng le,药 yo,吃药 chyo,出院chyun,休息xixi,身体 shnt,早上 zoshang,高/矮 go/ i,时间 shjin,忙 mng,累 li,米 m,1、你觉得他多大了?n jude t dud le? 他_岁了。 t_ su le。2、你觉得他多高?n jude t du go?,生词shngc New word,1、很少 adv. rarely,seldom2、出去 v. go out3、每 pron. every, each 4、生病 v. to be sick5、早上 n. morning6、跑步 v. to run, to jog7、起床 v. get up 8、药 n. medicine,drug9、吃药 v. take medicine10、身体 n. body,hnshochqu mi shngbng zoshang pob qchung yo chyo shnt,生词shngc New word,11、出院 v. to leave hospital12、出 v. out13、高 adj. tall14、矮 adj. short15、米 m. metre16、知道 v. to know17、休息 v. to take a rest 18、忙 adj. busy19、累 adj. tired,tiring20、回来 v. come back 21、时间 n. time,chyunch go i m zhdo xixi mng li hulai shjin,Please fill in the blanks with the new words1、小丽_天都很忙,也很累。xio l_ tin du hn mng,y hn li。,2、他每天早上出去_,身体很好。t mitin zoshng chq_, shnt hnho。,3、他的儿子多_?tde rzi du_?,4、我听说安妮_了,我想去看看她。w tngshu nn_ le, w xing q knkan t。,课文一 kwn y,问题wnt1、男的身体怎么样?nn de shnt znmeyng?2、他每天早上干什么?t mitin zoshang gnshnme?3、他每天几点起床? t mitin jdin qchung?,课文二 kwn r,问题wnt1、他们在哪儿? tmen zi nr?2、她现在身体怎么样? t xinzi shnt znmeyng ?3、她什么时候能出院?t shnme shhou nng chyun?,课文三 kwn r,问题wnt1、大卫今年多大? Dwi(David)jnnin dud ?2、他多高? t du go ?3、男的是怎么认识大卫的? nn de sh znme rnshi dwi de ?,课文四 kwn s,问题wnt1、张老师星期六休息吗? zhng losh xngqli xixi ma?2、张老师这几天怎么样? zhng losh zhjtin znmeyng?3、他累不累? t li bu li?,HOMEWORK 1,Now you have finished four dialogues, please try to complete the following sentences based on the content and paraphrase the dialogues. Please read aloud these sentences and record yourself, send me the audio in MP3 format. Xiexie!,1.Zhgennde_hnho,hnsho_。 ynwitmitindu_ _, _pob。(This man is very healthy, he seldom gets sick, because every morning he gets up at six oclock and goes out to jog),2.Zhgende_ _。 Tjntin_,ynwit_。 Yshngshut_xngqnng_。 (This woman is in the hospital. She feels much better today because she took some medicine. Doctor says she can leave the hospital next week.),3.W_Dwijnnin_, t_. _wshtde_.(I know that David is above 20 years old and hes more than 180 centimeters tall, because we are classmates),4. Jntin_,zhnglosh_. T_fichng _, _xixi, suymitin_duhn_。(Today is Saturday but Teacher Zhang doesnt take the day off. Hes been busy lately, doesnt have time to rest, so everyday hes tired when he comes back.),Please finish the exercises from P11 to P17. You can find the scanned file on Moodle.Dont forget to finish the Matching Games of Lesson one and Two on Quizlets.,HOMEWORK 2,