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    How to Draw Cartoon Characters?,怎样画卡通人物?,首先我们先学习绘制一个简单的正面头像!,Step 1,Start by drawing a circle on your paper and then add center lines to help you position Mickeys features.,Step 2,Now add Mickeys eyes and nose. His eyes rest on the edge of one center line. Make sure that you add a little curve right below his eyes.,Step 3,Add Mickeys happy smile and chin. The top portion of his mouth follows the same curve as his nose. See how his chin extends below the cirle of the head.,Step 4,Draw two large ovals for Mickeys ears then add curved lines to from the area around his cheeks and eyes. This is called the Mask.,Step 5,Now you can rub out your guide lines and start to clean up your drawing of Mickey Mouse.,Step 6,Now that you have a cleaned up outline of Mickey Mouse you can colour him in whichever colours you like. We always prefer the tradtional colours as you can see below. So there you have it,我们再来尝试着绘制一个倾斜的笑脸!,大家感觉怎么样!是不是没有我们想想的那么难呢!其实只要找到技巧,什么事情都是可以事半功倍的!那么我们再接再厉,再来绘制一个侧面的头像吧!,休息一下,让我们看会动画片吧!,刚才只是绘制了米老鼠的脸部肖像,现在我们绘制一个“有手有脚”的全身像吧!,通过刚才的练习我们能不能举一反三绘制其他形态的米老鼠形象呢?,Minnie mouse,Donald duck,Aladdin,通过今天的课程大家应该对绘制简单的卡通人物有了一定的掌握,希望大家和我一起努力不断提高自己的绘画水平。,How to Draw Mickey Mouse: Full Face,Mouse. In this lesson, you will learn how to draw his full face in twelve easy steps.Begin with Step #1 and draw a circle. Then proceed to Step #2 adding what new lines you see. Continue through the twelve steps. By the end you should have a picture of Mickey Mouses full face similar to the one on the right.We hope that you enjoy this lesson. When you have successfully accomplished this one, you can try your hand with the other lessons:,How to Draw Mickey Mouse: Profile,This is the first in a series of three tutorials on How to Draw Mickey Mouse. In this lesson, you will learn how to draw his profile in twelve easy steps.Begin with Step #1 and draw a circle. Then proceed to Step #2 adding what new lines you see. Continue through the twelve steps. By the end you should have a picture of Mickey Mouses profile similar to the one on the right.We hope that you enjoy this lesson. When you have successfully accomplished this one, you can try your hand at more challenging lessons,How to Draw Mickey Mouse: Full Body,This is the third in a series of three tutorials on How to Draw Mickey Mouse. In this lesson, you will learn how to draw the full body construction in twelve easy steps.Begin with Step #1 and draw a circle. Then proceed to Step #2 adding what new lines you see. Continue through the twelve steps. By the end you should have a picture of Mickey Mouses full body similar to the one on the right.We hope that you enjoy this lesson. This is the more difficult one of the three lessons on How to Draw Mickey Mouse. If you have successfully completed the previous lessons, you are ready to try this one. If you have not taken the previous lessons, we recommend that you try them first.,Those are our 6 simple steps to drawing Mickey Mouse. We hope that you found them useful and that you can now draw Mickey Mouse.,雨水利用系统 http:/ 氎嶲擟,


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