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    Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.,写作话题:Daily routines (日常活动),who,when,why/how,what,where,记叙文的要素,When talk about an event:,Pre-writing 记叙文写作方法指导,Language box(语言工具箱),1Unit topic languages(单元话题语言) 以连线、标序号等形式列举本单元与本话题写作相关的词块、句子。,(1)Chunks(词块),动词词块: wake up, go off, rush out of, be about to将要, drive by开车经过, give sb. a lift in ones car用小车送某人一程be late for,be full of,turn into,介词词块: by the time, as soon as一就, on the street, at least至少, ,(1)Chunks(词块),(2)Patterns(句型),I will always remember the date日期;This was the luckiest /unluckiest day of my life;I couldnt believe ;I think.;What a lucky/an unlucky day!,2. Extensive languages(拓展性语言),Famous saying,proverbs, aphorisms and Classical sample sentences(名言、谚语、警句与经典例句),1. Plans can never catch up with changes. 计划没有变化快。 2. Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。,在成长的过程中,我们经历了许许多多的事,事情的经过或结果可能会出人意表,以致令我们至今难忘。请以“An Unexpected Day in My Life” 为题,写一篇记叙文。 要求:内容完整,语句连贯,字数80词左右。,Step 1 Think and Fill(想一想,填一填),审题体裁_人称_时态_,第一人称,一般过去时,记叙文,用词方面:,代词主格,宾格; 名词单复数;动词搭配;副词位置,句子方面:,篇章方面:,细节方面:,句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态;连词使用,内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理,单词拼写;标点符号;大小写,Step 3 Check(查一查),An Unexpected Day in My Life Last Monday morning, when I woke up, I found my alarm clock didnt go off. It was already 7 oclock! I was worried. So I rushed out my home without brushing my teeth and having breakfast. By the time I got to the bus stop, the bus had already gone. Just when I felt I was about to cry, my classmate Kevins dad drove by and asked if I needed a lift. I was so excited. Then he gave me a lift in his car. As soon as I reached the classroom, the bell rang. I wasnt late for school. Every dog has his day. I thought it was the luckiest day for me!,when, so, by the time, then, as soon as等词语的使用,使时间脉络很清晰。,本文表达连贯,措辞准确,句子流畅,行文自然。,文章交代清楚事件的背景、发展及结果,让读者清晰地理解事件的本身。,Every dog has his day.谚语的使用,给本文增色不少,起到锦上添花的作用。,An Unexpected Day in My Life Last Friday was my birthday. After I got up, I thought my mom would say “Happy birthday” to me. But she didnt. I was very disappointed and went to school. After school, I invited my good friends Lily and Lucy to my home for dinner. They said they would go to the movies. They must forget my birthday, either. I was so upset and went home alone. When I opened the door, I heard “Happy birthday”. My dad smiled at me. My mom bought me a big cake. Lily and Lucy gave me birthday gifts. I was quite surprised and happy. It was really an unexpected day in my life!,文章语言表达生动,详略得当。语法正确、用词得当、语言标准。,选材新颖,能读者耳目一新,引起阅读的兴趣。另外作者选取身边的事例,写出真情实感,容易打动读者。,but, either反衬出作者的失望。very disappointed, so upset描述出作者的心情,叙述亲切、自然,让读者身同感受。quite, really与之前的心情形成强烈的对比。,第十二单元今天是你最不幸的一天。昨天我有许多作业要做,所以昨天晚上我熬夜到很晚。今天我的闹钟没响,所以我起床晚了。在我起床后我发现我的自行车坏了。然后我跑着去车站。不幸的是, 到我到那里的时候公共汽车已经离开了。当我到达学校时,老师已经开始讲课。当我坐到我座位上是,我发现我把背包忘到了家里。在中午我想吃午饭,我发现我没钱。放学后,我不能进我的房间因为我把钥匙忘到了学校。多么不幸的一天,My Most Unlucky DayToday is my most unlucky day. Yesterday I had a lot of homework to do, so I stayed up too late last night. And today my clock didnt go off, so I got up too late. After I got up, I found my bike was broken. Then I ran to the bus stop. Unluckily, by the time I got there, the bus had left. When I got to school, the teacher had begun her class. When I sat at my seat, I realized I had left my backpack at home. At noon I wanted to have lunch, and I found I had no money. After school, I couldnt go into my room because I had left my keys at school.What an unlucky day it is!,Summary:记叙文5要素,本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主要是说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个“ W ”(what, who, when, where, why )和一个“ H ” (how)。人称应是第一人称,时态应是过去时态。,外表似不幸,其实为幸福;因祸得福;塞翁失马,安知非福。,A blessing in disguise.,Rewrite your article.,Homework,


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