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    托福阅读句子插入题解题本质原则讲解 托福阅读中的句子插入题是比较讲究技巧的题型。今天给大家来托福阅读句子插入题解题本质原则讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读句子插入题解题本质原则讲解托福阅读句子插入题本质:插入句“可有可无”本题的出题位置大家比较清楚,一般处于倒数第二题的位置,并且用来出题的段落是大家应该在前面的题目中已经见到过,而之前的题目和*既然大家理解起来没有出现大的障碍,就说明插入进来的句子是一句可有可无的话。这就要从两个方面来理解了。何为“可有”?既然插入句能放进原文中去,就说明它和原文是有一定关系的,所以叫“可有”,这也就意味着,插入句的部分含义是在原文中有所重复的。所以我们的重点是回到文中找那部分被重复的句意。例如:Watts steam engine soon showed what it could do. It liberated industry fromdependence on running water. The engine eliminated water in the mines by drivingefficient pumps, which m-ade possible deeper and deeper mining. The ready availability ofcoal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttimeillumination to be discovered in a mill-ennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps andflickering candles, a-nd early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed togaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while dependingon charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal: b-last furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became themotive force of the Industrial Revolu-tion as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.(托福官方真题6-Powering the Industrial Revolution)Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence coul-d be added tothe passage.The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to th-e factories.Where would the sentence best fit?在上题中,“liberated industry from dependence on running water”和 “The factories did not have to go to the streams”句意便发生了重合。所以我们可以确定,文中第二句话的前后应该是我们可以选择的范围。何为“可无”?这个便是经常被大家忽略的地方。既然这句话,可以省略,那么这个插入句究竟要符合什么特点呢?还是以上题为例,我们发现 “liberated industry from dependence on running water”和 “The factories didnot have to go to the streams”句意发生了重合,那究竟应该把插入句放在第二个还是第三个呢?这时就需要分情况讨论了:情况1:放在第二个,也就是说我们认为插入句是和下文有关系,既然要符合“可无”这个本质,所以说插入句必须是对下文概括或者引出。情况2:放在第三个,也就是说我们认为插入句是和上文有关系,既然要符合“可无”这个本质,所以说插入句必须是对上文进一步解释。综合以上两种情况,我们会发现,插入句要么总结引出下文,要么进一步解释上文。所以我们会发现,在插入题中,前一句的叙述范围应该总比后一句大。根据上述内容,也就引出了我们需要注意的一个非常重要的做题原则:托福阅读句子插入题原则介绍在插入题中,句子的叙述顺序遵循从大到小,从抽象到具体的原则。找到重复的句意后,按照大小顺序安置插入句的位置。在上题中,“liberated industry from dependence on running water”的意思是解放了工厂对水流的依赖。 “The factories did not have to go to the streams”的意思是工厂不用去往河流的位置。显然前者说得更概括和抽象,后者更具体,所以按照从大到小的顺序,应该选择第二个。托福阅读句子插入题本质原则实例讲解Trade between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese dynasties introduced newforms and different technologies. One of the most far-reaching e-xamples is the impact of thefine ninth-century AD. Chinese porcelain ware-s imported into the Arab world. So admiredwere these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation ofporcelain and instigated research into the meth-od of their manufacture. From the MiddleEast the Chinese acquired a blue pigmenta purified form of cobalt oxide unobtainable atthat time in Chinathat contained only a low l-evel of manganese. Cobalt ores found in Chinahave a high manganese conte-nt, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. In theseventeenth century, the trading activities of the Dutch East India Com-pany resulted in vastquantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brough-t to Europe, which stimulated andinfluenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft. The Chinese themselvesadapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottles with long spouts, anddesigned a range of decorative pattern-s especially for the European market.(托福官方真题10-Chinese Pottery)Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added tothe passage.Foreign trade was also responsible for certain innovations in coloring.Where could the sentence best fit?在上题中,我们发现,插入句的“certain innovations in coloring”与原文中的“the Chinese acquired a blue pigment”句意进行了重复,显然,插入句说得更概括,范围更大,所以根据从大到小的原则,应该选择第二个。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Prudence indeed will.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. -The Declaration of Independence词汇讲解:prudence= n.审慎dictate= v.口述;规定transient= a.短暂的accordingly= ad.因此disposed= a.愿意的;倾向的sufferable= a.可容忍的right= v.纠正;恢复abolish= v.废除accustomed= a.习惯的结构分析:【主干】Prudence will dictate that + 宾语从句1【宾语从句1主干】governments should not be changed; and accordingly all experience hath shown that+宾语从句2【宾语从句2主干】mankind are more disposed to suffer than to right themselves【成分分析】long established 定语,修饰governmentsfor light and transient causes 状语, while evils are sufferable, 插入语by abolishing the forms 状语to which they are accustomed.定语,修饰forms参考翻译:若真要审慎的来说,成立多年的政府是不应当由于无关紧要的和一时的原因而予以更换的。过去的一切经验都说明,任何苦难,只要尚能忍受,人类还是情愿忍受,也不想为申冤而废除他们久已习惯了的政府形式。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:The right of the people.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.United States Bill of Rights, 1791词汇讲解:right= n.权利effects= n.财产(熟词僻意)unreasonable= a.不合理的seizure= n.扣押violate= v.侵犯warrant= n.授权issue= v.发出oath= n.宣誓affirmation= n.证句子分析:【主干】The right of the people shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue.【成分分析】to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,定语,修饰rightbut upon probable cause,状语supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 定语,修饰cause参考翻译:人民的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受无理搜查和扣押的权利,不得侵犯。除依据可能成立的理由,以宣誓或代誓宣言保证,并详细说明搜查地点和扣押的人或物,不得发出搜查和扣押状。权利法案托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:If the exclusion from public.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:If the exclusion from public employments decreed against women leads to a greater sum of mutual happiness for the two sexes, then this becomes a law that all Societies have been compelled to acknowledge and sanction.United States Bill of Rights, 1791词汇讲解:exclusion= n.排除decree= v.颁布,规定mutual= a. 共同的compel= v.强迫,规定acknowledge= v.承认sanction= v.批准句子分析:【主干】then this becomes a law.【成分分析】If the exclusion leads to a greater sum of mutual happiness for the two sexes, 状语从句from public employments 介词短语,修饰exclusiondecreed against women 定语,修饰exclusionthat all Societies have been compelled to acknowledge and sanction. 定语从句,修饰a law参考翻译:如果妇女被排除在社会雇佣体系之外,能够带来全人类更大的幸福,那么这就成为了全社会必须承认和认同的律法。


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