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    闽教版三年级上册英语全册课件,1,Unit 1HelloPart A,Warm up,点此播放视频,Enjoy a song,T: Hello,hello,hello,hello. Nice to meet you,nice to meet you. Hello,hello,hello,hello. Hello!,同学们,当老师说Hello的时候,你们也对老师说hello,挥动你们的双手Ss: Hello,Miss Wu.,老师边唱歌曲边做动作,再将Hello,Im.(老师的姓名) 写在黑板上,Introduce myself,New friends,Hello,Hi,和老师一起边挥手边读,Im=I am,我是,我是,New friends,同学们,请依次向Sally和Julia介绍你自己。,Im.,New friends,Nice to meet you,too 也,很高兴认识你,同学们,你们都能认出我们的新老师和朋友吗?大声说出你看到的内容,看到 拍手两次。,See and say,12/27/2022,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,messy,crowded 拥挤的,dirty,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,Lets play,Go,6,5,3,2,4,1,6,3,2,4,1,Lets play,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,Go,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,4,5,2,1,3,6,Lets play,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,Go,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,3,4,1,6,2,5,Lets play,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,Go,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,Lets play,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,Go,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,Lets play,快速读出箭头序号所对应的单词,Go,1.Miss2.hi3.hello 4.Nice to meet you.5.too6.you,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演,Lets act,Hello, hello, Im Miss Gao. Hello, hello, Im Wang Tao. Hello, hello, nice to meet you. Hello, hello, nice to meet you, too.,Chant,点此播放音频,an apple,Read and write,先跟老师读,再按照笔顺在书上描出字母,老师先做师范,a banana,Read and write,Summary,1.你是Gao老师,你想向同学们介绍自己,应该说:,2.你是Sally,你想向新同学介绍自己,应该说:,3.你初次见到新朋友,想说很高兴见到对方,应该说:,Hello/Hi,Im Miss Gao.,Hello/Hi,Im Sally.,Nice to meet you.,4.在校园里遇到李老师,你应该说什么?,Hello/Hi,Miss Li.,2.学会用英语进行简单的介绍与问候。如A: Hello, Im Nice to meet you.B: Hi, Im Nice to meet you ,too.,家庭作业,Homework,1.字母Aa,Bb书写,每个写五遍。,Unit 1 Hello! PartB 第二课时,闽教版三年级上册英语,Warm up,点此播放视频,Say hello,Hello.,apple,Nice to meet you.,Im,banana,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词 或字母),I am,Hi.,Miss Gao,nice,Lets leran,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演,Lets act,Whats your name?,你叫什么名字?,回答:My name is.我的名字是.,Lets leran,还可以回答:Im/I am.我是.,Hi,Im Liu Tao,Whats your name?,Hi,Im Lucy.,What is your name?,Lets talk,Hi,Im Wang Tao?Whats your name? Nice to meet , too.,Hello, Im Xiaohua.Nice to meet you!,Lets talk,Nice to meet you!,Nice to meet you,too!,一般用于初次见到,Hello,Xiaohua.lets go home together. 你好,小华。让我们一起回家,Thats ok,Wang Tao.好的,王涛。,一般名字开头要大写,Name, name, whats your name?Hello, hello, Im Yang Ling.Name, name, whats your name?Hello, hello, Im Nancy.Name, name, whats your name?Hello, hello, Im Mike.Name, name, whats your name?Hello, hello, Im David.,Lets chant,点此播放音频,Homework1.Listen to the tape, read part A three times.2.Do some oral practice with your parents, friends and classmates.3.If you like, give yourself an English name.,Unit 1 Hello!,闽教版三年级上册英语,Hello,Hi ,Im,Glad to meet you. “ hello, Im , apple”的正确发音(hello中的e容易读成a:,忽略Im中m的发音,初步区别an apple 和a banana。,banana,apple,Hello!,Hello,,Im Sally.,Hello,,Hello, hello!,Hello!,up,Stand up,down,Sit down,up,Hands up.,down,Hands down.,Up,up,stand up.,Down, down,sit down.,Up, up, hands up.,Down, down, sit down.,Chant,Hello,Im Wang tao.,Hello!,Hello!,Hello!,Nice to meet you !,Hello,Im Miss Gao.Nice to meet you,too.,小朋友,你们会造句吗?,Hello, Im,Hi, Im,你们想知道Hello的来历吗?,Homework:向家人或朋友用英语打招呼并做自我介绍。,Class is over!,Good bye!,Bye bye!,Unit 2,Greetings,Enjoy a video,Say hello,Goodmorning,Sally,Fido,Review,Lets play a game,When you see,You say:,Sally,When you see,words(单词),,You say it out loudly,When you see,You say:,,,Boom,Boom!,Are you ready?,Warm up,Goodmorning,How are you?,fine,Im fine,fine,How are you?,Goodmorning,an egg,fish,fish,Goodbye,Goodbye,Goodbye,good morning,Lets learn part B,good afternoon,Mr.Wang,who?,教读单词,Mr.wang is in class,Good afternoon,boys and girls.,boy,a boy,教读单词,Mr.wang is in class,Good afternoon,boys and girls.,girl,a girl,教读单词,Mr.wang is in class,Good afternoon,boys and girls.,教读单词,boys and girls,a boyand a girl,Play a game,Lets learn,教读句子,Lets learn,How are you?,你好吗?,我很好,谢谢。,教读句子,Chant,Hello,Hello,How are you?,Im fine,fine,thank you.,Hello,Hello,How are you?,Good,Good,pretty good,巩固句型,Lets read,How are you?,还可以怎么回答呢?,Lets think,Im good.,Just so so.,Im sad.,How are you?,还可以怎么回答呢?,Lets think,Read and follow,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,g,Lets learn letters,a hen,Lets learn letters,Summary,1.下午遇到陈先生,你和他打招呼可以说:,Goodafternoon,Mr. Chen .,2.你想和Sally说你好吗,你可以问:,How are you?Sally.,3你回答别人,我很好,谢谢。你可以说:,Im fine,thank you.,Be a polite child in your life.,在生活中做一个懂礼貌的孩子,Homework,Homework:,1 . Listen to the tape and act the part B with your partner.,2. Write letter:Gg,Hh,three times each.,Unit 3 Numbers,Part A,seven monkeys,Goodbye!,Unit 3 Numbers,Part B,6,7,8,9,10,Read the numbers(我会读),Listen and guess!,听一听,猜一猜,dog,s,How many ?,Five dogs.,one,two,three,four,five,cat,s,How many ?,Seven cats.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,hen,s,How many ?,Eight hens.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,duck,s,How many ?,Six ducks.,baby duck,How many bananas?,Three bananas.,过目不忘,How many apples?,Ten apples.,过目不忘,How many eggs?,Four eggs.,过目不忘,How many ice cream?,Five ice cream.,过目不忘,动物狂欢节,Indian,boy,little,印第安人,小,How many little Indians?,girl,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,Ten little Indians.,How many little Indians?,Listen to the text,DVD插入ListenRepeat,教学字母KL,读,写,做字母操课本书写,Homework,Unit 4 Age and Phone NumbersPart A,Sing A Song,游戏一:报数接力比赛,报全数1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10报单数 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9报双数 2 4 6 8 10,游戏二:,一个同学站起来,看图片。全班同学一起问: How many.? 请同学回答!答对了,所有同学对着他说:Good good good, you are good!(好好好,你真棒!),How many cats?多少只猫?,How many apples?,How many bananas?,How many dogs?,How many eggs?,How many kites?,How many lions?,How many girls?,How many ice creams?,How many jackets?多少件夹克衫?,How many fish?,How many baby ducks?有多少只小黄鸭?,Listen and guess,你知道Fido几岁了吗?,I am three.我三岁。,I am three=Im three.,You are a nice dog.你真是一只漂亮的小狗。,注意啦!,在英美国家,成人之间随意问人家的年龄是不礼貌的。,复习字母A-L,游戏三:你来比划我来猜,Monkey, monkey, a monkey. Its a monkey.哪个字母是已经学过的?,noodles 面条,游戏四:扫雷,A-NE G 是雷。碰到这些字母时要用拍手掌形式代替读出来。,Extension:,Whats your name? 你的名字叫什么?My name is Monkey.我的名字叫猴子。How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。How old are you, Monkey?你几岁了?I am seven. 我七岁了。,Im eight.,How old are you?,Im nine.,Im ten.,多大(年龄),Whats your phone number?,76582509.,Whats your name?Whats your phone number?,How old are you?,Name Card,Whats your name?Whats your phone number?,How old are you?,Name Card,Whats your name?Whats your phone number?,How old are you?,Name Card,Whats your name?Whats your phone number?,How old are you?,Name Card,Play A Game:Lucky Numbers,每个数字都代表不同的问题,同时也代表了不同的分数。赶紧选出你的幸运数字吧_,Lucky Numbers,120,119,9832,7614,110,点此播放音频,Make A Name Card,Name姓名 _Age 年龄 _Phone 电话号码 _,同学们,拿起你的纸笔,来制作属于自己的名片吧!制作好后,同桌间互相用今天学到的句子,询问对方的个人信息吧!,Todays Homework家庭作业,1. 完成活动手册20,21页;2. 制作一张名片;3. 预习Part B.,Goodbye!,Unit 4 Age and Phone numbers,Part B,How old are you?,ten,seven,five,four,Whats your phone number ?,Whats your phone number ?,1-1-0,Whats your phone number ?,1-2-0,Whats your phone number ?,1-1-9,Whats your phone number ?,1-2-3-1-5,电话号码的读法:1.“0”: 可以读成“zero”, 也可以读作“o”。例:878502302.号码中有两个相同的数字,例如“22”可以读成“two-two”, 也可以读作“ double two”.例:88729330,Listen to the tape and try to imitate.,Review Aa-Nn,orange,orange,orange,orange,an,pig,pig,pig,pig,a,Summary:1. Whats your phone number ?2. 8-1-7-2-6-9-5-3-1-6.3.4. orange, pig,Homework:1. 熟读课文,至少三遍。2. 抄写字母Oo,Pp,各8 遍。,Unit5My Family,Part A,brother,弟弟,sister,妹妹,Im four.,How old are you ?,小朋友们,大家忘了吗?问某人几岁了,要用How old ?来提问回答用I am 来回答。,Whos he?,Hes my brother.,Whos she?,Shes my sister.,动画欣赏,Who is she?,点击观看视频,字母笔顺学习,Homework:1、找一张全家照,下节课介绍下自己的家人。2、write the words three times.,Unit5My Family,Part B,mother,father,grandma,奶奶,grandpa,爷爷,Who are they?,They are my father and mother.,Who are they?,They are my grandma and grandpa.,This is my sister.,英语中向介绍人时,用This is 句型来介绍。,字母笔顺学习,Homework: lets draw,Unit 6 Colors,PartA 参考课件,Warm up,点击此处播放视频,red,The light is red.,The light is green.Lets go!,green,blue,green,字母学习,点此处播放,点此处播放,Homework,1.熟读颜色类单词2.字母要会读、 会写,Colors Part B,color拍拍拍,red,blue,yellow,green,red,yellow,green,blue,A Chant,Red 红,yellow黄。Blue蓝色像海洋,绿色green春天笑,黄色yellow等等看。,Unit 6 Colors,Part B,Lets talk,colours,颜色,orange,green,red,yellow,black,brown,white,blue,What color is it?,What color is it? What color is it? What color is it?It is blue. It is blue.What color is it? What color is it?It is green. It is green.,sing a song,I can say,The light is white,the kite is white,you are right.,Now look!,Its an orange,Its orange.,Its an orange orange.,Well Done!,颜色词使用广泛,除了基本色彩意义外,还有许多抽象的象征意义。使用汉语和英语的国家应有着不同的历史文化背景,使用相同的颜色词蕴含着不同的象征意义。,Do you know?,Love our nature and protect our earth.,爱自然,保护地球,Homework,1. 听录音,熟读本课内容三遍。2. 书写新学的颜色单词三遍并背诵。3. 尝试用学习过的颜色混出新的颜色。如,red+blue=?,Goodbye,School things,Unit 7,Part A,ruler,Its,a,en,en,en,t,h,p,a,Its,pencil,Its,a,Lets chant!,Ruler ruler ruler, its a ruler.Pen pen pen, its a pen.Pencil pencil pencil, its a pencil.,好朋友,握握手,Its a pen.,Its a ruler.,Its a pencil.,A game,A,B,G,k,p,R,d,Q,m,E,f,i,L,c,N,Dont forget to put the school things in the schoolbag!,Unit 7 School Things Part B,a pencil-box 一个笔盒,a book 书,a bag一个书包,crayons 蜡笔,May I use your pencil?(我可以用你的铅笔吗?),sure. Here you are. (当然可以,给你。),May I use your . ?,Sure.Here you are.(当然可以。给你。),同桌间相互对话:A:May I use your .?B:sure . Here you are .A:Thank you.B:Youre welcome.,Say the letters.,http:/ 中小学课件网,http:/ 中小学课件网,1.Listen and repeat the text.2.Do the exercise book of Unit 7 Part B.,Homework,Unit 8 The New Year,As soon as you can.,R,A,d,p,m,u,O,H,y,T,J,W,B,c,E,L,n,Q,Y,r,h,d,a,m,j,g,b,q,e,f,c,N,火眼金睛(找出大写字母),N,The New Year is coming. 新年快来了。,Y,ew,ear,Go, go,go, lets goSing , sing , sing,lets singDance , dance ,dance, lets danceIdea , idea ,idea, good idea,Lets chant:,点此播放音频,sing,lets,New Year,party,dance,idea,Play a game: Lucky numbers,(幸运数字),游戏说明:选择六个数字中的其中一个,完成相应的任务要求,并加上相应的分数。,Chant (+2),Sing , sing , lets singIdea , idea , good idea,点此播放音频,Chant (+2) Dance , dance , lets dance Idea , idea , good idea,Invite your friends (+3)(用英文邀请你的小伙伴参加派对) Lets have a party.,Just smile (+1)给小伙伴们一个大笑脸,Hello,Wang Tao.The New Year is coming.Lets have a party.Good idea.Lets sing.Good idea.Lets dance.OK,lets dance.,你好,王涛新年就要到了举行个宴会吧!好主意唱歌吧!好主意跳舞吧!好的,跳舞吧!,Hello,Wang Tao.The New Year is coming.Lets have a party.Good idea.Lets sing.Good idea.Lets dance.OK,lets dance.,Sing,sing,sing a song.Dance,dance,dance along.Happily,happily.Sing a song.happily,happily,Dance along.,Homework:,1、熟读课文2、完成活动手册Unit8 3.、学会唱歌曲:Happy New Year4、制定你的新年计划,学会邀请别人,Unit 8 the New Year Part B,F A,E Z,Q G,R O,J,k,L,Y,H,M P,S,sing,s,D,d,dance,P,p,party,游戏-找朋友 游戏规则:教师用Lets.的句型提出建议,如果赞同的学生要立即起立,大声说出“Good idea.Lets.,Sing, sing.Lets sing.Dance, dance.Lets dance.Party, party.Lets have a party.,Unit8 The New Year PartB,Happy New Year!新年快乐!,Happy New Year to you all.,祝大家新年快乐。,singing,We are singing.,我们正在唱歌。,dancing,We are dancing.,我们正在跳舞。,Chant,Singing, singing, singing .We are singing.Dancing, dancing, dancing.We are dancing.,Happy New Year!Happy New Year to you all.We are singing.We are dancing.,Listen and follow,Happy New Year,1,2,3,4,Happy Time,Happy Childrens Day.,Happy Teachers Day,Homework:,1、听录音,熟读课本内容。2、完成活动手册中本课的练习。3、唱新年歌给父母听。,Good bye,


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