市场营销学 中英第三章ppt课件.ppt
营销环境分析第3章Analyzing the Marketing Environment,休息站:概念预览 Rest Stop: Previewing the Concepts,描述影响公司向客户提供服务能力的环境因素Describe the environmental forces that affect the companys ability to serve its customers 掌握环境中的人口和经济因素是如何影响营销决策的Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions确定公司自然和技术环境的主要趋势Identify the major trends in the firms natural and technological environments了解政治和文化环境的主要变化Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments了解公司对营销环境的反应情况Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment,3-2,第一站: YouTube:适应快速变化的市场环境First Stop: YouTube: Adapting to the Fast-Changing Marketing Environment,始于2005年Begins in 2005 分享质量较差的用户自制视频For sharing low-quality homemade video clips 适应市场环境的变化Adapts to the market 提供电影和电视节目Provides access to films and TV episodes 鼓励原创视频Spurs creation of original content 创建一些特殊兴趣的频道Creates niche, special-interest channels 引进手机发布平台Introduces a mobile app 开发一个广告模式Develops an advertising model for the site,3-3,3-4,营销环境Marketing Environment,熟悉营销环境使营销人员有效的利用各种机会,对抗威胁。Studying the marketing environment allows marketers to take advantage of opportunities and combat threats 营销信息和研究用于收集有关营销环境的信息Marketing intelligence and research are used to collect information about the environment,3-5,3-6,图 3.1 -微观环境的参与者 Figure 3.1 - Actors in the Microenvironment,3-7,Other company groups must be considered when designing marketing plans 在制定营销计划时,营销管理者需要公司其他人员和部门配合 Marketing decisions are made within the broader strategies made by top management高层管理者确定了公司目标、使命、战略和政策。Marketing decisions are made within the broader strategies made by top management 所有部门都要承担了解客户的需求、为客户创造价值的责任。,3-8,The Microenvironment The Company微观环境 公司,微观环境- 供应商,提供了生产高质量产品所必需的资源,欧莱雅建立了与供应商建立了长期的互惠互利和共同增长的关系。,3-9,Provide resources needed to produce goods and services,LOral builds long-term supplier relationships based on mutual benefit and growth,微观环境 营销中介,帮助公司向最终顾客促销、出售和分销产品的商业单位 Firms that help the company promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers,3-10,The Microenvironment Marketing Intermediaries,微观环境- 竞争者The Microenvironment - Competitors,公司必须向顾客提供比竞争对手更大的客户价值并使客户满意 A company must provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors do完全不同于竞争产品在消费者心中位置的产品定位 The company must position its offerings strongly against competitors offerings in the minds of consumers,3-11,微观环境 公众The Microenvironment - Publics,任何对组织实现其目标的能力具有影响的群体Any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectives,3-12,微观环境- 公众,宝洁公司汰渍品牌的希望的重担强调了社区公众的重要性。活动中,他清洗,烘干并且叠置哪些收到地区疾病侵袭的家庭的衣服。,3-13,The Microenvironment - Publics,Recognizing the importance of community publics, P&Gs Tide Loads of Hope program washes, dries, and folds loads of clothes for families struck by local disasters,微观环境- 顾客The Microenvironment - Customers,3-14,3-15,3-15,Figure 3.2 - Actors in the Macroenvironment 图3.2 -公司宏观环境的参与者,3-16,The Demographic Environment人口因素,Demography: The study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics人口统计学:研究人口的数量、密度、所在地、年龄、性别、种族、职业和其他的统计变量。The changing age structure of the U.S. population is a significant demographic trend这里主要讨论一下美国的人口趋势变化,3-17,Baby Boomers “婴儿潮”一代,78 million people born between 1946 and 19641946至1964年间,共有7800万人出生Wealthiest generation in history美国历史上最富的一代人Account for 50% of consumer spending 消费水平大约是总消费水平的50%Hold of the nations financial assets拥有美国75%的金融资产Recession hit baby boomers hard, eating into savings and retirement prospects经济衰退给婴儿潮这一代人带来了沉重的打击,股价和房价的暴跌影响到了他们的储蓄存款和退休前景 Represent strong targets for financial services代表了这代人需要更多的理财服务,3-18,Generation X X世代,49 million, born from 1965 to 1976在19651976年间出生的4900万名婴儿 Most educated generation to date受过良好教育的一代人 Less materialistic than other groups并不是物质主义者Skeptical of marketing从营销的观点,X世代是持怀疑态度的群体Careful spenders谨慎地消费,Virginia tourism now aims its well-known “Virginia is for Lovers” campaign at Gen Xer families, who want new experiences close to home弗吉尼亚旅游现在将其著名的“弗吉尼亚是给情人的”活动定位于X一代家庭,这一代人需要新的和家相关的体验。“爱,是弗吉尼亚假期的核心。”,3-19,Millennials Y世代,83 million, born between 1977 and 2000生于19772000年间,子女数量达到8300万 $733 billion in purchasing power总购买力超过7330亿美元Ethnically diverse分为不同种群Fluent with digital technology熟悉数字技术Personalization and product customization are key to marketing success个性化与产品定制是营销成功的关键,3-20,Millennials Y世代,The Keds campaign“How Do You Do?”engages Millennials through print ads, a micro Web site, YouTube videos, Twitter, Facebook, brand ambassadors, artists, and a mobile campus tour,3-21,Fuel for Thought思考,Do marketers need to create separate products and marketing programs for each generation?营销人员是否应该就不同时代的人群采取不同的市场营销策略?Discuss products or services for which generational marketing will be effective and those for which other types of segmentation are more appropriate.讨论向哪一代人营销的产品或服务是有效的,哪一种市场细分是更恰当的?,3-22,The Changing American Family变化的美国家庭,Traditional households in decline传统的家庭结构正在逐渐消失Married couples with children = 23%结婚并有孩子的夫妇仅占家庭总数的23%Non-traditional households are growing非传统的家庭结构数量在增加Married without children = 29%已婚但没有孩子的父母占29% Single parents = 17% 单亲家庭占17%Non-family households = 32%不完整的家庭占32%(单身或同居)More working women and stay-at-home dads职业女性与待在家里爸爸们的数量在大幅上升,3-23,Geographic Shifts in Population人口地理的变动,About 15 percent of U.S. residents move each year美国每年的流动人口是其常住人口的13% Population shift toward the Sunbelt states美国的人口向阳光地带迁移 Midwest and Northeast losing population中西部和东北部的人口在急剧降低People moving to suburbs and micropolitan areas人口迁往郊区与小城市Increasing numbers of telecommuters通过电话、互联网交流的人数激增 Booming SOHO market迅速发展的SOHO市场,3-24,Geographic Shifts in Population人口地理的变动,Cisco targets the growing telecommuter market with WebEx, which lets people meet and collaborate online, no matter what their work location思科通过WebEx进入日渐增长的移动用户,WebEx能让人们随时随地在网络上进行会议和协作,3-25,A More White-Collar Population白领专业人群,U.S. population becoming better educated美国人的教育文化程度普遍较高 Workforce becoming more white-collar白领阶层的数量在上升Job growth strongest for professionalworkers and weakest for manufacturing workers专业人士的工作增长形势是最好的,制造工人的形势是最坏的。 Number of professional workers expected to increase专业人士的数量预计会持续增加,3-26,Increasing Diversity日益多样化,Ethnic groups have mixed together but maintained diversity by retaining cultural differences各种各样的民族混合到一起,但他们仍然通过保留并重视不同民族与种族间的区别来维持自身的多样性。An attractive diversity segment for marketers is the 54 million U.S. adults with disabilities具有吸引力的分类为5400万的美国成年残疾人Many major companies also explicitly target gay and lesbian consumers对营销人员许多大公司也明确将男同性恋和女同性恋作为目标消费者 Marketers design products, ads, and promotions for different groups营销人员为不同的人群设计不同的产品、广告和促销方法。,3-27,Increasing Diversity残疾人市场,Samsung features people with disabilities in its mainstream advertising and signs endorsement deals with Paralympic athletes三星公司以残疾人为专题制作了广告并且和残奥会签署了认可协议。,3-28,The Economic Environment经济环境,Economic factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns影响顾客购买力和购买方式的经济因素。,3-29,Changes in Consumer Spending顾客消费模式的变化,Changes in spending1990sconsumption frenzy, record debtEconomic crisis leads to consumer frugalityValue marketing is key to success消费行为的改变20世纪90年代消费狂潮,债务高涨经济危机导致消费者节俭 价值营销是成功的关键,3-30,Income Distribution收入和消费的改变,Top 5 percent of American earners get nearly 22 percent of the countrys adjusted gross incomeBottom 40 percent of American earners get just 12.6 percent of the total incomeUnequal distribution of income has created a tiered market收入靠前的5%的美国人赚取了国民总收入的22% 底层的40%的工薪阶层获得了12.6%的国民总收入不平等的收入分配创造了一个阶层市场,3-31,Income Distribution收入和消费的改变,To capture Indias growing middle class, Tata Motors introduced the small, affordable Tata Nano为了占领印度不断增长的中产阶级,塔塔汽车公司推出了小型且廉价的Nano汽车,3-32,The Natural Environment自然环境,Involves natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities自然环境涉及营销人员需要投入要素,或者被营销活动所影响的自然资源,3-33,Key trends include:Shortages of raw materialsIncreased pollutionIncreased government interventionFirms focus on creating environmentally sustainable strategies几个主要趋势 :原材料的匮乏 污染增加 政府加大自然资源管理干预度 许多公司都注重创造环境可持续性战略,3-34,3-35,The Natural Environment自然环境,3-36,PepsiCo reduces its footprintA solar-panel field generates heat used in Frito-Lays SunChips plantSunChips come in the worlds first 100% compostable package百事公司努力减少其环境印记 SunChips四分之三的能源来自于太阳能领域 SunChips生产世界上首个100可溶解包装,The Natural Environment自然环境,3-37,PepsiCo reduces its footprint (百事公司努力减少其环境印记 )A solar-panel field generates heat used in Frito-Lays SunChips plant(SunChips四分之三的能源来自于太阳能领域 )SunChips come in the worlds first 100% compostable package (SunChips生产世界上首个100可溶解包装),The Technological Environment技术环境,Companies that do not keep up with technological changes will soon find their products outdated (跟不上技术变革的公司,很快就会发现自身的产品过时了)Marketers should be aware of government regulations when applying new technologies and developing new products (营销人员在应用新技术和开发新产品时要注意政府的规定),3-38,3-39,创造新技术、新产品和市场机会的力量,The Technological Environment技术环境,Many firms use RFID technology to track products through various points in the distribution channel许多公司已经利用RFID技术通过各个分布感应频道来跟踪产品,3-40,3-40,Walmart encourages suppliersshipping products to its distribution centers to apply RFID tags to their pallets 沃尔玛强烈建议所有供货商把产品送到其分配中心,给他们的托盘贴上RFID标签,The Political and Social Environment政治和社会环境,Includes laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society政治环境由法律、政府机构和影响、制约各种组织及个体的压力集团构成。,3-41,Business legislation is enacted:To protect companies from each otherTo protect consumers from unfair business practicesTo protect the interests of society against unrestrained business behavior首先是保护公司 第二个目的是在不公平的商业活动中保护顾客 第三个目的是保护社会利益,Socially Responsible Behavior社会责任行为,Actively seek out ways to protect the long-run interests of consumers and the environmentDevelop policies and other responses to address social responsibility issues通过积极地寻找各种方法来保护消费者和环境的长远利益 制定各种政策以及其他反应措施来应对复杂的社会责任问题,3-43,Cause-Related Marketing公益营销,To exercise their social responsibility and build more positive images, many companies are now linking themselves to worthwhile causes为了履行社会责任和建立良好的企业形象,许多公司都积极地与那些有意义的活动相联系。,1-44,3-44,TOMS Shoes pledges: “No complicated formulas, its simple . . . you buy a pair of TOMS and we give a pair to a child on your behalf.”汤姆斯鞋业承诺:“没有复杂的公式,它很简单您购买一双汤姆斯的鞋,我们会为孩子以您的名义捐赠一双。,3-45,3-46,文化环境,核心信仰和价值观从父辈继承给后辈 通过学校、宗教、商业和政府加以强化 亚文化和价值观相比较核心信仰,亚文化更容易改变,3-47,The Cultural Environment,Core beliefs and values Passed on from parents to children Reinforced by schools, churches, business, and governmentSecondary beliefs and values More open to change than core beliefs,3-48,文化环境,一个社会的主流文化价值观通过以下方式表达:人的自我观人的他人观人的组织观人的社会观人的自然观人的宇宙观,3-49,The Cultural Environment,Societys major cultural views are expressed in peoples views of:ThemselvesOthersOrganizationsSocietyNatureThe universe,3-50,营销实践,百事焕新计划让“行善”成为百事使命和定位的一个主要因素。该项目设立了几千美元,奖励有价值的想法,3-51,Marketing at Work,The Pepsi Refresh Project makes “doing good” a major element of the brands missionThe project awards thousands of dollars in grants to fund worthwhile ideas,3-52,对营销环境的反应,反应性公司 被动的对营销环境的变化做出反应前瞻性公司 通过影响公众的行为来管理营销环境,3-53,Responding to theMarketing Environment,Reactive firms Passive, simply react to changes in the marketing environmentProactive firms - Manage the marketing environment via actions designed to affect the publics and forces in the marketing environment,3-54,对营销环境的反应,主动回应的例子:雇用游说者宣传社论式广告提出法律诉讼向监管机构投诉制订协议管束分销渠道,3-55,Responding to theMarketing Environment,Examples of proactive responsesHiring lobbyistsRunning advertorialsPressing lawsuitsFiling complaints with regulatorsForming agreements to control distribution channels,3-56,营销实践,互联网使得消费者更容易分享产品信息维护公司的线上声誉至关重要,3-57,波音公司对Harry Winsor的飞机模型的莽撞态度迅速让全国家喻户晓。波音公司迅速担当责任并将潜在的公关危机化为正面事件。,Marketing at Work,The Internet makes it easier for consumers to share information about productsIt is essential for companies to manage their online reputations well,3-58,Boeings embarrassing blunder over young Harry Winsors airplane design made instant national news, a potential disaster that Boeing managed to turn positive,休息站:概念回顾,描述影响公司向客户提供服务能力的环境因素掌握环境中的人口和经济因素是如何影响营销决策的确定公司自然和技术环境的主要趋势了解政治和文化环境的主要变化了解公司对营销环境的反应情况,3-59,Rest Stop: Reviewing the Concepts,Describe the environmental forces that affect the companys ability to serve its customersExplain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisionsIdentify the major trends in the firms natural and technological environmentsExplain the key changes in the political and cultural environmentsDiscuss how companies can react to the marketing environment,3-60,