The most popular situation comedy,Friends was a very famous American situation comedy about a group of six friends living in the New York City.,It was created in 1994,and broadcast from 1994 to 2004, ten seasons in total. The show has been broadcast in over one hundred countries and still continues to circulate in many other countries and attract thousands of people.,The show is a comedy mainly about people in there thirties and it tells many interesting stories in their everyday life.,They are watching TV,Kevin S .Bright,The director of the comedyAnd he is very famous director .,The leading roles,Rachel Karen Green,a spoilt rich girl who relies on daddys credit cards, finds her life suddenly changing ,so she comes to live with another five people and begins an amazing life.,Love Apartment-a Chinese situation comedy,It is said that its created mainly based on friends.,Friends tells me how to care for others, trust others and support each other.It also teaches me to be selfless,forgiveness and be positive in life.,Also ,I think watching Friends is a good way to learn spoken English.It is not only a comedy bust also an English learning helper.,Everybody needs Friends!,The End.Thank you!,